Sunday, January 4, 2009

Developing an Email Marketing Campaign

By Sam Ernie Orion

One of the oldest techniques that people use on the Internet to keep in touch with each other or just say hello is email. Although it first started as means of simple communication, email and the techniques that surround it have blossomed into a genuine means of marketing goods and services on the Internet through a variety of successful email marketing campaigns. It's great to keep in mind as you start that a many small business both on and offline have started using email for a variety of reasons that includes marketing.

First Things First

Before you start getting involved with the meat and potatoes of any email marketing campaign, you'll want to decide who you will be aiming those efforts at and for that you'll want to develop a list of the clients that you want to target. Although one of the methods you can use us to buy a mailing list, the preferred way is to get the email addresses of existing clients by contacting them.

The Message

Like everything else on the Internet, you need to have a message for your email campaign that's direct and effective in its simplicity. If the target audience can't find what they want quickly, they'll unsubscribe from the list. Make sure that you can substantiate any claims that you make with facts and/or figures as well. Nothing turns prospects off quicker than grey statements that aren't supported with some kind of facts. You'll also need to carefully plan a call to action that will get the prospects to click to your website or make some other kind of contact.

The Design

Again, one of the biggest strategies here is planning. Whether you'll be laying the template out yourself or having the design done for you, it's important to delineate each section carefully so that they all flow and draw the eye from section to section. Too much information crowded into a small space will only confuse the reader and more than likely frustrate them.

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