Monday, January 5, 2009

Do you want to be Mike Dillard?

By Jan Shimano

You would be hard pressed to find someone involved in internet marketing who has never heard of Mike Dillard. He is the creator of Magnetic Sponsoring, MLM Traffic Formula, Black Belt Recruiting and other programs. These are all top training tools that teach people to be highly succcessful at network marketing. So it's no wonder that many people wished they were Mike Dillard.

However, if you are not in the internet marketing business, perhaps you could replace his name with the name of a very successful person that you think very highly of. Between us all, we would probably end up with a long list of very successful people, in various types of businesses.

Let's assume just for now though, that it is Mike Dillard that we all want to be. Now ask yourself the question -- why do I want to be him? What is there about him that would make me want to give up my own identity? Well, the first thing that comes to my mind is that he is super successful at what he does and he is well respected and a very likeable person. He also has a huge following.

Let's think about this a little further. Just imagine if we were all clones of Mike Dillard. No disrespect to Mike, but what a boring world that would be. As human beings, we actually thrive on variety. Just think of your closest friends. No doubt each one of them has a unique personality and that's one of the reasons why you were drawn to them.

When we examine our motives closely, we will find that it's not Mike Dillard that we want to be. We are actually happy being ourselves. No, we don't want to be Mike, but we do want what he has. That's quite a different story.

The best part is that we can continue to be ourselves and still have what Mike has. How is this possible? It's possible because the people that we admire are usually more than willing to share their experiences and knowledge with the rest of the World. Sometimes there may be a cost to acquiring this knowledge but quite often they give a lot of information away free of charge. They enjoy giving back to society. Just do a little research and you will find a wealth of information about these people. Study them and find out what they did to reach their goals.

They can't do it for you, but they can show you the way!

Do you find that you are attracted to certain people and not to others. That's because we are not all on the same 'wavelength', and that's a good thing. It has been said that there are numerous people out there just waiting to meet us. We are going to be the person that they relate to. Just imagine, if you and Mike were standing side by side and they had to choose, they would pick you!!

So don't waste time wishing that you were somebody else. Develop your own unique identity and people will be drawn to you, because you will strike a chord with them. Yes, go ahead and learn from all these successful people -- learn their methods and what caused them to achieve their successes and integrate that into your own life.

According to the Law of Abundance, there is no scarcity of anything in this world. There is enough to go around for everyone so stake out your territory and claim your 'piece of the pie'.

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