Saturday, January 24, 2009

Targeted Telemarketing Leads Will Provide Security in 2009

By Terry Stanfield

Is your company doing business to business prospecting? Do you use an outbound telemarketing company? Have you ever hired lead generation companies to do some of the work for you? Alan Kay is often quoted as having said, "the best way to predict the future is to invent it". This is solid advice for anyone who wishes to whether the current economic storm and is wondering if they will be able to survive. The reality is that many companies actually thrive during difficult economic times and the key to their survival is adaptation. You must be willing to adapt your business and try new ways of getting customers and prospects in order to invent a future that includes your business succeeding during an economic crisis.

It can seem counterintuitive to invest in new ways of marketing and getting leads when times are tough, but it is usually the best way to promote forward growth in your business. All too often, the threat of economic uncertainty causes business owners to go into survival mode where they are looking for ways to keep from losing money rather than trying to make more money and grow their business.

Unfortunately, this kind of thinking tends to send them in a downward spiral from which it is difficult to recover. In business, you are either moving forward or moving backward-there is no standing still. Adjusting your mindset is crucial in order to succeed.

So, is now the right time to turn to lead generation companies that use outbound telemarketing to increase your appointments and help turn prospects into clients? Only if you are looking for substantial growth in your business right now. The right telemarketing programs can completely turn your business around, because after all, you need customers to succeed and outbound telemarketing is one of the oldest and best ways to find new clients or do business to business prospecting. Choosing from experienced lead generation companies is the best way to increase your client base without distracting your focus from making the sale. Having a quality list of pre-qualified prospects and pre-set appointments will make the most of your sales team's talent and allow them to close more sales.

The return on investment for this type of business to business prospecting or outbound telemarketing campaign is astounding. Realistically, the only thing standing between your company thriving or failing in this difficult economy is getting more business and using lead generation companies is a proven way to get more business-you do the math!

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