Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Seven Business Names: Ideas To Never Rename Your Business

By Linda P. Morton

Good business name ideas help you to create names that will serve your business well for a lifetime.

Seven business names ideas that will help you create a name that will last the lifetime of your business include:

Business Names: Idea 1 - Think of as many name options as possible.

Business Names: Idea 2 - Select a name that matches your business.

Business Names: Idea 3 - Choose a name that leaves room for expanding into new products and services.

Business Names: Idea 4 - Be certain that the name relates positively to your target market.

Business Names: Idea 5 - Conduct trademark research.

Business Names: Idea 6 - Research your target market.

Business Names: Idea 7 - Learn the connotations and hear the sounds of each name.

Business Names: Idea 1 - Think Of As Many Name Options As Possible

Start with lots of business names. Ideas will be eliminated as you process through to determining the best one. So make a long list of name options. Ten options will do, but more are better.

Business Names: Idea 2 - Choose A Name That Reflects Your Business

If you are fortunate enough that your name reflects your business well, or if you have name recognition, you can label your business with your name. Otherwise don't do it.

If your last name is "Small" and you specialize in renting small equipment, then you can use "Small Equipment Rental." However, if you want to also rent large equipment, it will limit you.

Business Names: Idea 3 - Choose A Name That Enables Your Business To Grow In Different Directions.

Just because you start your business with a specific product doesn't mean that you won't expand into different product lines. Your name should be broad enough to cover your business as it grows.

I learned this the hard way and had to rename my business within its first five years. I originally named it Sulton Books. "Sulton" didn't add any value or positive image to the business, and "Books" kept me from expanding into other information products.

I ended up having to rename my business, partially because of the terrorist attacks in Sept. 2001. I needed to rid my business of the negative connotation of "Sulton." I took that opportunity to select a name, "Best Books Plus" that enhanced the business with a more positive connotation and a greater ability for expansion.

Business Names: Idea 4 - Choose A Name That Makes A Positive Impression On Your Business' Target Market

Consider how each business name idea will impress target market members. This requires knowing as much as possible about your target market members so you can select a final name that they will like.

Still don't select a name that is so specific to your target market that you can't expand into new markets later. You don't want to have to rename your business in order to expand it in anyway.

Business Names: Idea 5 - Assure That Name Options Are Available

It's vital to determine that none of your name options are already being used by other businesses.

You can search for trademarks that use any of you name options at the United States Patent and Trademark Office site. Eliminate all options that are a part of a trademark name to assure that you don't get sued and have to change your name later.

Business Names: Idea 6 - Research Your Target Market

It's time to try your name options on members of your target market. Get as many as you can to tell you which name options they like best and what comes to mind with each option.

While you're at it, show them your product and get their reactions to it. Sometimes their reactions will provide new name ideas.

Business Names: Idea 7 - Learn The Connotations And Hear The Sounds Of Each Name

A good business name will create a positive image of your business. It also sounds good.

To create a positive image, you must know how the words in each name option express different meanings across cultures.

You don't want to make the mistake of a major American car company who named a model "Nova". When they attempted to sell it overseas, they learned that the name there meant "No Go". Obviously they didn't sell many there.

In Conclusion

If you follow the advice under each of seven business name ideas, you'll select a name that will last a lifetime.

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