Wednesday, December 31, 2008

5 Biggest Mistakes of New Internet Marketers

By Amy Nutt

Internet marketing has become increasingly popular over the past few years and many people are just starting to venture into earning money online. Unfortunately, if you don`t know what you`re doing, you`ll be quite likely to make some mistakes that could cost you big time. Being aware of what the biggest mistakes that newbies make is a good step toward being successful.

Here, we`ll be looking at the top five mistakes that internet marketers make in their first year. By understanding what goes wrong, you will be better able to avoid these same errors yourself.

1. Underestimating the workload. If you believe everything you read online, it seems that you can simply throw up an automated website, grab some email addresses and you`re off to the races. Unfortunately, the real world doesn't work that way. Even the big name gurus who would like you to believe that you can magically rake in the money overnight had to work at it. Internet marketing is definitely a good way to earn money and it can eventually become relatively passive income, but you definitely need to put in the work at the beginning to make it work.

2. Jumping into the "earn money online" niche. Just look around the internet and you`ll find hundreds of people telling you how to earn money online. How many of these people actually earned money online before telling others how to do it? You`d be amazed at how many internet marketers are struggling, even as they attempt to lead others. If you aren`t earning online, don`t even think about trying to teach others. Look for a niche that is less competitive and one that you can actually stand out in.

3. Throwing money at the problem. Every business requires some start up money, but that doesn't mean you have to go crazy about it. You can learn a lot online just by reading articles and then making a few well thought out purchases. Most newbie internet marketers go ahead and start up pay per click campaigns to help drive traffic. While PPC can be a great way to bring in traffic, if you don`t fully understand how to use it, you`ll just end up losing money. Take the time to research and understand where your money is going.

4. Being too general. A sporting goods website might do alright, but in most cases, there is just too much competition for general ideas. Instead, look for micro-niches, like "protective sports footwear", which will have less competition and still a healthy amount of traffic. It pays to get specific. Even if you are thinking of doing this with several micro-niches, stick to one until it works, then you can branch out.

5. Giving up too soon. It`s a sad fact that most new internet marketers give up just before they could have been successful. Just because your idea didn't hit pay dirt in the first week doesn't mean it`s a bad idea. If you continue on, you`ll likely find that with a bit more publicity and hard work, you can make it happen, just so long as you stick with the original idea.

Internet marketing isn't quite as easy as the gurus make it sound, though it is definitely a great way to earn a living. As long as you go into it with realistic expectations and ready to stick with your plans and ideas for the long haul, you are quite likely to find success. Make sure you do your research, investigating everything you can on your topic and then just go on and do it. You`ll never succeed if you don`t try.

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Chiropractic Video Marketing Made Ridiculously Simple

By Matthew Loop, DC

No one could have guessed how phenomenally successful social networks like YouTube, Facebook, and MySpace would become. The power and potential of these top sites are mind boggling. When in 2005 I began to introduce the power of these sites to chiropractors and show them the impact it could have on their marketing, I knew that web 2.0 could bring all of them phenomenal marketing success in these difficult times. Knowing all this, I still couldn't even fathom the remarkable success that was really still to come.

And that wasn't the end of it either. I was able to save a remarkable amount of time by leveraging tasks, and was able to use web 2.0 and all its services at absolutely no cost. No wonder expensive marketing firms are working like crazy to find new clients to charge loads of money. They sense the end is near, because the real power of SEO and web 2.0 can be unleashed on your own! When I started to introduce myself to my community three years ago using MySpace, I was meeting nearly 50 people a day online. The traffic this drew to my website was unheard of. Soon enough, calls from potential patients starting coming in.

Marketing on social media can yield instant results but it's absolutely phenomenal for positioning yourself in the long-term! It's similar to planting seeds within the community and getting into every nook-and-cranny possible. If you set yourself up correctly, you can brand yourself as an authority in whatever specialty you choose and gain trust and credibility with your community. Then, you can keep tabs and consistently build top-of-the-mind awareness with the friends and subscriber lists that you've built. The avalanche occurs after you've amassed several thousand people that you keep in touch with regularly that need you or refer new patients to your chiropractic practice for the conditions that you treat.

Online video submission is really the powerhouse of chiropractic marketing. It is the basis of my success, and the secrets of it are taught to my students. By making regular videos, you can greatly increase your standing as a chiropractor in the community. When you learn the right tricks and know the appropriate services where you can upload your videos, the potential is amazing. Just a tip: make sure you always compress your video before submitting. Use a program like Windows Movie Maker for PC or iMovie for the Mac.

I noticed a while back that videos receive tremendous index status in the major search engines. When you understand the basics of optimization, you can begin to see your material reach top billing as well. When the most highly targeted visitors see your videos and get the link to your website, you officially have the internet working for you and your chiropractic practice 24 hours a day. My new patients said they felt like they already knew me, even before stepping into my office. That says a lot! When I provide new health and chiropractic information over the internet to help and inform people, they sense that they're not getting junk or spam. They're getting information and support they can trust.

There has never been a better time to begin to learn chiropractic video marketing for your practice. In fact, did you know that over 50% of all online content today is video? More and more folks turn to and search the internet every day for solutions to their aches and pains. If they begin to see you blanket the search engines, this will build social proof just by the sheer number of listings and videos that you have. You can be your own PR machine and untouchable by the competition.

It's truly awesome when you have the ability to give people a tour of your office, so that they can really see where you work and the environment of your practice. I know it sounds funny, but I carry my video camera and tripod with me everywhere, because I'm always inspired by some new idea for an informational video and promo for my chiropractic practice. I've shot videos everywhere! It says something about the success of my practice that I've made promo videos in the office, at home, in the mountains, near oceans, and even in Costa Rica! Wouldn't you like to hear answers about your back pain from someone sitting in a majestic location? Viewers come with me on this journey, and are better able to trust me when I speak to them in the flattering natural light.

In your chiropractic video marketing campaigns, make sure to also crank-out at least 1-2 videos per week. You can do them yourself or outsource production. If you outsource, though, you will pay a pretty penny. I recommend doing it yourself, as it's so simple and free. It's also a good idea to invite people to subscribe to your YouTube video channel at the end of your video messages. If you directly ask them, they will be more inclined to do so.

It's so important to have a good time when you're making these videos. If you're relaxed, having fun, and educating people, then you're putting yourself in the best possible light, and that will mean that people will see you as someone they want to turn to when they need a chiropractor. When you continuously put out information that people enjoy hearing and want to learn from, then your power in the community rapidly expands.

Lastly, find a chiropractic coach with a proven track record who's been leveraging social media and social networking the past several years. Since the social media landscape is so vast, it's a good idea to find a consultant that solely specializes in this type of chiropractic marketing. This is not the type of material that can be effectively taught for an hour at a multi-topic seminar. After you find your mentor, hang-on for one incredible ride. Your chiropractic practice and business live may never be the same again!

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Koolphone is the Best Way to Get Your Free Cellphone

By Free Wireless

There is a better way to get a free wireless phone. No standing in line and filling out forms. Koolphone makes ordering online quick, secure and easy. Click here for FREE Cell Phones

How do you choose a cell phone and calling plan that is right for you? Over the life of your phone, the calling plan service will cost much more than the phone itself-especially if the phone is free. You should choose the most cost-effective calling plan from a carrier with good coverage in your area. With all the competition for subscribers, monthly and per-minute costs of wireless calling plans have gone down dramatically.

