Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Don't Quit Your Job With ClickBank

By Clerice K. Fayle

I saw one of the AdSense ads showing that proudly proclaimed Affiliates: $537 per day - Quit your job with ClickBank.

Wait a minute - I hope you aren't thinking you could go quit your day job so you can be an affiliate marketer. If so, here is why I recommend that you don't:

* Affiliate Marketing can be tricky - You never know which way the market will go for the next 30 days, six months, year or especially five years. If you managed to make $5,600 in the past month doesn't mean you will do that next month as well. Traffic to websites fluctuates, popularity wanes as does relevance of topics or products. I've seen sites making $250 a day suddenly drop to less than $20 for no apparent reason. You will put in a lot of work, your patience and persistence will be tried and your ingenuity tested to make sure your income continues to increase. Don't even think about quitting your day job until you have over $10,000 in the bank with all your expenses paid. Don't throw away a steady income for pie in the sky dreams.

* Competition is the name of the game with Affiliate Marketing. You won't even be able to tell your friends or family the name of your websites for fear of competition. Competition that will take away from your income, and when you are spending money to make money it will really cut into your profits. Affiliate Marketing can be done from anywhere there is an internet connection. Your competition will come from the other side of the world or the opposite hemisphere wherever the internet is available. Are you happy with this competition? If not, don't quit your day job.

* Affiliate marketing is fast-paced - Once you have your marketing campaigns going and the traffic starts coming in you are either going to be making money or not. There are no wait times, rest periods, of times when you can kick back and take it easy. This is a business that runs 24/7.

After all that negativity, I need to confess that I do work full time as an Affiliate Marketer. Many of the reasons you may decide to become an Affiliate Marketer follow:

1. Affiliate marketing is lucrative - There is no other business where you can start up and make $500 that day. My first website made me over $10,000 in profit over the course of four months, and it was little more than eight pages of text and a few images. If you can find a way to get people to do what you want them to youll be able to make limitless amounts of cash.

2. Evolution is taking hold in the Affiliate Market. This business changes daily. If trying out new things to see what works and what doesn't then this may be the niche for you. You can try different marketing methods and sales techniques on a day to day basis and when you succeed, you can become the leader of the pack.

3. Affiliate Marketing is TONS of Fun. It is hard not to enjoy being able to get up when I want, run errands, get my hair cut, come home and set up new marketing programs, check my stats and grin at my bank account. The knowledge that I'm being paid to loaf really makes life interesting. Did I mention it is fun?

An offline job can provide a reliable and steady income. While making some money with Affiliate Marketing, just continue to use it as a supplement to your offline income until your online income grows. Someday it will come down to the point where you make more at Affiliate Marketing than your day job, but until then just keep going in to the office.

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