Saturday, December 27, 2008

Fire your Network with Email Marketing

By MLMAbsolute

In networking business, you need to network with people. The best way to maintain contact with people online is through Email Marketing. You can use it for many purposes; appreciation for joining/ purchasing, product updates, promotional updates.

Doing MLM/ Network Marketing online lack the human touch that offline marketing have. But it is possible to make up for that flaw.

The only important thing you need to remember when doing MLM / Network Marketing is PEOPLE. You need to connect with people. Online, we call them leads. You need leads to have any sale. Not only you need leads, you need targeted leads, that is people who are interested in your product or services.

These are your potential cash cows. You need to follow up with them, update them regularly, forming a relationship. The purpose of doing this is to increase their awareness of your company or product. Imagine, today if you keep seeing the advertisement of, say, MacDonald's, the next time you make a decision on where to eat, you will probably be thinking of MacDonald's. You need to get them to see your advertisements. The easiest way is to send them emails.

Email Marketing is not just sending information and updates. There are many things you need to take note when doing Email Marketing. Here are some tips on how you can maximize the results from your Email Marketing Campaign.

Be Professional

Here are some sure fire tips to emailing like a professional.

- Who are you?

People will typically the sender of the Email before opening the mail. Therefore you should get a nice email address. Try not to use free email accounts from Yahoo, Msn, or Google. Let the readers identify you easily through your email adress. You can use emails like This can be done very easily with your website hosting server.

Another factor that determines if a person opens up your email is the subject line. Your subject line must attract them or create interest to know more. Generally as a rule, keep it under 50 characters.

- Main body

After your reader decides to open your email, you have to grab this opportunity to sell your purpose to them. Identify your self and the purpose of your ourpose to them immediately. Keep the style of the email close to the style of your website. State the referrer if you have.

Skyrocket the Effectiveness of Your Emails

An effective email is more likely to increase traffic to your website. It also increases the returns on effort (that is for scripting the email). Here is 6 golden rules to make your email more effective;

- Brand

Whatever you are marketing, you need to brand yourself or your website so that it will leave a deep impression in people in order to differentiate yourself from the rest. Use the branding you created. Use it in all your emails in the subject line so people can recognise you.

- Honesty

Be honest in your subject line. Don't trick them to opening the email with misleading or false information. Be cautioned that it is a requirement to state accurate subject line.

- Instill sense of urgency

Use time sensitive words or phrases to create a sense of urgency in readers. Use words like, For Limited Time Only, Buy Now, and Whilst Stock Last.

- Entice them

To further entice them to read our email, you can also give them some benefite to do so. Everybody likes free stuffs. Include a gift in your subject line to entice them to open the email. Some examples are; Get your free E-Book, Redeem your free trial, etc...

- Know your limits

Do not use too many bold, capital letters, bright colors, and punctuations( !!!!) in your text. It makes your text very confusing and distracting. But worst of all is that, the email filters may classify it as SPAM.

-Short and sweet

Personally I limit my emails to the main points of my purpose. Of course you should practice your own discretion as to the audience and purpose of the email.

*P.S. It is compulsory (legal requirement) for you to include an "unsubscribe tab" in your emails to reduce SPAM

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