Subscribers can keep their existing wireless phone number and even their landline based numbers when starting or transferring service to a new carrier. With the right calling plan, a wireless phone shouldn't cost much more than a landline phone. Every day more people are switching to wireless and giving up their landline service altogether.

There are a few terms you need to be familiar with. TALK TIME: The total amount of phone use, typically measured in minutes, for both calls placed and calls received. PEAK MINUTES: Talk time minutes used during the prime calling periods when the carrier networks are most active, typically between 6am and 9pm Monday through Friday. OFF PEAK MINUTES: Talk Time minutes used outside of prime calling periods. ROAMING: Refers to any wireless phone used outside of a customer's home calling area or carrier network coverage. MOBILE-TO-MOBILE MINUTES: Minutes used for calling or receiving calls from another customer on your carrier's service network.

Today's wireless phones enable you to send and receive instant messages, check or send e-mails, and synchronize with your PC contacts, e-mail, calendars, and more. These features make the truly wireless lifestyle a reality.

Choose the wireless carrier you want and your activated phone will be shipped direct to you. The Koolphone Wireless Store is powered by InPhonic the nation's leading online provider of wireless services and phones providing secure shopping, rapid activation and real-time online order status and tracking. Click here for FREE Cell Phones

With Koolphone you can compare prices and availability from all major U.S. carriers. T-Mobile, Verizon, Cingular, Nextel, Sprint, Alltel and Liberty Wireless. Wireless phones by every major manufacturer including Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola and more. Only name brand wireless phones with full U.S. warranties.

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New Slatwall Shopfittings for Versatile Retail Display

By David Murphy

Due to advances in slatwall component technology, it is now easier than ever for retailers to construct a quality, long-lasting display. Everything from "no brackets required" exists now, and the flexibility and ease with which displays can now be customized is absolutely astounding! In addition, slatwall components come in many types of materials, from plastic to metal, and in a wide variety of sizes, which again leads itself to the variety and uniformity, and of course, longevity of a display.

Existing fittings on walls that require a solid slatwall panel, can be taken down effortlessly, by replacing the solid panel with a slatted panel, saving costs to the retailer in both fixtures and man hours to complete the changes. These panels are usually the panel of choice for displays requiring a tiered effect, with retail items displayed in as many tiers as wished, top to bottom. This "viewable" set up can be a great sales booster and one of the many reasons the slatted slatwall panels continues to be so popular.

Everything from timber applications to plastics exists now, alongside aluminum products, and quality retail fixtures have advanced to the point where many times the organizational needs of business offices as well as homeowners are being met with slatwall components

Of course, this all ties into the quality and flexibility offered by a shopfitting service, and care must be given when purchasing to both the quality and flexibility, or the slatwall components will not necessarily fit the needs of the purchaser.

An eye towards quality, flexibility and durability of the components will go a long way towards assuring that all needs of the purchaser are met each and every time. Choosing slatwall components that do the job is now easier than ever and the trend towards improvement in the components continues to grow.

Fixtures give the needed flexibility to panels and the panels then can be used for both wall-mounted displays and freestanding floor displays. From small, individualistic freestanding displays, to the display of heavier, bulkier, wall-mounted merchandise, panel store fixtures live up to the task each and every time. Set up and take down times are cut drastically with the use of panel store fixtures, leading this to be a very cost effective and time management effective method of retail display.

Panel store fixtures are used with slatted panels, and include such devices as slatwall inserts, and slatwall mouldings, which turn the panels into a myriad of advertising displays. Inserts are available in a variety of compositions, from aluminum to plastic.

Making space is almost a necessity in many businesses and homes, and the shopfitting industry as a whole is seeing an upsurge in purchases of their products from both businesses and homeowners.

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Some Fail Safe Measures For Successful Email Marketing Campaigns

By Jeff Dedrick

Most of the people who are involved in online business know that E-mail marketing is not so easy. It is very arduous task to build an E-mail list and many entrepreneurs would have experienced it. You can find ample number of lists which offers hundreds and thousands of E-mail addresses. But the main challenge lies in building a successful opt-in list.

Let's face it - you are only one of the hundreds of marketers who are using that same email list. So chances are that the majority of these recipients will not read your email at all. Your success will depend on the small percentage of prospects who will actually read the email. So it's important to create a positive impact on this handful of people.

You must be cautious on the source of opt-in list you get and also must be careful about the way you treat your subscribers. The relationship must be efficiently managed in order to build a long lasting trust towards your subscriber. People who sign up through your website are safe to add to your e-mail list, because they have agreed to receive mails from you.

It is safe to include them in your email list. Visiting cards of senior executives, who drop in at your trade show counters, will also provide you with some good email addresses. In case you have purchased an email list, try to send emails to only those recipients who are OK with receiving third party emails.

Let your subscribers opt to choose what kind of email they should receive. To retain your email subscribers you must ensure that you do not overwhelm them by mailing with advertising stuffs. You must keep an eye on your campaign, would give you an idea of the content or offers that work best with your subscribers. There are some subscribers who would opt-out from time to time. So you do not get depressed, as this will give you a rough idea on why would people choose to opt out. It is always better that you offer them with a feed back form.

If you don't want your subscribers to opt-out of your list then take all the necessary steps to ensure that your mails do not bother them. The most common dilemma that most of the subscribers face is mixing up the data fields, or leaving an important field blank. So it is better to offer them with a question while signing up, as to how many e-mails they would like to receive per day or per week. The success of an email marketing campaign depends mainly on the number of prospects that you retain.

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Generating Revenue With Carefully Designed Website

By Ferdinand Mekinsy

In reality, you do not have to offer such a "heavyweight" download such as a full-feature software like iTunes. You can attract prospects equally well with some quality freebies such as a simple report, a free wallpaper, and so on. The important thing is that your download offers enough value for the prospect to be willing to give away his/her own email address to get it.

Reducing Load Time Through Image Optimization:Even though more and more Internet users switch to broadband every year, a large portion of the web's population is still running on good old dialup connections. It is therefore unwise to count them out of the equation when you're designing your website, and a very major consideration we have to make for dialup users is the loading time of your website.

Generating Revenue With Good Planning:For anything to work well, care must be taken to make firm, workable plans to execute it and the same goes for website designs. With a well thought out website design, you will be able to create a site that generates multiple streams of revenue for you. In fact, may websites turn into online wasteland because they are not well planned and do not get a single visitor. Gradually, the webmaster will not be motivated to update it anymore and it turns into wasted cyberspace.

Another route you can take is to design your website yourself. Think about it, if you only need 5 simple pages to present some simple information, why waste hundreds of dollars for it? Just spend a little time to sit down and do it yourself. You'll be able to design your own sites even if you do not know a single line of HTML code with the help of WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) programs such as Microsoft Frontpage, Macromedia Dreamweaver and so on.

When you have a broader, better-defined scope of themes for your website, you can sell space on your pages to people interested in advertising on your page. You can also earn from programs like Google's Adsense and Yahoo! Search Marketing if people surf to those themed pages and click on the ads. For this very reason, the advertisement blocks on your pages need to be relevant to the content, so a themed page fits that criteria perfectly.

Apply visual representations for the problems and solutions that your product offers. Not everyone will read your text copy from the head to the tail, but most people will pay attention to images on your website.

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What Are The Most Popular Types Of Display Stands?

