Saturday, January 24, 2009

Incredible Method To Integrate Keyword Analysis and SEO

By Mason Jones

Keyword analysis is the foundation of search engine optimisation and whole SEO campaign built on this. Through the keyword analysis phase you are going to select the keywords which will originate targeted traffic towards your website. It is very important you should be very careful about selecting keywords that are used by people to find your website. If you are fail to select good keywords for your website then all your efforts for getting ranking and the traffic will waste.

Keywords could be single word or the combination of different words. Most of the time multi phrase words generate huge and highly qualified traffic. Single keyword or the most competitive phrases are really hard to get ranked and these are also not generating very qualified traffic. If you don't have the qualified traffic its mean your conversion rate is not very good. Selecting targeted and accurate keywords and density analysis serves the dual role of offering your visitors important information in their very own words, and it gives search engine spiders an accurate depiction of your site contents.

A highly targeted keyword may bring your fewer hits than a broader search term, but it could bring more qualified traffic toward the site. More qualified traffic results in more sales. For example, you are appearing under the search terms cars, you will get so much traffic but that is not a qualified traffic. But if you are appearing under the key term used car dealer, it may give you less traffic but this will derive targeted traffic towards your website.

During the campaign you need to repeat the keyword analysis as and when necessary because the changing trends of the market. You need to keep an eye on the latest search behaviours of your target audience. It is important thing for an SEO to learn the language of the client's industry and the language of their customers. This will help you to selecting the right keywords for your campaign. Customers of your industry are great source of keywords.

Here I would also like to explain the keyword popularity. This refers to how many times a keyword or phrase has been searched for. If a keyword has been searched so many times and it is a natural phenomena that key term will be really competitive as well. Most of the SEO's are concentrating only really popular key terms and forget about the other traffic generating keywords. It is really hard to get ranked for the really competitive key terms and during this you are also losing your other potential visitors. I only want to say during the SEO campaign you must have to the other keywords which will derive the targeted traffic to your website and you also can concentrate on the really competitive or popular key terms with the passage of time.

There are several tools are available in the market to determine the keyword(s) popularity. Google AdWords and Overture are the mostly common used and free tools. Results of these tools are not 100% accurate but you will be able to find the popularity of a keyword. There are also paid tools are available in the market which provided deep analysis of a key term, most popular tool is WordTracker.

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