Thursday, January 8, 2009

Basic Lead Generation For Internet Marketers

By John Anghelache

If you have a big enough list you can write your own ticket.

Internet marketers often complain they are not getting enough opt ins. The main reason is their websites don't sell visitors on joining the list.

The purpose of this article is to reveal a simple strategy proven to boost opt-ins. I'll give you the basics. Plus, copy you can model for a squeeze page.

The first thing is this: People will join a list they believe will be valuable. We all get too much email. No one wants more. For this reason, people are picky as to which lists they join online. Information is the best "hook" to use to get people onto your list.

Offer a free report... or audio... or video. Or a combination. Make it relevant to the prospects. In fact, make sure the free info solves a problem.

In exchange for the free information, require them to opt in. Just build a simple lead capture page. Include copy that sells the free info.

Take the fear out of joining your list. Make it easy and simple. Just ask them to type in their email address. You can also ask for their first name. That's all you need. If you ask for too much you won't get many opt-ins.

Finally, include a free subscription to an ezine as part of your offer. In other words, the prospect opts-in to get the free whatever. They also get your free ezine. This way you can keep in contact with them. Very important.

Here's an example. Let's assume I want to build an email list of business owners. My lead capture page could be as simple as this...

Want more cash flow in your business?

Read These Free Reports To Discover Five Secrets To Profit-Rich Trades

If making more money in the stock market is important to you, read these special reports right away. You'll learn secrets such as...

How to add 10 to 25 pounds of pure muscle mass on your frame in less than 90 days.

2. How to get free pay per click website visitors and boost search engine rankings at the same time.

How to boost your strength on the major compound exercises by up to 30 pounds.

How to lower broker fees by up to 50% or more.

5. How to get other webmasters to send you customers who are ready, willing and able to buy your products and services on the spot.

To get access to these reports... and... my weekly ezine, "The Internet Profit Letter" fill in your primary email address below. Do it now...

This lead generation process works. The main reason why is because of its simplicity. You offer valuable info to a market on a specific topic. No need for fancy stuff. The basics of lead generation will always get you farther.

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