By Amy Nutt

When it is time to promote your products at a trade show, the right type of display stand can make or break the event. There are a number of different types of display stands available for purchase that can enhance the look of the trade show display and each one have a number of different properties that may make them more or less appropriate for your particular display. When choosing a type of display stand for your trade show display, it is important to keep in mind what type of area the display stand will be used in, the amount of space available, and what you will need to have displayed.

One of the most popular types of display stands used for trade shows is the table top display. These display stands are typically designed as a tri-fold display and are proportioned to be able to stand on the top of the typical display table. These are some of the smallest types of display stands available, even though they can be found in multiple sizes from small to large. These are also some of the most inexpensive types of display stands as they are typically created from inexpensive materials that are completely covered by colored paper or fabric.

Another popular type of display stand for a trade show display is the banner display stand. These display stands are one of the tallest types of display stands available, but are not very wide. The banner display stands are typically purchased in pairs to place on either side of the trade show booth and will either display the name of the company or the name of the product that the people at the trade show would be interested in. Many companies like these type of display stands because they are attention getting and are high enough to be seen over other types of display stands.

If the person is looking for a larger display stand that is easy to set up, they may be interested in a pop up floor display stand. These display stands are typically between 8 feet and 20 feet long and come in a number of different styles, including curved wall and straight wall styles. The pop up floor display stands can be ordered with fabric panels or with a custom design printed on paper covered panels. A matching podium can also be purchased to create a well put together trade show area.

There are a number of different styles of display stands available for use in trade show booths and many of the styles can be combined to create a unique configuration for the trade show. It is very important that the person ordering the display booth rentals stand have an idea of how they would like their items displayed before calling to order the display stand to make sure that they are ordering the right display stand for their needs. Having a great display stand to showcase your company or your products can be invaluable for attention during a trade show and, in many cases, that is what gives your company the edge over the competition.

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Make Your UK Website Popular

By Russell G. Stuart

One in every three households uses the internet to surf, to gather information and to shop. Buying and selling through the net has become common and will definitely be more common in the near future. Hence it makes sense for business companies to have a website of their own. Designing a beautiful website with all facilities is good but if there are no visitors then there is no business either. A beautiful website is like a shop on the high street which people may see but if they have to enter and shop, they need incentives and encouraging approach.

They do not claim to be magicians with a magic wand which will change everything in a jiffy. They do not confuse the client nor do they use long terms and difficult ones. They are merely experienced people who think the way the search engines do and advise you on how to go about it. Your website will then have more visitors, more hits and more business. There will be extra traffic and better sales and you can pay with easy payment terms. They accept payment on results, so confident are they about themselves.

They are not magicians who wave a magic wand and the results appear. They are merely experienced people specializing in their job so that their clients benefit and the companies have more traffic, more sales and more profits.

They will suggest keywords which will make your website higher than your competitors'. They will suggest ways and means to enhance the traffic. They have various strategies and methods like Website Design UK, Search Engine Optimization UK, Link Building, Pay per Click and others and they use MSN, Google and Yahoo for it. Ethical SEO UK, PPC Services UK, Pay per Click UK, Google adwords Professional UK, Google Consultant UK and other names are placed on page one of Google and you can choose.

The Pay per Click method assures you of instant traffic to your website as soon as you register. You pay Google to be listed as a sponsored site on a relevant results page. It is a powerful marketing tool which is successful in UK especially as per their track record.

UK companies are using professional help to increase traffic to their websites. There is a lot more than just designing an attractive website. People should be able to locate it as soon as they go to the net. And once they are there, there should be enough focus in directing customers to the website. Here the contents should be beautifully placed and easy to navigate so that customers are tempted to buy. The website should be browser friendly too.

The online marketplace is very competitive. Various methods like Joomla, WordPress and OS Commerce are ones which can be chosen. Professional Web Site Design for UK Companies offers full facilities for the companies and produces good results.

Today even household companies like Tesco, Vodaphone and others see internet as an integral part of their marketing strategy. Statistics show that one in three households use the net to surf, browse and search for information. The SEO UK offer affordable rates for their services and they have a good track record to prove what they claim.

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Infos - Your Customers Wallet

By Jonas Milkei

One way of promoting your website and product can be achieved for free. As an additional bonus, this "free" method can boost your sites and sales, doubling and even tripling your income. How does this work? Write articles relating to your website and submit them to "free content" submission sites. Easy to do, takes little time and can increase your website traffic, sales and of course, your income.

How can article writing boost traffic and income? The article on the free content site contains a link to your own website. Readers, after reading your articles, may choose to click on the link and pay you an unexpected visit. Having them on the free content sites is also making these articles available to other webmasters who may wish to publish that article on their site.

If they do, your article will include a link back to your site. And anyone who reads the article on that site can still click on the link to visit your site. As the list of your published articles grow larger, and more and more of them are appearing on different websites, the total number of links to your site increases also. Major search engines are placing a lot of significance on incoming links to websites so they can determine the importance of a certain site.

The more incoming links the website has, the more importance search engines attaches to it. This will then increase your website's placement in the search results. If you site is into promoting a product or service, the links that your articles have achieved will mean more potential customers for you. Even if visitors only browse through, you never know if they might be in need of what you are offering in the future.

There are also those who already have specific things that they need in their mind, but still can not choose between the many options online. Most likely they can face in one of its articles, is interested in the content that you wrote, go to your site and became attracted to their promotions. See how easy it is?

Search engines do not just index the websites, they also index published articles. They also index any article that is written about your own website's topic. So once someone searches for that same topic, the list of results will have your site or may even show the articles that you have written. And to think, no effort on your part was used to bring them to your site. Just your published articles and the search engines. It is no wonder why many webmasters are suddenly reviving their old writing styles and taking time to write more articles about their site than doing other means of promotion.

Get them known website is easier if the articles they are increasingly their links and traffic and making it available to visitors in search of the Internet. As many people are now taking their online shopping, have your site on search engines through your articles is a way of letting know about you and your business.

The good thing with articles is that you can write about things that people would want to know about. This can be achieved in the lightest mood but professional manner, with a little not-so-obvious sales pitch added. If you think about it, only a few minutes of your time is spent on writing one article and submitting to free content site. In the shortest span of time also, those are distributed to more sites than you can think of. Even before you know what is happening, you are getting more visitors than you previously had.

If you think you are wasting time writing these articles, Fast-forward to the time at which they are printed and distributed on the Internet. Not to mention the sudden attention and interest that people are giving your site and your products or services. Try to write some articles and assured him of sudden increase in site traffic, the link popularity and interest. Before you know it, you will be doubling or even tripling their income.

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Successful Lead Generation For Your MLM Business

By Jeff Dedrick

According to some marketing gurus, lead generation is the future of targeted advertising. Online lead generation is the way to go if the industry reports are to be believed. Reportedly, numerous businesses have achieved mind blowing sales figures and remarkable return on investments (ROI) using online lead generation. MLM businesses are not far ahead and are reaping the benefits of online lead generation.

And the truth is that, the life of any MLM business is the constant supply of leads. Though the cost might seem expensive, it is also possible to generate free leads online. Free MLM leads also help you to boost your return on investment (ROI).

Video marketing, on free sites such as YouTube is a popular online lead generation method. The leads generated by video marketing are mostly good quality leads that are pre qualified, and hence there is a higher chance of such leads being converted. The videos should not only be informative, but should also include interesting tips that would get a viewer hooked on to them. You can even include short video presentations on your website that answer frequently asked questions. This helps build credibility for your MLM business.

