Thursday, December 25, 2008

How to Make Your Website Fail

By Matthew Henage

10. You Hired Your Neighbor's Son

So he is a electronic wiz. He plays video games, accumulates 2,000 texts on his phone a month, knows how to use the remote for your entertainment system plus took a website class in high school. You've heard that he has created a website or two and see an opportunity to save a few bucks. Sure, you can hire him for dirt cheap, but that's about what you'll end up with for your website. A few hundred dollars later, you find that the website he created has done more damage than good. You find yourself taking your URL off your business cards, stationary and email signatures. Worst of all you're missing out on potential customers and profits.

9. You Outsourced Your Work to a Near-Third-World-Country

Isn't it just so tempting to hire a programmer or designer outside of the country? I once failed to listen to the advice of other professionals on a personal project of mine and paid dearly for it. If you think communication is important in business, be ready to try doing business with a major disadvantage if you choose to do a website this way. If you are lucky to find someone that does speak enough English so you can understand each other, be ready to make a lot of phone calls at midnight to carry on this communication. And finally, you'll learn like I have and many of my colleagues that you'll be promised professionalism and competency and receive neither. The many stories I have heard, mine included, these business arrangements typically end in legal threats and unsatisfactory or unfinished work.

8. You Downloaded a Web Template and Tried to do it Yourself.

How hard can building a website be? The honest answer, not very hard at all. HTML is one of the easiest things to learn. You can find tutorials or a class that can get you started in building a website within hours. Templates make it even easier. Just about anyone can create a website, but being able to build a website that brings success takes a lot of experience and a lot of talent. If you've decided to try it out as a hobby, go for it, I personally find very few things more enjoyable than crafting new designs and programming new systems. But if you want a website that gets results, turn it over to the professionals.

7. Your Website is Outdated

If you think your website does not look professional or looks cheap, what does that say to your website visitors? Don't ever to expect your visitors to respect your business image more than you do. And in the marketing world, we know that image is everything.

6. The First Page on Your Website Says, "Click to Enter"

It is starting to become rare to see these pages, for good reason. Visitors appall them, have better respect for you visitors and you'll see more of them stick around.

5. You Can Count the Number of Pages on Your Site with One Finger.

Limiting the time your visitors spend on your site is one problem, but giving them no reason to come back is your other problem. The Internet is about Content, and if your website lacks in this regard, don't expect your website to amount to very much.

4. Your Site Has No Appeal

If your site can't create interest in your product or services, your website will lose to the competition. Focus your attention on benefits, not features. Create page titles that make your audience want to learn more. Show how the application of your product or service will change your audiences' lives in some positive way. Design some sort of mystery that needs investigating on your site. Build your customers interest or fail.

3. You thought a Web Designer Was Enough.

It doesn't matter how influential, beautiful or amazing your web design or development are if you have no way of getting people to your website. When budgeting out your website, make sure to appropriate sufficient funds to attract an audience to it. It is suggested that you budget enough to build your website, and hire a Internet Market to get targeted traffic to your site. You need both to succeed.

2. Your Website is Too Broad

This is why web templates can be a very dumb move. If your web design and content are generic and bland, you aren't portraying a well conceived and implemented brand image. Branding is about determining your companies persona. A well branded website builds trust with your visitors and shows competitive advantage. In short, differentiate yourself from your competitors or fail.

1. You Didn't Monetize Your Site

If you didn't plan out the primary and secondary objectives of your website, then your website is probably spinning your visitors in circles. Give your website an objective, and every aspect of it should be in accomplishing it. If your trying to sell a product make it appealing and easy for them to do so, if you want them to call you on the phone do the same. Too often a website is about a company and loses its potential influence it can have to make your company more money. If you aren't getting what you need from your visitors, your website has failed.

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