Sunday, January 4, 2009

Chiropractic Video Marketing Made Ridiculously Simple

By Matthew Loop, DC

When they first originated, I don't think anyone could've imagined just how lucrative and powerful social networking websites like YouTube, Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were going to be for business growth and exposure. When I introduced social media and simple video marketing to the chiropractic profession three years ago, I was confident that these Web 2.0 platforms would change the face of marketing as we knew it. With that confidence, I still could not have predicted the explosion that has taken place globally in such a short amount time.

And that wasn't the end of it either. I was able to save a remarkable amount of time by leveraging tasks, and was able to use web 2.0 and all its services at absolutely no cost. No wonder expensive marketing firms are working like crazy to find new clients to charge loads of money. They sense the end is near, because the real power of SEO and web 2.0 can be unleashed on your own! When I started to introduce myself to my community three years ago using MySpace, I was meeting nearly 50 people a day online. The traffic this drew to my website was unheard of. Soon enough, calls from potential patients starting coming in.

Marketing on social media can yield instant results but it's absolutely phenomenal for positioning yourself in the long-term! It's similar to planting seeds within the community and getting into every nook-and-cranny possible. If you set yourself up correctly, you can brand yourself as an authority in whatever specialty you choose and gain trust and credibility with your community. Then, you can keep tabs and consistently build top-of-the-mind awareness with the friends and subscriber lists that you've built. The avalanche occurs after you've amassed several thousand people that you keep in touch with regularly that need you or refer new patients to your chiropractic practice for the conditions that you treat.

Perhaps the greatest goldmine that I discovered for chiropractic marketing and other forms of marketing is online video submission. When you make and upload online videos, it's a simple and easy thing you can do that yields huge results in your chiropractic practice and its popularity in your community. There are a couple tricks to learn though, like how to properly compress your video through Windows Movie Maker or iMovie. It's vital that you do this before trying to upload to YouTube or video sharing sites.

I first noticed years ago that videos were getting a wonderful index status on the major search engines. We are visual creatures, and people respond more to watching videos online than they do to articles and blogs. When someone can see your face and hear your message, they automatically feel like they know you and can trust you. This is pure gold for your credibility in your community and in the chiropractic world. These videos are available to be viewed 24/7, so you know the internet is working for you, even when you're sleeping! I carry my camera and tripod everywhere I go so that when I'm inspired to make an informative video, I can just do it. Some of the best I've made used the ocean or beautiful mountains as a background.

Now is the time to learn the power that chiropractic video marketing can have on your practice. Nearly 52% of online content today is video! When people go online to look for solutions to back pain and neck aches, they want to ideally find videos for "one on one" instruction and information online. The more videos and material you have online, the more they trust what you have to say and believe your credibility in the business. There is no better way to literally stifle the competition.

I take my viewers on fun journeys in my videos to really give a total experience of learning and putting people at ease. I've filmed tours of my office, talked in detail about my practice, and given pointers and tips to people searching for answers to their chiropractic questions. I've even shot segments on vacation in Costa Rica! When you keep the videos fun and interesting, people are going to always want to come back and see more. They will perhaps share your videos with friends, and things only can grow more from there.

It's important that you put out 1-2 videos a month as a minimum. This is how you can canvas the search engines and come up in multiple places. You must keep pumping out material so that your position stays strong in search engines. There's no need to outsource your videos because it will cost a lot of money and it's so easy to do yourself.

The important thing to remember is to relax, have fun, and to not be pretentious. Your videos should not be fake or give a false impression of who you really are. Convey your genuine feelings about wanting to help people and be the go-to person for their specific problems and this is what you will attract. With that in mind, provide a large amount of use value that your followers or people that see your video can implement that same day. This will give you even more credibility and build faster rapport with your community.

Lastly, find a chiropractic coach with a proven track record who's been leveraging social media and social networking the past several years. Since the social media landscape is so vast, it's a good idea to find a consultant that solely specializes in this type of chiropractic marketing. This is not the type of material that can be effectively taught for an hour at a multi-topic seminar. After you find your mentor, hang-on for one incredible ride. Your chiropractic practice and business live may never be the same again!

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