Optimizing your website for relevant and targeted keywords also helps in attracting quality traffic. By 'quality' traffic, we mean visits that get converted to leads. Believe it or not, your website does affect your sales figures. Successful businesses realize this and strive to create a strong web presence. How do you create a strong web presence through your website? The answer is simple. Your website must be able to address the visitors' concerns. A website for MLM business should be as informative as possible and should be able to capture leads through forms such as 'contact us' or 'request for information'.

You might consider adding a call back option which can be used by interested visitors. Create a blog and include useful information regarding the product or services you market in your blog posts. Update the blog regularly because search engines love fresh content.

Submitting informative articles and newsworthy press releases on free sites also help you generate good quality MLM leads. Remember to include your email address, telephone number and website URL at the end of the articles and press releases. This will help you in two ways. a) you will end up creating some incoming links or backlinks to increase the search engine visibility of your website b) people who read your articles and press releases can call you up directly if they require more information about your product. You can generate hundreds of MLM leads if you follow these simple rules.

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How Free Classifieds Come in Handy

By Alex Wu

We have been turning to the classifieds for various reasons for about three decades. These days, they are still popular. However, now we also get to take advantage of free classifieds, many of which are available on the Internet. These tend to be more convenient when it comes to finding what we need. They make things extremely quick and easy. Finding the information we need is a breeze. This can be extremely beneficial, whether you are finding or buying something.

Using the classifieds via the Internet has many other benefits as well. For one thing, you can access people and ads from literally all over the world. With the classified section in newspapers, you are restricted to the client base of that paper. You have no guarantee that anyone outside its circle will be reading it. Besides that, the classified web sites on the Internet are by and large free. In fact, the majority of them do not cost anything.

For the most part, all you have to do is sign up with a classified web site. The best part is that most of them do not charge a thing. After that, you can submit ads of your own and browse other people's ads. This makes it easy to find what you are looking for quite fast. It also makes it easy to sell what you are selling quite quickly. There will also be more people interested in your ad.

The classified ads you can find on the Internet also tend to be more organized. This makes it much easier to place ads and find the things you are looking for quickly. With a variety of categories, ranging from job positions to rooms to rent and homes to events, you can find anything quite easily.

All of this still does not point out all the benefits of Internet classifieds. Do you realize the far reaching implications? You can find a job through these ads. Freelance writers, artists, designers, and so on, can absolutely benefit from the classifieds. They can apply for jobs hundreds or thousands of miles away from where they live. You can even find homes for sale or rooms for rent, in any location you might want!

Of course, there are plenty of local ads as well. Perhaps you want to advertise an event. You have a terrific chance of reaching more people. This is true even if you are only advertising a yard sale or garage sale.

The classifieds make it easy to find what you need. It does not matter what it is. You might be looking for items, products, or services; you might be selling those things. Either way, you can reach people all over the world. This gives you a better chance to both buy and sell.

However, there are a few rules to follow if you want to place a good ad. It has to be eye catching. It has to grab a reader's attention. Not only that, but you have a better chance of finding or selling if you let your ad run for a while. This is why free ads are so helpful. You can run yours for months at no charge. This allows you to pique a lot of people's interest.

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Top Search Engine Position in 5 Easy Steps

By Asem Eltaher

The term search engine optimization (SEO) refers to the process of modifying and marketing a website for top search engine position. It is a set of methodologies aimed at improving the visibility of a website in the organic results obtained when a user surfs the internet for some information. In order to get top search engine position among your competitors, you have to make the search engines like your website. So, go on reading to learn how.

Avoid this Mistake:

Unfortunately, most of the newbie do this mistake as they think just submitting their website to the search engines would automatically lead to get some how decent website rankings. The truth is website submission associated with website optimization is your right step if you are willing to get the top search engine position and later drive massive traffic to your website.

The alternative way to target decent website rankings is to know the techniques and criteria by which a search engine ranks the websites. Then, implementing these techniques on your website would do the job for you. As an example, keyword density is an important factor to consider receiving a decent rank for your website.

How to Master your SEO Trip in 5 Simple Steps?

1. Your first task to get top search engine position is to know how important to understand the concept of keyword density. Your target keyword must be 1-3% of your article.

2. Another wise factor to get decent search engine placement is the right usage of the meta tags in your HTML code. You must include your keywords in the description and the title meta tags.

3. Keep in mind that the domain name that you select for your website is also a key element for an elegant website ranking. It should be relevant to your online business and simply describes your niche. Also, avoid this free website hosting companies as it decreases your credibility.

4. Search engine ranking does not work like set it and forget it. Keep yourself updated with the recent techniques and knowledge in this field and always look for new tools to apply to keep your high ranking.

5. In regard to your lucrative website optimization efforts, you will want to consider adding keyword enriched articles to your website. This makes your website appear more quickly in the search results list because you easily get decent positions for your articles keywords.

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Leverage your work day with Automated Income Streams.

By Josh Dill

Building automated income streams is a fun way to create a lifestyle of wealth and time freedom, and you don't have to me a internet marketing genius to do it either!

Trading your time for money is not the best way to create wealth. Anyone who is truly wealth can tell you that your much better off creating multiple income streams vs. having one or two jobs in which your earn a hourly or yearly wage.

There is little or no leverage at all when when it comes to trading time for money. The amount of money your earn is controlled by 2 things: 1) the hourly wage or salary you earn 2) the amount of time you spend on the job.

Now check this out! Lets say you have just 2 automated income streams you have created. Each earns an average of 2-3k per month and each week you spend 5 hours of your time on each A.I.S. (automated income steam). You are earning an average of $5,000 a month! The cool part about this is your only spending 40 hours a month(not a week) on your business. That's $125 per hour, not to shabby!

Couch potato lazy is not what we are aiming for here. We (I hope you too) are creating leverage in our lives by installing automated income streams. With this leverage comes the ability to do thing that give our lives meaning and purpose.

The goal of an automated income stream is not to change the world. It's sole purpose is to afford you the time and energy to create something bigger and better. With the extra time and energy you just might just start a company that will change the world. That's the true power of create automated income streams.

With the countless number of affiliate opportunities combined with the power of the internet, you truly are only limited by the boundaries you set yourself. Creating an profitable income streams online doses take time and persistence but anyone with basic computer skills can succeed.

Many people say they would do this and that but they just don't have the time and or energy to commit to anything else. That type of thinking will only keep us stuck in our current situations with out any improvement. Thankfully starting automated income streams can be done with just a couple hours a week. But it wont take long before your small time investment will be providing you a nice sized income.

About the Author:

Affiliate Tracking Info - Partners Manager

By Lara Crevena

Online, you can find a lot of tracking software affiliate programs. If you own a company that seeks to create your own affiliate program, you must familiarize yourself with all of these programs. If you need a tracking software affiliation, you will be presented with so many choices that you do not know what kind of software is best for your needs. The first step is to determine what you need and want out of the affiliate tracking software and find the program that can give you that.

In your search, it is likely that you will come across PartnersManager Affiliate Software. Whether you are the owner of a large or small online business, you may find that this software program has exactly what you need. However, it is not safe to assume that it is. Instead, you will want to further examine the PartnersManager Affiliate Software. When doing so, you will want to examine the software requirements and the services and features that are included with the program.

