Wednesday, December 24, 2008

This MLM Stuff They Said Would Be Easy

By d hamp

Remember back when you first joined your network marketing company? This MLM stuff will be easy, they said. You fell in love with the products and your sponsor told you that loving the products and sharing them with others was all you had to do and soon you would be making the big bucks and driving the shiny new company car. Yeah right.

First you did all of the training on MLM that you could and you learned that all you really needed to do was to make up a name list of one-hundred people and then come up with a good story line. Well, that did not work. Then you purchased some of those expensive leads that you saw advertised on the internet, but when you called the people on the list they either did not know what you were talking about or they hung up on you. Now what?

Problem being is that you were misled. Those old-school techniques used to work a long tome ago, but just do not cut it anymore. Some of them never worked to begin with except for the top 5% of the people who were lucky enough to know the kind of people who would want to join them in an MLM business to begin with.

But, the good news is that there is a correct way for you to find the right MLM leads to help build your own business. there is the need for you to have your own unique lead generation system that allows you to attract those type of people who are just like you and are looking for a way to make money from home.

Now you are saying, noway can I create a system like that because I do not understand all of that technical stuff. Do not worry about that. There are programs out there that will actually give you a generic lead system that you can use to make into your own personal unique system. This give you the use of their proven technology and a proven lead generation system while creating your own brand.

The cool thing about a lead generating system like this is that people are qualifying themselves. What this means to you is that the network marketing leads you create will be people who are not only interested in how to make money from home, but they are interested specifically in working with you. Seriously, can it get any better than that? One thing your sponsor probably taught you that is true is that network marketing is a numbers game.

Instead of you having to talk to a thousand people to find ten business builders, thousands of people view your website and the ones who are really interested call you. That takes the sting out of the whole rejection issue, because you never have to talk to the people that are not interested.

There is a lot of advice out there about how to build a successful MLM business. Latching on to a successful generic lead system gives you both a team and the ability to teach them how to duplicate your success. And you need to build a team and have them follow a duplicatable system in order to succeed. So, yeah, this MLM business IS really easy after all.

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