Friday, January 23, 2009

Marketing Chiropractic with Facebook

By Matthew Loop DC

Since it's so new on the scene, Facebook has had unprecedented growth and expansion in just two short years. Similar to other social media sharing sites, Facebook allows chiropractors to network and connect to highly targeted groups of people in their community, thus expanding the reach of their chiropractic practice. The potential for leverage is unheard of. Every big company sees the writing on the wall, and they're fighting to get in on the action.

Did you hear about Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft having a huge bidding extravaganza to buy just a small piece of Facebooks universal popularity? Well its true. Microsoft was finally the victor, spending 240 million dollars for a tiny 2% of Facebook! What does this have to do with chiropractic marketing, you ask? The big guys know what they're doing, and that should clue you into the power that Facebook holds in store for chiropractic marketing and your business as well. Facebook is nearly worth 15 billion, and you too can have a piece of the pie.

When I first began teaching social networking and social media marketing to chiropractors 3 three years ago, Myspace was the big-boy on the block and Facebook was only for college students. The score has been evened, though, as Facebook opened up globally to everyone and now is a major competitor. Myspace has actually copied many things from it's cut-throat competitor including the addition of live-feeds and separate and distinct applications. Chiropractors have never had a better opportunity like right now to brand themselves and reap massive financial rewards social networks like this.

Im not making a big deal out of social media sites like Facebook for years now just to improve my health! There are a whopping 140 million members on Facebook, with a whopping 200,000 more joining daily. The potential for chiropractic marketing success in such a forum is unbelievable. And its all completely free.

From a chiropractic marketing point of view, you can connect with thousands of people in the community like I have done over the years. If you brand yourself correctly, you will be the expert and go-to guy/girl in your community for questions and solutions to health problems. Hence, netting new patients left and right from this virtual powerhouse.

Not only is this form of chiropractic marketing totally free, but its also a fun and exciting process. Connect with people across the globe with keyword specific marketing. I have friends who have had great success selling their books by marketing for highly targeted niches and people of certain literary interests. This is just the beginning of whats possible. Make your profile personal with photos, songs, and videos that you enjoy. Poke people and send messages to others who enjoy the same hobbies and activities.

When the big guns like Google and Microsoft see a tidal wave coming, you better believe they're seeing correctly. They see the profits about to pour in from Facebook, and they're acting accordingly. This means that chiropractors can ride that wave as well. Start by creating your first account on Facebook and getting to know the site.

Also, find some groups or causes that you identify with along with sharing your story with the world. Your goal is marketing and branding yourself, as people buy YOU, not your service! Establish yourself as a leader and this will attract massive credibility and build rapport faster. Remember, everyone wants to be around a leader, not a follower.

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