Monday, December 29, 2008

The Secret Bob Proctor ?

By BossMan

Time to revisit Bob Proctor and see what he's been up to.

Well look at this Bob Proctor seems to be another one who has jumped on "The Secret" bandwagon.

For those of you who don't know " The Secret", described as a self-help film, uses a documentary format to present "The Law of Attraction".

This law is the "secret" that, according to the tagline, "has traveled through centuries to reach you."

Now here's the kicker, "The Law of Attraction" is based on a book written by Wallace D. Wattles called " The Science of Getting Rich."

And are you ready for this the book was written in 1910.

Now the fact that the book was written in 1910 in it's self not a bad thing.

One of the things that bothers me is that "The Secret" is based on a book that old how come it's still a secret?

Well Bob Proctor, and quite a list of other "gurus" would have you believe there is a group of people who know about "The Secret" but have worked very hard to keep it away from the masses.

I guess this is so the rich can stay rich and the poor get poorer. Some of the people who have known about "The Secret" include, Hermes Trismegistus, Buddha, Aristotle, W. Clement Stone, Plato, Isaac Newton, Martin Luther King Jr., Carl Jung, Victor Hugo, Henry Ford, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Robert Collier, Winston Churchill, Andrew Carnegie, Joseph Campbell, Alexander Graham Bell, and Ludwig van Beethoven.

In "The Secret" producer Rhonda Byrne in a voiceover discribes these people as past secret teachers."

Byrne states in the voiceover, "I can't believe all the people who knew this; they were the greatest people in history."

See that's the key "history". They are all dead. It's kind of hard to ask them if the claims that are being made that they were "past secret teachers" is true or if the claims are false and their names are just being used for some else to make money.

So if you want to believe some rich and powerful people have a way, through "mind power" to keep getting richer and don't want you to know about it then by all means give Bob Proctor your hard earned money.

Then you too can become a card carrying, tin foil hat wearing, decoder ring wearing member of the inter-circle who were, IMO, scammed big time.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and please think twice about spending your money on this, IMO, another Bob Proctor scam.

Bob Proctor has done many infomercials on TV that get you so fired up you can't wait to pull out your credit card and order his courses which are extremely motivational. The main disadvantage with Mr. Proctor's program is that Bob does not really fully explain things in way that would benefit most of his customers. He only provides ideas not a road map to follow.

To my way of thinking, Bob Proctor is much more of a motivational speaker than an instructor. He is able to get you moving to make more money, but he doesn't give you the instructions on how to do so. It's as if he gets all wound up and then leaves you running in circles.

By his not giving you step-by-step guidelines on how to make money I don't think his program is worth the money you will be spending on it.

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