Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Case Study: Does Hypnotic Writing Really Work?

By Dr. Joe Vitale

If you've ever wondered if the words on a website were very important, then keep reading.

Brad Yates is a master at EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT is a method for tapping away psychological issues so you are free to have, do, or be what you want.

Some people call is "psychological acupuncture." You use a finger or two to "tap" on certain areas of your body, which releases stuck energy so you can move forward without any internal blocks.

Snicker if you like. EFT has been used for well over ten years and is now practiced by tens of thousands of people. They can't all be faking problems and then faking resolutions. EFT works.

Brad Yates was one of my guests when I did my "Attract a New Car" teleseminar a while back. I liked him and told him about an idea I had for a series on "Money Beyond Belief." It would be a course to help people remove their barriers to having money. Brad would teach people EFT so they could remove their blocks to receiving money.

Brad loved the idea, we conducted the seminars, and then quickly put up a website to sell the audios. Now, Brad knows EFT but he doesn't know marketing, so the site wasn't the strongest in the copy area. The words left something to be desired. I offered some advice but didn't have the time to rewrite the site. So we left it alone and opened it for business. You can see it at http://www.bradyates.net/page45.html

Take a moment and look at the site.

What do you think of it?

Is the copy strong?

Is it hypnotic?

What's missing?

And here's the million dollar question:

Does the copy make you want to buy the product?

Brad and I told our lists about our product. We stood back and waited for orders.

And waited.

And waited.

Orders trickled in.

Weeks later, we still didn't have enough orders to make either of us very happy. We ended up using EFT on our disappointment.

While I wanted to rewrite the site, I just couldn't get to it with my books, projects, media appearances, travels and more. Thank goodness a young copywriter by the name of Sam Rosen came to Brad and offered to help. Sam had studied all of my Hypnotic Writing materials and was game to prove his skills.

Sam completely rewrote our site. You can see the new copy at http://www.MoneyBeyondBelief.com

Take a moment and look it over.

Now here are the same questions as before:

What do you think of it?

Is the copy strong?

Is it hypnotic?

What's missing?

And here's the million dollar question:

Does the copy make you want to buy the product?

Here are the results:

The first website, which we'll call exhibit A, bombed. It barely made 100 sales in 100 days.

The second website, exhibit B, blew down all the doors and made $8,500 in sales in only one day.

So, does copy make a difference in selling?


* The product was the same. * The price was the same. * The audience we promoted it to was the same.

The only change was the writing.

Please note: The only change was the copy.

The next time you scratch your head and wonder if hypnotic writing will help your sales, re-read this article.

And then expect money beyond belief.

About the Author:

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