Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Mentors. Do I need them?

By Jan Shimano

Webster's dictionary describes a mentor as a 'wise and trusted adviser'. A mentor is not just occasionally there to help us. It is a more structured setting and there are guidelines that are followed. The mentors aim is to assist his student to reach his goals and through his expertise he will guide him along that path.

In the majority of cases the mentor would be the older person. That is not necessarily always the truth though. It could be that an older person is needing to learn something new that most young people already know. For instance, the majority of young persons can find their way around the Internet without any trouble. Older people, who perhaps have only just purchased a computer, have no idea where to begin.

So let's say that this is the situation you find yourself in. You are a very bright person but you are not computer literate and you don't have any friends in your age bracket that can help you out. So what do you do? Well, you search out a person who is having success in the business that you are interested in.

Ask around and let people know exactly what type of person you are looking for and the skills that you need to learn. In your particular instance, let's say you are looking for a person who is very successful at marketing over the internet. Be specific about what it is you need to learn.

Also, reflect on the people you have come in contact with in the past. Do they have the experience that you are wanting to attain. Perhaps your friends have teenage children who are very savvy around computers and will be able to help you out a lot. Don't be discouraged if the person says 'no' and please don't take it personally. For a mentoring program to work it has to be mutually agreed upon.

Just keep on looking and the right person will come along!

Whatever you do, please do not think that there is something negative about wanting or needing a mentor. The most brilliant people of the past have nearly always had mentors. The great thing about a mentoring program, is that when you become proficient at what you need to learn, you then become knowledgeable and are in turn able to mentor others.

By being mentored, you will reach your goals must faster than any other way. Much satisfaction will be derived by both the mentor and the mentee. It will be extremely rewarding for all involved.

I have had a number of mentors over the years. I know that I would not have achieved the level of success that I now have without their knowledge and guidance. I cannot thank them enough for all they have done for me.

Jan Shimano

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