Friday, January 30, 2009

Instantly Blog News Stories

By Ian Pelham

Using blogs to document news stories as breaking news is an exciting yet controversial aspect of the blogging technology. One can blog almost instantaneously and update the news before it hits the regular web news or even television.

Unlike news delivered by these types of media, blog news doesnt require editors and others who administrate the news so it gets to the public eye much faster. There are advantages and disadvantages to this medium.

One example where blogs hit the media before the press took place during the bombing of a London subway in July 2005.

Pictures were taken of the passengers at the scene and within an hour, they had hit the press. Such first-person accounts were seen by blog readers everywhere in an uncensored and personal way.

First-person accounts of the catastrophe began appearing on blogs soon after these photos appeared, and people all over the world learned about the events in London by reading the words and seeing the photos posted by bloggers.

This has the potential to be the beginning of an exciting new era of reporting, one that takes "New Journalism" to it's logical next step by putting the power to shape how the news is written and read directly into the hands of the public.

Many bloggers and cultural commentators who are champions of the weblog movement feel that this growing trend of individuals who getting their news from blogs is a good thing, because it makes the flow of information more democratic.

It decentralizes the control over the news and blogs allow more people to enter the field of current events. There are those, however, who are adamantly opposed to this type of journalism.

Unlike newspapers or television stations, few blogs have fact-checkers, and there is little attention paid to journalistic accountability on many blogs. This can lead to the rapid spread of misinformation, and more than one falsehood has taken the blogosphere by storm.

There are complicated issues around whether or not blogging news as it happens is an ethical thing. No matter where you stand on the issue, however, you are sure to agree that this is a fascinating new method that is destined to change the news industry.

If you find yourself interested in consolidation, debt and other financial topics and love blogging, you can blog yourself and share what you know about these topics. There are techniques to making and managing money are extremely popular topics and many bloggers are blogging on money and debt issues.

Falling into debt is all too easy, and getting out of debt can be very difficult for people who do not have a lot of financial expertise. For people who have a knack for dealing with finances, blogging about their insights and knowledge can be a great way to literally and figuratively share the wealth.

If you are considering getting into blogging, consolidation, debt, savings, and investment topics can prove to be very fruitful things to write about. Many professional bloggers who make a living off of their blogs spend their days writing about money.

If you find that youre knowledgeable on negotiating settings with credit card companies, loan consolidation and other money issues, share that knowledge in a worthwhile blog.

By sharing your expertise, you may be able to help your readers get out of debt while you reap sizable monetary rewards for your time and knowledge.

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