PartnersManager Affiliate Software requires that the system has a minimum of PHP 4.1.0. Also you need to have MySQL, version 3.23 or higher, and MySQL database. For a web service, it is recommended that you have IIS or Apache. From the above specifications are considered computer requirements, which are needed to run the program. If your computer is not equipped to handle the PartnersManager Affiliate Software, but you want to affiliate tracking this software program, customers are encouraged to update their equipment to meet its standards.

When examining any affiliate tracking software, including PartnersManager Affiliate Software, you may want to consider what it will require. This often includes installation and configuration. What's nice about PartnersManager is that it provides user manuals and downloadable demos record even before its agenda. This is important because not all software vendors to do this, even though it should. Perhaps, user manuals and demonstrations are the best way to determine whether or not the PartnersManager Affiliate Software is what you need.

With PartnersManager Affiliate Software, a detailed user's guide will not be all that you receive. Once you register for the service software, you will find that a lot is included in the purchase price. For example, all subscribers will be able to receive three months free customer support. These three months are just enough time for you to get acquainted with the software and learn how to use it without assistance. Among other features, such as cookies enabled software and detailed earnings reports are included with the software tracking affiliate.

Unlike other tracking software affiliates, PartnersManager also gives you the chance to test their services free of charge. The trial is free for a period of one month. After the trail has ended, you can decide whether you wish to continue with a subscription. This effective, but easy to use software is what so many business owners who want and need a lot to continue with the service fee. If you decide to do this too, you will not be required to pay a one-time licensing fee, there will be no monthly payments required. You will also receive updates of free software whenever they are available.

PartnersManager was and is still used by many business owners online. Of course, this does not necessarily mean that the programme will be for you, but with a little research, you should easily be able to determine if it is.

About the Author:

Online Surveys - Best for Women Looking for Cash

By Hailey Gates

Are you a stay at home or work at home mother trying to make ends meet? Women just like you get paid taking surveys for major companies on a regular basis. It's a fast way to make a few extra dollars - and those dollars can add up fast! Most attractive of all, you can do it from the comfort of your own home.

If your household is like most, you as the mom are doing a majority of the shopping. This means that you have to make daily decisions about what products will serve you and your family the best - and which ones will fit your budget! This actually makes you kind of a shopping expert.

Companies who manufacture the products you buy want to know which ones you prefer, what other things you buy, and how happy you are with the items that are available. They need this information so badly that you can get paid taking surveys that provide them with your opinion! The research is always ongoing, meaning there is never a shortage of surveys to take.

Signing up with a few major survey sites online is the fastest way to find surveys to take. You shouldn't be asked to pay money to sign up - the survey sites will already be getting a kickback for providing the companies with people to take the surveys. You are supposed to being paid by them, not the other way around!

All you need to get registered is an email address (preferably a new one) and a little spare time! Make sure you use a new password as well - NOT one that is linked to any important information. This will keep you insulated in case a site you are registered with has a security issue.

After you go through the registration process, watch your new email inbox for a confirmation email. Check to be sure it is from a site you signed up with before clicking on the verification link - links from sites you have never heard of should NOT be clicked on as they could crash your computer! Once you have been verified with the survey site, prepare to get paid taking surveys!

One last step you might be asked to complete is to fill out some demographic profiles. These collect information about you so the survey site can qualify you for surveys to take. Once you have given them the required information, you can get paid taking surveys on a wide range of products. Just keep an eye out for notification emails that let you know a survey is waiting!

It will take a little while to build a reputation as a serious survey taker, but eventually you should notice that you are receiving regular notifications and your earnings will start to climb. Keep it up, and you can make some serious money getting paid taking surveys!

About the Author:

Healthcare Services Advance With Article Marketing

By Rob Metras

The Internet is where people go to search for information without having the pressure of talking to someone in person. This is a well understood fact by many businesses especially the health care industry. These companies realize that by having their information online that more people will see it.

Some people donat realize the extent to which the healthcare industry has grown. It does not simply include doctors and hospital, but it also extends to drug companies, alternative care providers, and also the friendly nurse that assists you with everything when you do go to the hospital.

It is necessary to have information on the internet when you are providing a service or a product. Marketing on the internet can be done by posting advertisements, developing a blog, or creating and running an online store. No matter what you are providing the only way people will know about it is to advertise and have site traffic. One way that this can be accomplished is to write an article about health care marketing.

Writing a health care marketing article that is informative can help you establish yourself as an expert in your field. Provide your readers with accurate and interesting information in a manner that will keep them coming back to you again and again. Ensure you are presenting accurate information that differentiates fact from opinion and you always encourage the reader to consult with their own medical advisor before changing a current course of treatment

When you write a health care marketing article you could insert information about the product or service you are providing. This would allow people to see why it would be a good product or service to use. Links and other information about the product in the article would be a nice advertising tool without appearing to be an advertisement.

One way to generate traffic for your website is by email promotion. Once you complete an article it would be nice to include the authoras name and a link taking the readers to your site. Next, try and get bloggers and online article directories to publish your article. This way it will be passed around the Internet and will allow more people to read it.

Article directories are becoming more and more commonplace in todayas online world. An internet marketing service may be beneficial to someone who planes to post their articles into all these directories because that procedure can really take a lot of time. These services actually submit the articles for you and provide other benefits so that you can track your articles.

Anyone can profit from the healthcare industry online. You could be an affiliate selling diet pills, weight loss plans, herbal products or medical supplies. You could be a healthcare professional that provides information online and earns a profit from advertising. The possibilities are endless when it comes to the World Wide Web!

About the Author:

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Affiliate Tracking Resources - Partners Manager

By Lara Crevena

Online, you will find a large number of affiliate tracking software programs. If you are a business owner who is looking to start your own affiliate program, you will need to familiarize yourself with all of these programs. When searching for affiliate tracking software, you will be presented with so many choices that you may not know which type of software is best for your needs. The first step is to determine what you need and want to get out of affiliate tracking software and then find the program that can give you that.

In your search, it is likely that you will come across PartnersManager Affiliate Software. Whether you are the owner of a large or small online business, you may find that this software program has exactly what you need. However, it is not safe to assume that it is. Instead, you will want to further examine the PartnersManager Affiliate Software. When doing so, you will want to examine the software requirements and the services and features that are included with the program.

PartnersManager Affiliate Software requires that the system has a minimum of PHP 4.1.0. Also you need to have MySQL, version 3.23 or higher, and MySQL database. For a web service, it is recommended that you have IIS or Apache. From the above specifications are considered computer requirements, which are needed to run the program. If your computer is not equipped to handle the PartnersManager Affiliate Software, but you want to affiliate tracking this software program, customers are encouraged to update their equipment to meet its standards.

When examining any affiliate tracking software, including the PartnersManager Affiliate Software, you are advised to examine what the program will require you to do. This often includes setup and installation. What is nice about PartnersManager is that they provide you with downloadable user manuals and demos before you even signup for their program. This is important because not all software providers do this, even though they should. Perhaps, user manuals and demos are the best way to determine whether or not the PartnersManager Affiliate Software is what you need.

With PartnersManager Affiliate Software, a detailed user guide will not be all that you will receive. Once the software registration service, you will find that a large amount is included in your purchase price. For example, all subscribers will be able to receive three free months of customer service. These three months are long enough for you to become familiar with the software and learn how to use it without assistance. Other common features, such as cookies enabled software and detailed reports of income, are included with this software tracking affiliates.

