Thursday, January 29, 2009

Do You Want to Succeed In Marketing? Ten Things You Must Do.

By Lillian Latham

The ten reasons people succeed have nothing to do with internet marketing, they are character traits and they have been described in detail by Dr. Phil, Oprah's mentor. You will find him at

Through years of study and observation Dr. Phil has found that successful people share in a common mindset. These are the qualities you must cultivate if you want to be successful.

1. Vision - You first have to know what you want to do in other words you need to have a vision of your goal. You have to see it in your mind, feel what is is like to experience success and then you need to write it down. Failing to plan is planning to fail.

2. Strategies. A strategy for obtaining their goal is common for people who consistently win. A clear and thoughtful strategy in writing shows them what they have to do and when they have to do it to achieve their aims. They are also able to avoid any actions that don't contribute to achieving their goal.

3. Successful Marketers are passionate about their goals. You have to be excited to get up in the morning? People with a passion are, and they're energized about what they are doing. You need to live and breathe what it is you want, and be passionately invested in both the journey and the goal.

4. Successful marketers see the truth. People who consistently win have no room in their lives for denial, fantasy or fiction. They are self-critical rather than self deluding, and they hold themselves to high but realistic standards. They deal with the truth, since they recognize that nothing else will make their vision obtainable.

5. Are Flexible. Flexibility in any new endeavour is crucial. The successful marketer realizes his learning curve starting out is very steep and he is going to make mistakes. They see the mistakes as lessons rather than disasters and and to paraphrase President Obama they understand that they have to 'pick themself up, brush themself off and start all over again'.

6. Take Risks. Risk taking and a willingness to get out of your comfort zone is crucial. You need to welcom the new and uncomfortable challenge and be prepared to take it on.

7. Have a Team. Success breads success and positive people encourage it. Only have people in your life that have the same positive goals that you do. These people will want you to succeed and will encourage you towards your goal We all need a cheering section, make sure yours is filled people will move with you toward your goal and encourage you when you get downhearted. Try to find people who have skills, talents and abilities that you do not and you will have a mutual support group.

8. Take Action - Action is the most important quality for success. Just Do it! Don't sit and think about what you need to do, get on with it steadily and persistently. The story of the tortoise and the hare is one that all successful marketers take as a model. Russell Brunson of Dot Com Secrets fame has a motto READY, FIRE, AIM. To many good ideas die because the people who had them are still perfecting them.

9. People who are consistent winners manage their challenges. They recognize what is priority number one and spend time on it. There is no point in spending time on priority 2 and 3, if priority number 1 is still waiting to be done.

10. Successful marketers manage themselves. They recognize that they are the most important resource they have and look after their mental, physical and emotional and spiritual health.

Mindset and attitude are the most important things for you to work on. With the wrong mindset failure is inevitable.

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