Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Creating free leads with Video

By Jan Shimano

For all of us who are involved in the internet marketing business, generating quality leads is our biggest hurdle. We could have the best deal out there and the coolest looking website but if we are not attracting visitors to that site, then it's all for nothing.

One way that people are having success is by using video marketing.

The most popular video site on the Internet is YouTube. It's completely free and it's user friendly. I create my videos with an inexpensive webcam hooked up to my computer and with my webcam, I can actually upload directly to YouTube. However, what I prefer to do is edit my videos using my Windows MovieMaker. It has some really neat features and you can make the video look quite professional and personalized. For those of you who don't have MovieMaker, YouTube has a built in program on their site where you can add annotations throughout your video.

I recommend that if you are using a webcam, you check your settings before recording. The lighting in the room affects the quality of the video quite drastically so you want to close your blinds if you have to, or perhaps you need to put an extra light on if it's later in the day.

After you have recorded your video you will then want to edit it. One of the main things to do at this stage is to superimpose your website address at various points in your video. You can also make comments that pertain to what you were saying right at that moment. It adds variety to the video and makes it more interesting for the viewer. If you dont put your website address on the video, and it gets forwarded to someone else, they will have no way of connecting with you.

When it comes to putting your website address on your YouTube page, I have one little tip. Make sure that it is the first thing you type into your information box. Put in the full address with the http://. It will then be highlighted in blue and will make it very easy for people to click on. Some people have typed it in at the end in their information box, and as YouTube only shows the first line or two of that information, unless the person clicks on 'more info' they will not automatically see the address.

It's quite amazing to me that a number of people in network marketing have not jumped into the video marketing scene. It's not in their comfort zone. My best advice to them is to get that webcam, sit in front of it and practice, practice, practice. These videos are for your eyes only. You can watch them, critique them yourself to see how you can improve, erase them and then try again. We all know that practice makes perfect, so go for it. I like to imagine that I am having a private conversation with a good friend of mine, so I can be myself and smile and laugh just as if she was there with me. This really works!

Dress according to the type of person you are trying to attract. Always keep in mind that our ultimate goal is to attract people to our website. Don't be shy about extending the invitation at the end of the video. Ask them outright to click on your link and enter their name and e-mail when they get there, so that you can provide them with valuable information.

Also, now that you have a video up and running you want to maximize it. The way you do this is by posting the same information to your Blog and on your other social networking sites, such as Facebook and MySpace. The search engines love content and Google especially likes video and blogs right now.

A good video can go viral and be seen by hundreds of thousands. If that's your video, you will be in 'free lead heaven'.

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