Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Is 'My Story Marketing' Effective?

By Jan Shimano

Some of you might have heard a lot of buzz recently about the term 'My Story Marketing'. In this article, I will be covering what it is and what it can possibly do for your business. We all have our own personal story and it could be a really interesting one, but if no one learns about it, then it is not going to have any impact on our business.

So how do we get our unique story out there for all to see? The main avenue for doing this is through the social network marketing scene. Some of the more popular ones are Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, MySpace and Squidoo. Each of these has different features, but they all put their emphasis on communication between people.

They all contain a section where you can enter pertinent information about yourself. Many people fail to utilize this properly. They might just enter a notation about where they live or what they do for a living but they tell the reader very little about themselves. This is their chance to tell their story and connect with others. This is the opportunity to draw people in.

If you happen to own your own website, make sure you mention it and state that you are its creator. Then tell them something interesting about yourself. If you are young, you might have to be a little creative, as your past experiences will be limited. This is where an older person can shine. They can pick and choose the most exciting stories to tell about their lives to date.

Whether you are young or old, make sure you talk about a major problem that you faced. Go into some detail about this. Perhaps at one time, you were on the verge of declaring bankruptcy. Explain how desperate you were to find a way out. Don't be afraid to be personal. You want people to relate to you on a deep level. Now that you have their undivided attention, go ahead and tell them about the solution. A good phrase to use is "all that changed when...." Here you explain your business opportunity and how it turned your life around.

You are now at the final stage of 'My Story Marketing' and that is the call to action. At this crucial time many people shy away from coming right out and asking for what they want. People can only say 'yes' or 'no', so we actually have a 50% chance of getting what we want by asking for it. We should be asking the person to click on the link to our website and enter in their name and e-mail so that they can receive the necessary information that is going to help them out of their difficulties. One word of caution here, make sure you comply with the regulations of the social media site regarding the manner in which you show your website address.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme but if done right it can certainly create riches. Remember, you are in the business of building relationships with people who will trust, respect and like you. This does not happen overnight. Let me tell you about a friend of mine. He has developed a following of many thousands of people over the years and he recently learned of an opportunity that he thought was excellent. He told his followers about in on Twitter and within a week he had earned over $40,000.00 in affiliate commissions.

My friend would not have had this success if he had not utilized the 'My Story Marketing' philosopy and told his unique story. That story resonated with many people and they in turn told others about him and over time his following grew. This is something that we can all do. In fact, this is something that we all must do, if we want to stand out from the massive crowd and if we want to be part of the 5% of those internet marketers who are extremely successful.

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