Saturday, January 3, 2009

Online Article Red Flags: Things To Watch For

By Sam Ernie Orion

Remember that while articles have become one of the most used techniques for marketing online, there are still people out there who are buying and even writing their own versions that have some of the classic mistakes embedded. The general set of rules that governs the way that these are done is also the same set that covers journalism and advertising copy. Of course, there are some slight variations to appease the Internet, but the general principles are otherwise identical.

No Sales Pitch

Rule one is about sales pitch. Study after study has determined that online readers don't necessarily want to read all about the positive attributes of the goods or service that you're trying to sell. They want to get some information that they'll find useful and propels them to read on. The experts suggest that the self promotion should come at the very end of the piece in the bio line. Remember the body of the article is considered the right place to give something up so that you can take it back later in the bio and ask for something in return.


It's important that the content flows as well. A series of short choppy sentences will turn a reader away just as quickly as a bunch of long flowing sentences with too many adjectives. You need to consider the pace to keep the reader interested. The best way to do that is to incorporate a lot of varied sentences into your text. You might even want to read it aloud so that you get a good idea of how it will sound to the reader.

There are also a few questions that you can ask yourself and if you answer no to any of them, the chances are your articles will be missing something.

Are you passionate about the topic? If not, that will certainly come out in the writing and more than likely turn the reader off. Are you interested in sharing some knowledge? If you really want to teach your readers something that will come through and if you don't, that will show as well.

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