Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How do I advertise online?

By Rohndra Tanderly

In todays world online advertisments are a must. The internet makes it possible for you to reach people in more locations then ever before and produce more revenue no matter what you are selling.

Advertising that is targeted to people that already interested in what you have to offer is an obvious choice. Put yourself in your customer's place. If you were looking for the product you are offering, what words would you use to search for it?

Pay per click (PPC) advertising creates a link on a page which is triggered by a keyword. You only have to pay for this advertising when a person clicks through to your website. Google AdWords is an example of this type of advertising.

Another way of advertising online is text link ads. This works by letting you select you keywords within the text of other sites out there and drive those people to your website.

Classified advertising lets you place an ad on a free classified website similar to newspaper classifieds. These options vary from free to paid. If you go this route find a high traffic site or one that offers classified ad syndication so that your classified ad gets the exposure it needs.

Now its time to get started. Use some of the cheap methods listed to start generating traffic.

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