Unlike other tracking software affiliates, PartnersManager also gives you the chance to test their services free of charge. The trial is free for a period of one month. After the trail has ended, you can decide whether you wish to continue with a subscription. This effective, but easy to use software is what so many business owners who want and need a lot to continue with the service fee. If you decide to do this too, you will not be required to pay a one-time licensing fee, there will be no monthly payments required. You will also receive updates of free software whenever they are available.

PartnersManager has and is still used by many business owners online. Of course, this does not necessarily mean that the program will be right for you, however, with a little research, you should easily be able to determine if it is.

About the Author:

Affiliate Tracking Resources - Partners Manager

By Lara Crevena

Online, you will find a large number of affiliate tracking software. If you are a business owner who is looking to start their own affiliate program, you will need to become familiar with all these programs. When searching for affiliate tracking software, you will be presented with many options that you may not know what kind of software is best for your needs. The first step is to determine what they need and want to leave affiliate tracking software, and then find a program that can give you that.

In your research, it is likely that you will find PartnersManager Affiliate Software. Whether you own a small or large business online, you may find that this software has exactly what you need. However, it is not reasonable to believe that this is the case. Instead, you want to investigate further the PartnersManager Affiliate Software. In doing so, you want to consider the needs of software and services and features that are included in the program.

PartnersManager Affiliate Software requires that the system has a minimum of PHP 4.1.0. Also you need to have MySQL, version 3.23 or higher, and MySQL database. For a web service, it is recommended that you have IIS or Apache. From the above specifications are considered computer requirements, which are needed to run the program. If your computer is not equipped to handle the PartnersManager Affiliate Software, but you want to affiliate tracking this software program, customers are encouraged to update their equipment to meet its standards.

When considering any affiliate tracking software, including membership PartnersManager Software, we advise you to consider what you will be asked to do so. This often includes configuration and installation. What is pleasing about PartnersManager is that they provide you with manuals downloadable demos and even before the recording of their program. This is important because all the software vendors to do this, although they should. Maybe, manuals and demos are the best way to determine whether or not the PartnersManager Affiliate Software is what you need.

With PartnersManager Affiliate Software, a detailed user guide will not be all that you will receive. Once the software registration service, you will find that a large amount is included in your purchase price. For example, all subscribers will be able to receive three free months of customer service. These three months are long enough for you to become familiar with the software and learn how to use it without assistance. Other common features, such as cookies enabled software and detailed reports of income, are included with this software tracking affiliates.

Unlike other tracking software affiliate, PartnersManager also gives you the option to test its service for free. This is for a free trial period of one month. After crossing the period has been completed, we can determine whether or not you would like to continue subscription. This effective, but easy to use software program is what many business owners want and need that many continue with the payment service. If you do well, you only have to pay a single license fee, there will be no monthly payments required. You will also receive free software upgrades whenever they become available.

PartnersManager was and is still used by many business owners online. Of course, this does not necessarily mean that the programme will be for you, but with a little research, you should easily be able to determine if it is.

About the Author:

Resources - The easiest Way to Create Articles

By Marc Foster

There are many webmasters who wrote articles to find their site is very tedious. Many people who need to write articles procrastinate as much as they can to delay the amount of writing they need to do. Many people dread writing articles, as they are researching the topic and write original materials will be too taxing on them. You must have your creative juices flowing and just downloading an article would be tantamount to plagiarism or steal, not exactly. Have you ever heard the public domain? These articles are written by many authors who have declared their works to be in the public domain, which means that anyone can use it for whatever purpose they want.

While most authors prefer their work to the copyright of their rights, there are also a number that do not mind sharing their work. Public domain articles are not owned by anyone and can be used and abused by anyone. The authors have renounced their rights to their works and are out there for public use. You can use the public domain articles to help you write your articles. With the public domain articles simply can edit your own style and rewrite them as you please to make it suitable for their needs. All ideas are already there and it's just a matter of finding the writing the article with the topic or subject you need.

This is probably the easiest way to write articles. You don't need to scour around the library or the internet for hours for information and start an article from scratch. For webmasters who are looking for articles to fill their site and to generate a high ranking for their website in search engine results, they can just modify the article by infusing keywords and keyword phrases related to their site. A webmaster or website operator does not risk any chance of getting sued for copyright infringement because they are public domain, once again meaning that anybody can use it. Writing articles by using public domain won't require as much work as writing one from scratch would. You save a lot of time also.

A good factor in the use of the public domain for articles on your site, or any other, is that you save a lot of money. You dismiss the need to hire experienced and seasoned writers, some operators of Web sites use to write their articles. Even if a single article written five hundred do you set down 10 to 15 dollars, the cost will increase dramatically when you need hundreds of items to meet the needs of your site.

For items that need to generate news bulletins or an electronic magazine, articles in the public domain will be very beneficial. There is a need for payment of taxpayers or writers to write articles for its electronic newsletter or magazine. You can fill all the pages without any cost or the concerns of being sued and sought by the writers. You can simply copy the items and place them on your newsletter and e-zine.

Public domain, the articles are a virtual untapped resource that many people do not realize the true value. The power articles, keywords and phrases were considered valuable in recent years, many businesses on the Internet and sites that want to rank high in search engine results.

The number of article and content writers has grown significantly due to the rise in the demand for articles. As newer and newer topics and subjects have arisen, there are many demands for new articles to be written. An industry has been formed and this is a worldwide demand. Public domain articles have given a great alternative for those who are cash strapped as well as do not have the time or the skills to do their articles for themselves.

About the Author:

How Much do Portable Display Stands Cost on Average?

By Amy Nutt

Having a trade show display is something that more companies need to try. This is because a lot of people come to trade shows. They not only come to see what they can get their hands on, but they like to see what the different companies are offering. Yes, some do come just for the freebies, but there are plenty of individuals who come for the educational value of it all. That is why it is very important to have portable display stands as a part of your trade show display.

There are different types of portable display stands that you can use for your trade show display. It is basically up to you which you get. You can base it on your budget and your style.

Different types of display stands

First of all portable display stands can have several different holders. This means that you will be able to hold more than just one brochure or flyer. You're going to be able to hold much more than that. So here is a rundown of what you may encounter when looking for the right portable display stands for your trade show booth:

- You can get curved display stands or a literature rack that holds multiple pieces of literature for anywhere between $175 and $200. These are units that sit on the floor, but they can set up quickly. They usually fold up in some way.

- There are fabric displays that can cost you under $100.

- You can find tabletop displays for under $100 and still hold multiple pieces of literature.

- You may even find that a rotating magazine rack is the way in which you can display your literature. This is something that may still cost you anywhere from $90 to $125.

- There are lighted displays that may cost you around $500. This is one of the most expensive units you can invest in.

There are so many different types of display stands. What you pay depends on what your style and of course if you decide that display booth rentals is the way to go. You may choose something super sophisticated, which will come packed with a sophisticated price. Then again, you may choose something that is modest with a modest price. You have so many choices and so many price ranges to choose from. That means you're not going to have a hard time choosing the right display stands for your trade show booth.

Why use display stands?

When distributing literature, you don?t want to have to lay the literature down flat upon the table you're using in your trade show booth. This is because it gets knocked around and can look really messy. People will sit their things on top of them. Fanning them out on a table also means you're using up space that could be used to display your product or something else important. Even using a tabletop display stand will save a lot of room and keep things organized.

