Sunday, January 4, 2009

Using SEO Blog Comments For Back Links

By Randy The Hermit Baustert

Using blog comments to generate back links to your site is becoming more and more prevalent.

There are a lot of people out there that will tell you don't bother to use blog comments because all the blogs have no follow tags now and the search engines don't record the links.

This is both true and not true at the same time. Yes, a vast majority of the blogs you find will have the no follow tag on the comments. But there are some that don't have no follow tags.

When WordPress is installed it automatically configures your blog to have no follow tag on comment but there are some blog owners that want you to comment so they will use a plugin to remove the no follow tags, either completely or based on the number of comments you leave.

Go out and post your comments on these blogs but before you do I want to make sure you aren't leaving spammy comments so here is some blog comments etiquette.

Your comments MUST BE on topic, if can't come up with a comment on topic don't leave one.

If the post you are commenting on is about WordPress plugins don't leave a comment about sports fishing. This is common sense but you would be surprise at how many comments like this I delete.

Don't put links in the body of your comment. This is very bad etiquette unless the link is to a resource that expands on your comment. This doesn't mean if you have a site on sports fishing you can put a link to your site in the comment body but if the post is on a new way to string a leader you can put a link to a page (on your site or another) that shows how to do this.

Most of the time when I set up a blog I set the comments in the discussion area so that if you put links in the body of the comment it will send your comment to moderation where I have to review and approve or deny the comment before it is posted. This stops all the spammy links.

Where the comment form asks for your name that should be your name, don't stuff it with keywords. You can use a pseudonym, I use Randy The Hermit because most people know me by that. Your pseudonym can have keywords in it, if the keywords are related to you or your business only. And it should stay the same on every comment. Besides if the no follow tags are in place the keywords won't help you in the search engines.

That is brief overview of comment etiquette, basically it is the "Golden Rule" don't do anything on another person's blog you wouldn't want done on yours. But I bet there are still of bunch of you asking why you should bother if the no follow tad is in place?

There are a few reasons why you should leave comments even if there are no follow tags, such as:

1.People will see your comments and your links even if there is a no follow tag. If you put 4 comments on blogs per day you will end up with over 1,500 links in a year. These links will be seen by potentially tens of thousands of readers that might visit your site.

2.If your comments are on topic and informative people will remember your name and you will become a known expert in the field. This is part of the reason you want to use the same name.

3.If you post an interesting comment people will click on your link to see what else you have to offer.

4.Some of the ad services and search engines, like Ask (the last time I checked) don't read the no follow tag. With the ad services this means that you site will look more relevant and it could lead to higher pay outs on your ads.

If comments have the no follow tag activated how do you tell?

The most obvious way is to find a comment and look at the page source, pour through all the code looking for the link on the name and seeing if the no follow tag is in the link. This will drive you crazy if you do it a lot of times but it does work.

A better way is to use an addon for the FireFox or Flock browser (these are the browsers you should be using). This addon is called SEO for FireFox it is provided by or you can find it by searching for SEO for FireFox addon in Google.

Once this is installed all no follow links will be highlighted in red so they are easy to notice. If the link (the name) in the blog comment isn't highlighted that mean the no follow is shut off for the comments on that blog.

People that run WordPress blogs want you to leave comments and they don't want spam comments so a lot of them have started using a plugin that rewards the people that comment frequently, this plugin is called Lucia's Linky Love.

Once Lucia's is installed the blog master can set up the comments so that after a person make so many comments the no follow tag is removed for that person.

It does require that you use the same name and the same email address for every comment (I believe I mentioned using the same name above).

The blog master gets to choose the number of comments it takes to qualify for no follow tag removal, the minimum number is 3 and the maximum is whatever they feel like. I usually see it set between 3 and 5 which means you have to make 4 to 6 post before you get a back link to your site.

How do you find blogs that use Lucia's Linky Love plugin? The easiest way is to use Google's Blogsearch, put your keywords in quotes and then put a plus sign and then Lucia's Linky in quotes and do you search. It should look something like this "keyword phrase"+"Lucia's Linky" you results should sow you posts that are related to your keywords and using Lucia's Linky Love plugin.

On my blogs I usually have this set at three and I review the comments on a regular basis any comments that read like pure spam I delete. Because I delete them the spammers never get to the magic number of three and the no follow stays in place. This leads to more comments that are usually more informative.

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