Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Smartest Ways to Make Money With the Internet

By Dave Thomas

If you're planning to make money online, you need to be very clear on something before you start. You will find more ridiculous programs than you can count claiming they're the key to internet wealth. You'll find everything from Ponzi schemes to cheap ebooks - and almost none of it will ever pan out for you.

However, the dishonest of a few bad folks out there doesn't need to get in the way of your dreams; you just need to learn the right methods. I can tell you without hesitation that the best method for creating internet income is to learn to capture large amounts of search engine traffic - the most important one being Google.

But again, you'll need to be on the alert because the same scam artists who will sell you other programs will also sell you bogus information about geting free traffic from Google. They buy large amounts of Google advertising trying to convince you to buy their "free traffic program." They're skilled marketers, and they know how to push your buttons.

There's only one way to know for sure that your Google mentor is the real deal - you need to be able to find him by doing actual Google searches in the organic search listings. Are you familiar with what I mean by the organic search listings?

Whenever you're on Google and you perform any kind of search, you're going to see two kinds of results on the page: the sponsored results on the right side, and the natural results on the left side. The natural results - on the left side of the page - can't be bought, so when you see your prospective mentor's website in those listings you know he only achieved them through work and expertise.

On the other hand, if you see one of the sponsored links on the right hand side of the search results page offering information about free traffic, you'll know it's not worthwhile. Although Google's paid search program is a great way for savvy marketers to get traffic to their websites, it's no place for people trying to teach you how to conquer Google.

There's nothing inherently wrong with purchasing traffic in the sponsored listings on Google. The problem arises when someone who's trying to sell you on the idea of teaching you how to get free traffic can't even get free traffic themselves.

As you look for a credible teacher to show you how to really make a passive income on the internet with Google, you need to verify their knowledge by actually seeing their sites in Google's organic results. If they're getting free traffic from Google, there's a very good chance they can show you how to do it as well. Working with a professional, experienced mentor will be the key to getting your internet ventures off to the right start.

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