So for the sake of your image, it is a good idea to use portable display stands for your literature. That way you look really professional and people are able to freely grab information about you and your product. People like it when literature is made available to them and you're going to like it too. You?re going to like it because that means you have possible new customers. That means you're going to make even more money, which is made possible by setting up a trade show booth and being organized with that booth. That means you have made the trade show and your display work for you. It's just a matter of finding the materials that will serve you best.

About the Author:

Affiliate Tracking Tips - Partners Manager

By Lara Crevena

Online, you will find a large number of affiliate tracking software programs. If you are a business owner who is looking to start your own affiliate program, you will need to familiarize yourself with all of these programs. When searching for affiliate tracking software, you will be presented with so many choices that you may not know which type of software is best for your needs. The first step is to determine what you need and want to get out of affiliate tracking software and then find the program that can give you that.

In your search, it is likely that you will come across PartnersManager Affiliate Software. Whether you are the owner of a large or small online business, you may find that this software program has exactly what you need. However, it is not safe to assume that it is. Instead, you will want to further examine the PartnersManager Affiliate Software. When doing so, you will want to examine the software requirements and the services and features that are included with the program.

PartnersManager Affiliate Software requires that the system has a minimum of PHP 4.1.0. Also you need to have MySQL, version 3.23 or higher, and MySQL database. For a web service, it is recommended that you have IIS or Apache. From the above specifications are considered computer requirements, which are needed to run the program. If your computer is not equipped to handle the PartnersManager Affiliate Software, but you want to affiliate tracking this software program, customers are encouraged to update their equipment to meet its standards.

When examining any affiliate tracking software, including the PartnersManager Affiliate Software, you are advised to examine what the program will require you to do. This often includes setup and installation. What is nice about PartnersManager is that they provide you with downloadable user manuals and demos before you even signup for their program. This is important because not all software providers do this, even though they should. Perhaps, user manuals and demos are the best way to determine whether or not the PartnersManager Affiliate Software is what you need.

With PartnersManager Affiliate Software, a detailed user guide will not be all that you will receive. Once you signup for the software service, you will find that a lot is included in their purchase price. For instance, all subscribers will be able to receive three free months of customer support. These three months are just enough time for you to familiarize yourself with the software and learn to use it without assistance. Other common features, such as cookie enabled software and detailed earnings reports, are included with this affiliate tracking software.

Unlike other tracking software affiliates, PartnersManager also gives you the chance to test their services free of charge. The trial is free for a period of one month. After the trail has ended, you can decide whether you wish to continue with a subscription. This effective, but easy to use software is what so many business owners who want and need a lot to continue with the service fee. If you decide to do this too, you will not be required to pay a one-time licensing fee, there will be no monthly payments required. You will also receive updates of free software whenever they are available.

PartnersManager was and is still used by many business owners online. Of course, this does not necessarily mean that the programme will be for you, but with a little research, you should easily be able to determine if it is.

About the Author:

Affiliate Marketing Basics

By Don Bethune

Affiliate marketing are a group of marketing programs which allow advertisers to reimburse webmasters for putting up advertisements on their webpage or within the e-mails they send. In the same way an particular company would pay for space in the newspaper or on a billboard, they pay for space on your website.

Due to its simplicity of operation the affiliate marketing program has become the most famous methods of how to make money from home. This program can suit to anyone and everyone on this planet. Even housewives who dream of a ahome business work at homea can earn from this.

From the above lines a simple question arises. How and why do advertisers pay to webmasters for just putting up their advertisements? Well the answer is more than simple. Webmasters who receive several thousands hits a day on their webpage are among the top that are posted on various search engines.

The more traffic the site sees, the more likely a user is to click through the ad link on a website. Paying for ad space on these popular sites can potentially result in hundreds of new customers each day. Advertising space is therefore priced based on the hits that the website receives.

Advertisers using affiliate marketing programs to place ads on a website other than their own arrange payments into several different reimbursement types or payment scales. Some of the most common pay scales are referred to as per click, per thousand, per action, per lead, and many others.

Similar analogies stand for the others. For example cost per thousand means getting paid for a thousand clicks of the advertisers adds and cost per action means getting paid everytime a certain action is performed. Cost per lead is similar to cost per action.

How do webmasters choose the right affiliate marketing program for their websites? Many simply search the internet! The best way to determine which program best suits a webmaster is to search for affiliate programs, evaluate the payments schedules, and determine if ad placement is suitable for their site (size and location requirements).

Income from affiliate marketing can vary widely and is highly dependent on the number of hits your website receives. Another consideration is that part or all of the income generated may be considered taxable income on the city, state, or federal level; it is best to check with your local tax office. Regardless, the income potential is boundless and worth looking into if you have the space on your website.

About the Author:

Options for Email Marketing

By Jeff Dedrick

If you are looking for email marketing solution for your business then you should do proper research before finalising anything. You should explore all the viable options and their expenses. You must be able to identify how each of them can be helpful for your business and customers.

The two top choices for your e-mail marketing today are Aweber and GetResponse. Both are designed to serve corporate clients who have or will have lists numbering in the hundreds of thousands. Even if your list isn't huge, though, both services will suit your needs. Aweber, for example, allows its clients to have more than 25,000 subscribers, but only requires that you pay for your actual amount of subscribers. If your list grows, you can upgrade at any time.

It is totally up to you how you want to make the payment. You can either pay on a monthly basis or yearly basis. It is beneficial to pay annually as it will cost less on your pocket and save you from the hassle of making payment every month. It is better to contact Aweber to give you a custom quote in case you have more than 25,000 subscribers.

While many sights can accommodate an email campaign with numbers around 10,000 people, many will ask if you have more than that to contact them. The charge for extra names is minimal per month, and may be very well worth the investment to you.

You can trust either of the two companies for email deliverability. Both these companies go by the CAN-SPAM act of 2003 and guarantee you a confirmed email delivery. They send your emails legally and emails are never marked as spam.

Even though GetResponse and Aweber are in compliance with the CAN SPAM act, certain email clients and antivirus programs may still mark HTML emails as potentially dangerous. If you do wish to use HTML email formats, always include a text format as well. Both services allow you to do both.Aweber and GetResponse provide many email templates that you can use, or you can create your own. Most people however prefer to send a plain text email as there is more chance that an email client will mark it as safe.

Two high end email marketing solutions that you won't regret purchasing are Aweber and GetResponse. For the price of either, you can't go wrong and your initial investment will be repaid in no time.

About the Author:

Knowledge is power for business owners

By Jay NaPier

While many business owners choose to focus on the negative, many profitable business owners choose to focus on the positive and focus on what they can do to be successful in their business. the first step is to have a positive mindset and focus on what's important to you and your business, that would be profit.

Take a close look at what you sell the services and products and see what you can do to make those services and products more profitable. It might have been years since you've increased your price, so now's a good time to do so.

staying connected with your customers and clients is important to every business. It easier to keep a customer than it is to find new ones. What are you doing to thank your customers for their business? Are you sending out Christmas cards? Anniversary discounts? what about wishing your customers a happy new year and letting them know that you're not increasing your prices for the new year?

It's easier to keep the customers you have that is to get new ones. Smart business owners know that there are only two ways to increase your business, get the customers you have now to purchase more product or purchase more often. Packaging your products or services together makes it easy to increase your bottom line. A dry cleaner might price their shirt services at $1.25 per shirt or $10 for 10 shirts. They could also offer to clean customers close by the pound, which is cheaper and simply charge a monthly membership fee.

