Wednesday, December 31, 2008

5 Biggest Mistakes of New Internet Marketers

By Amy Nutt

Internet marketing has become increasingly popular over the past few years and many people are just starting to venture into earning money online. Unfortunately, if you don`t know what you`re doing, you`ll be quite likely to make some mistakes that could cost you big time. Being aware of what the biggest mistakes that newbies make is a good step toward being successful.

Here, we`ll be looking at the top five mistakes that internet marketers make in their first year. By understanding what goes wrong, you will be better able to avoid these same errors yourself.

1. Underestimating the workload. If you believe everything you read online, it seems that you can simply throw up an automated website, grab some email addresses and you`re off to the races. Unfortunately, the real world doesn't work that way. Even the big name gurus who would like you to believe that you can magically rake in the money overnight had to work at it. Internet marketing is definitely a good way to earn money and it can eventually become relatively passive income, but you definitely need to put in the work at the beginning to make it work.

2. Jumping into the "earn money online" niche. Just look around the internet and you`ll find hundreds of people telling you how to earn money online. How many of these people actually earned money online before telling others how to do it? You`d be amazed at how many internet marketers are struggling, even as they attempt to lead others. If you aren`t earning online, don`t even think about trying to teach others. Look for a niche that is less competitive and one that you can actually stand out in.

3. Throwing money at the problem. Every business requires some start up money, but that doesn't mean you have to go crazy about it. You can learn a lot online just by reading articles and then making a few well thought out purchases. Most newbie internet marketers go ahead and start up pay per click campaigns to help drive traffic. While PPC can be a great way to bring in traffic, if you don`t fully understand how to use it, you`ll just end up losing money. Take the time to research and understand where your money is going.

4. Being too general. A sporting goods website might do alright, but in most cases, there is just too much competition for general ideas. Instead, look for micro-niches, like "protective sports footwear", which will have less competition and still a healthy amount of traffic. It pays to get specific. Even if you are thinking of doing this with several micro-niches, stick to one until it works, then you can branch out.

5. Giving up too soon. It`s a sad fact that most new internet marketers give up just before they could have been successful. Just because your idea didn't hit pay dirt in the first week doesn't mean it`s a bad idea. If you continue on, you`ll likely find that with a bit more publicity and hard work, you can make it happen, just so long as you stick with the original idea.

Internet marketing isn't quite as easy as the gurus make it sound, though it is definitely a great way to earn a living. As long as you go into it with realistic expectations and ready to stick with your plans and ideas for the long haul, you are quite likely to find success. Make sure you do your research, investigating everything you can on your topic and then just go on and do it. You`ll never succeed if you don`t try.

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