Monday, January 5, 2009

The Biggest Pitfall in Internet Marketing " 5 Top Strategies

By Zachariah Scott

Internet marketing is one of the most exciting career paths you can choose just because of the limitless possibilities. You can sell just about anything to anyone in the world any time you want. And with all those possibilities comes that inevitable pitfall - information overload.

The are so many ideas, so many techniques and so many courses to buy. And in the end, the result is just too much information to process and take action on. With so many ideas buzzing around in your head - it's not surprising.

If you suffer from this common disorder among internet marketers, try taking these steps to put an end to the symptoms:

1. Learn something and take action right away: Don't get caught in the trap of thinking you need to know everything about Internet marketing before you start taking action. When you learn something new, apply what you've learned before moving onto the next idea.

#2 Don't Be Afraid to Make Mistakes: Many people will avoid starting their on-line ventures due to fear of failure. You should know, that most successful marketers started off in the same position, and will report the sheer amount of failures and frustrations they also had to go through. Persistence is key.

3. Consider yourself a sponge: If you attend a seminar or other event that provides you with a lot of information on a variety of topics at once, take the sponge approach. Just take it all in and realize that you don't have to use all the information immediately - or EVER. After all, there is only so much one business can do. Instead of focusing on all the little details, try to get the big picture or main message from the information being presented.

4.) Guard your emails. Put a stop to those distracting emails that somehow make you buy more products. Unsubscribe to every mailing list that you KNOW is no use to you on your current journey. Only keep the ones that offer real value, and remember that no matter how good a product is (or promises to be) if it has nothing to do with you're current business plan then it is only a distraction, will get in your way and probably cost you.

5. Say no to more courses, ebooks, etc.: It doesn't matter how much hype and excitement surrounds an information product launch. If you're already suffering from information overload, you do NOT need another course. Put yourself on an Internet marketing course diet until you've started to take action on what you've already learned.

It's very easy to become overloaded when trying to carve a career in internet marketing. But trust me " you're not alone. The answer is simple (and it's not buying another ebook). Focus on one thing, and one thing only until you're proficient at it. Remove all distractions, and ignore those shiny objects " they will only prevent your success in the long run.

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