Friday, January 9, 2009

Why marketing + list = better success

By Jay NaPier

Does your business have a website? If you own a business, every business should have a website. no matter the nature of your business is important that you're doing business with people the way they want to do business with you. In 2009, that would be on the Internet. Everyone goes on line to buy products and services or to search for a business.

Selling more products online is easy when you've got the right information. Most business owners are so busy working in their business, they don't take the time to work on their business.

One of the keys that you'll find on many websites as many of them do not have a headline in their marketing. The headline is the part that opens the eyes and gets the attention of the person reading the website. On most websites you've only got a few seconds to get someone's attention before they click to another website, many times that your competitors website.

Video has become quite popular with the most up-to-date websites. It is now important for you to have video on your website, but not only that it's also important that you have your videos on YouTube so that people using the video search engine can find you.

YouTube is a popular website for Google to spider because of its popularity, when you have videos on YouTube your ranking grows because you are in one of the most popular places on the Internet. Be sure to put your link in the video subject area, so you are building a strong presence online.

To be successful marketing your website, one of the key elements you need to do is build a list. This list is much like what you would pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for from a list broker. The difference is this list is targeted to you. You can use the list as either a newsletter or as a way to promote special promotions you have in your business or website.

People buy from those they like and having that newsletter allows you to get to know your customers better and allows them to like you more. staying connected by e-mail is critical for every business today it's as simple, and affordable tool to instantly increase your profits when you're having a slow time.

Systems that build a list and send e-mail on your behalf are called autoresponders. The beauty of the system's is you can have a copywriter write your marketing for you in advance and as new subscribers subscribe they begin to get the newsletters. Another benefit is that you can also send immediate messages. You may choose to inform your customers of a special promotion you're running for a day or two. having the right e-commerce strategy can quickly and easily allow you to monetize your website and half the website began to pay its own marketing value to your business.

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