Wednesday, December 24, 2008

If You Dont Follow This Rule, You Wont Increase Your Site Traffic

By Yakim Garanjayadh

There is no doubt that web traffic is a blood of every online business. Without traffic there simply wont be anyone who would take the desired action on the site. Im referring to the action that leads to site monetization " be it pay per click or pay per action or affiliate sales or the sales of your own products and services.

So the number one priority of every website owner is to somehow break the code and finally start pumping in some healthy traffic. Unfortunately, its easier said than done. For majority of websites operators it seems nearly impossible to find an effective way to drive traffic, let alone to somehow increase website traffic.

One of the quickest ways to increase traffic these days is to sign up for a ppc programs such as google adwords, msn adcenter or yahoo searchmarketing. It will get you almost instant traffic or, in other words, it could be called a no brainer traffic. Google approval is automatic (if you follow their guidelines) and helps you to get traffic literally in minutes. MSN and Yahoo are a little bit more involved and take a few days for an approval process to go through.

In any case, its the fastest traffic you can get. Few minutes or few days, it doesnt really matter since other methods could take months to bring you substantial traffic. And you dont have to be a computer expert or seo genius to get tons of traffic with ppc, virtually for any niche market you want. There is only one catch with ppc, but its a big one. PPC traffic is one of the most expensive types of traffic on the net.

So what other methods can you use to increase website traffic? Lets look at organic search traffic. Yes, its not that easy to get, but its not impossible. Here are just a few methods you could use to boost your position in search engines: press releases, article submissions, blogs, social networks, seo, guest posts, link exchanges, etc. The added benefit is that many of those methods can not only help you with search engine positioning, but they can drive a lot of traffic on their own.

Where do you begin? You start with the basics and check to see if you website is indexed with most popular search engines. Its vital to your website, its a way to confirm that your website really exists in the World Wide Web. Do not assume that you are indexed; you might not be, even considering an age of your site. If your site is not indexed than it wont appear in search results for any keyword. We will talk about the most time efficient way to get ahead, get indexed and be included in the main search instead of complimentary search results. Its also possible to bypass the sandbox(time period when a new website is not being indexed by search engine to prove its stability).

Search engines must be aware of your sites existence, therefore it has to be indexed first, then you can begin to improve its ranking. To clarify, typing a keyword that you want to rank for and not coming up in search engines does not mean the absence of indexing. It only means that your site is not ranking well for the certain keyword. It might be just buried in hundreds of pages of the search results. Of course, no one is going to check the hundred pages to get to your website, such site is as good as non-existent.

Here is how you can see if your website is indexed. Just go in and type in the following phrase in the search engine of your choice site: (without quotes) followed by your domain name. For example, if your domain is then you type in:, and if you get the message no results found or something similar, it means your site is not indexed at all.

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