Saturday, January 3, 2009

Does Jeff Paul's Short Cut To Internet Millions Work?

By Frank Scott

Jeff Paul short cut to Internet Millions is found by most of us while skimming through the channels on a late night TV infomercial. Those infomercials still get me every-time. Those guys are awesome the way the grab your attention and suck you in.

Jeff Paul, a few highly attractive women sprinkled with a few average Joe's making 6 figure incomes and recently one of his testimonial was a guy who had a $100,000 day. Just the thought of that will stop you dead in your tracks to take a look, but is it possible to make that kind of money on the internet.

It is possible to have that kind of day, in fact I know people who have and I've seen the proof. But, where does that leave you? The average person just starting out with little to no internet experience? Do you think it's possible to have that kind of day with Jeff Paul's short cut to millions system.

Pretty unlikely and Here's why:

The investment in Jeff Paul's Short Cut To Internet Millions is about 40 dollars a month and each month you get 10 more websites to market products with. The sites have probably made some sales in the past, so how hard could it be to get people to buy from you? If it's not a scam, it should be pretty easy, right.

What exactly are you going to do with those websites? How on earth are you going to get people to find them? YOU'RE NOT. Unless you know something about "driving traffic" to a website nobody will ever find them. I could give you 10,000 websites tomorrow. It you didn't know the secrets of getting people to your websites, you wouldn't sell anything and of course wouldn't make a dime.

Although, Jeff Paul's Short Cut To Internet Millions will give you some websites and a few basics of internet marketing for you 40 bucks a month. There is another option which you'll find out about shortly after your investment. Personal coaching for a few thousand bucks to get your business going at full speed. That's the catch with the system, if you need a bit of hand holding to get you going, it will cost much more.

Selling products for 30 bucks a pop can be a tough way to make any money on the internet unless you are highly skilled at marketing and know how to do it on the internet. Now, if you selling a higher ticket item that costs several hundred bucks, your chances of getting into profit are much higher. That's the other issue with the Jeff Paul system, what do the products cost and how good are they.

I do totally agree with finding a mentor in this business, it will take you a long way in a short amount of time. Make no mistake their is a fortune to be made on the internet, you just need to learn a bit about how to make it all work.

Remember, there are no magic systems that will give you short cut's to millions, but anyone can do we'll working at home with the internet and a bit of education.

If you'd like to read more on Jeff Paul and Short Cut To Millions, a complete review is listed at

I wish you success in whatever business you decide on.

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