It's a great idea to offer bonuses with a purchase. Our company gives away free Flip Mino HD video camcorders with purchase of our monthly video marketing program. a dry cleaner might give away a free lint roller with every $50 in cleaning.

Take a close look at your advertising budget. Too many business owners are still paying hundreds of dollars a month for ineffective yellow page advertising. Today, it's easier to Google a business than it is to go searching in the Yellow Pages. a simple e-commerce campaign is easy to do and cheaper than the Yellow Pages.

Build a list. This might be one of the most obvious answers to the financial challenges of today for business owners. When you have a list of your customers you can very easily send them an e-mail with specials that you're having, so if you have a bad week you simply send a promotion out to your list. This process is easily done and can make you thousands of dollars over a 12 month period.

Started buy local campaign. Everyone love to support their local community, you simply have to remind them from time to time. Start with your own business first. When possible, by everything from a local company. Now expand to your family. Build a group of 50 to 100+ business owners who'll commit to help promote a local portal designed for your community. Each business owner will put a sign in their window that notes the website and the buy local logo that associates you as a part of the local community campaign. "A recent study found that for every $100 spent in a chain store, $14 went back into the local economy. For a locally owned business, it was $45," , says Stacy Mitchell author of"Big-Box Swindle. Most chambers of commercedo not invest in the marketing required to fully assist local business owners.

When you consider your options are sink or swim, I've always found that swimming is a lot more fun.

About the Author:

Case Study: Does Hypnotic Writing Really Work?

By Dr. Joe Vitale

If you've ever wondered if the words on a website were very important, then keep reading.

Brad Yates is a master at EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT is a method for tapping away psychological issues so you are free to have, do, or be what you want.

Some people call is "psychological acupuncture." You use a finger or two to "tap" on certain areas of your body, which releases stuck energy so you can move forward without any internal blocks.

Snicker if you like. EFT has been used for well over ten years and is now practiced by tens of thousands of people. They can't all be faking problems and then faking resolutions. EFT works.

Brad Yates was one of my guests when I did my "Attract a New Car" teleseminar a while back. I liked him and told him about an idea I had for a series on "Money Beyond Belief." It would be a course to help people remove their barriers to having money. Brad would teach people EFT so they could remove their blocks to receiving money.

Brad loved the idea, we conducted the seminars, and then quickly put up a website to sell the audios. Now, Brad knows EFT but he doesn't know marketing, so the site wasn't the strongest in the copy area. The words left something to be desired. I offered some advice but didn't have the time to rewrite the site. So we left it alone and opened it for business. You can see it at

Take a moment and look at the site.

What do you think of it?

Is the copy strong?

Is it hypnotic?

What's missing?

And here's the million dollar question:

Does the copy make you want to buy the product?

Brad and I told our lists about our product. We stood back and waited for orders.

And waited.

And waited.

Orders trickled in.

Weeks later, we still didn't have enough orders to make either of us very happy. We ended up using EFT on our disappointment.

While I wanted to rewrite the site, I just couldn't get to it with my books, projects, media appearances, travels and more. Thank goodness a young copywriter by the name of Sam Rosen came to Brad and offered to help. Sam had studied all of my Hypnotic Writing materials and was game to prove his skills.

Sam completely rewrote our site. You can see the new copy at

Take a moment and look it over.

Now here are the same questions as before:

What do you think of it?

Is the copy strong?

Is it hypnotic?

What's missing?

And here's the million dollar question:

Does the copy make you want to buy the product?

Here are the results:

The first website, which we'll call exhibit A, bombed. It barely made 100 sales in 100 days.

The second website, exhibit B, blew down all the doors and made $8,500 in sales in only one day.

So, does copy make a difference in selling?


* The product was the same. * The price was the same. * The audience we promoted it to was the same.

The only change was the writing.

Please note: The only change was the copy.

The next time you scratch your head and wonder if hypnotic writing will help your sales, re-read this article.

And then expect money beyond belief.

About the Author:

How do I advertise online?

By Rohndra Tanderly

In todays world online advertisments are a must. The internet makes it possible for you to reach people in more locations then ever before and produce more revenue no matter what you are selling.

Advertising that is targeted to people that already interested in what you have to offer is an obvious choice. Put yourself in your customer's place. If you were looking for the product you are offering, what words would you use to search for it?

Pay per click (PPC) advertising creates a link on a page which is triggered by a keyword. You only have to pay for this advertising when a person clicks through to your website. Google AdWords is an example of this type of advertising.

Another way of advertising online is text link ads. This works by letting you select you keywords within the text of other sites out there and drive those people to your website.

Classified advertising lets you place an ad on a free classified website similar to newspaper classifieds. These options vary from free to paid. If you go this route find a high traffic site or one that offers classified ad syndication so that your classified ad gets the exposure it needs.

Now its time to get started. Use some of the cheap methods listed to start generating traffic.

About the Author:

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Secret Bob Proctor ?

By BossMan

Time to revisit Bob Proctor and see what he's been up to.

Well look at this Bob Proctor seems to be another one who has jumped on "The Secret" bandwagon.

For those of you who don't know " The Secret", described as a self-help film, uses a documentary format to present "The Law of Attraction".

This law is the "secret" that, according to the tagline, "has traveled through centuries to reach you."

Now here's the kicker, "The Law of Attraction" is based on a book written by Wallace D. Wattles called " The Science of Getting Rich."

And are you ready for this the book was written in 1910.

Now the fact that the book was written in 1910 in it's self not a bad thing.

One of the things that bothers me is that "The Secret" is based on a book that old how come it's still a secret?

Well Bob Proctor, and quite a list of other "gurus" would have you believe there is a group of people who know about "The Secret" but have worked very hard to keep it away from the masses.

I guess this is so the rich can stay rich and the poor get poorer. Some of the people who have known about "The Secret" include, Hermes Trismegistus, Buddha, Aristotle, W. Clement Stone, Plato, Isaac Newton, Martin Luther King Jr., Carl Jung, Victor Hugo, Henry Ford, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Robert Collier, Winston Churchill, Andrew Carnegie, Joseph Campbell, Alexander Graham Bell, and Ludwig van Beethoven.

In "The Secret" producer Rhonda Byrne in a voiceover discribes these people as past secret teachers."

Byrne states in the voiceover, "I can't believe all the people who knew this; they were the greatest people in history."

See that's the key "history". They are all dead. It's kind of hard to ask them if the claims that are being made that they were "past secret teachers" is true or if the claims are false and their names are just being used for some else to make money.

So if you want to believe some rich and powerful people have a way, through "mind power" to keep getting richer and don't want you to know about it then by all means give Bob Proctor your hard earned money.

Then you too can become a card carrying, tin foil hat wearing, decoder ring wearing member of the inter-circle who were, IMO, scammed big time.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and please think twice about spending your money on this, IMO, another Bob Proctor scam.

Bob Proctor has done many infomercials on TV that get you so fired up you can't wait to pull out your credit card and order his courses which are extremely motivational. The main disadvantage with Mr. Proctor's program is that Bob does not really fully explain things in way that would benefit most of his customers. He only provides ideas not a road map to follow.

To my way of thinking, Bob Proctor is much more of a motivational speaker than an instructor. He is able to get you moving to make more money, but he doesn't give you the instructions on how to do so. It's as if he gets all wound up and then leaves you running in circles.

By his not giving you step-by-step guidelines on how to make money I don't think his program is worth the money you will be spending on it.

About the Author: