Thursday, January 15, 2009

Spending limited funds will kill your network business

By John Wallen

You must realize your not at a disadvantage because your budget might not be as grand as someone elses. This will only be a problem for you if your trying to build your home business like the person who can afford to do it on a larger scale.

This is usually what happens with those getting involved in a home business. They spend money they really don't have on all kinds of things like postcards, leads and banners, maybe some ppc. This is ok if your already having good results, and showing a profit.

But if youre on a budget, watch out. Spending your limited funds on an advertising campaign is the biggest mistake you can make. And let me tell you that's exactly what was going on in my home business, and it gets very frustrating.

If you put out 4 or 5 hundred dollars purchasing leads, then maybe some ppc, even a postcard or flier campaign, chances are you could get only a handful of prospects, and then what happens if none join your opportunity? You have to start all over again. Leveraging over and over this way guarantee's no results.

Once you have given all of your leads a call, that's it or keep on purchasing more. This revolving door will kill your pocket book. Your just living paycheck to paycheck, keeping your fingers crossed your business will grow. You will end up quiting, even if you have some success at first, it won't be enough to keep you going and growing.

Your best bet is to leverage your skills by investing in yourself, and learn to use simple activities that can be repeated. These skills will produce an endless supply of free warm leads non stop. This is the smart way to do business by not breaking the bank, and allow you to build a stonger network.

This is simple to do, thanks to some great things that are now going on with the world wide web. These new changes in internet marketing strategies are a must for any one wanting to eventually go full time in this industry. I wouldn't hesitate if you want to stay ahead in your business!

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