Friday, October 31, 2008

What Is Flixya 2.0?

By James Comer

Flixya 2.0 is a relaunch of a very popular social networking, online video sharing, blogging, photo hosting and blogging community. This version is bigger and better. Flixya's motto is simply "share everything", right down to the revenue which they give back 100% of to you. (You do need to sign up for your own account for the revenue sharing).

Flixya billing itself as the only social-networking website that pays you back 100% of the advertising revenue generated on their site from the ads placed around the content that you add. You can creat your own blogs, upload your photos, and create blogs about your life.

Do I Have To Pay To Use Flixya?

Nothing at all, it's free.

Revenue Sharing, What's That?

Flixya users receive 100% of the income generated by the content they submit. These content pages include: videos, photos, blogs, galleries, user profile. This program is powered by Google Adsense and requires a Google Adsense account which users can sign up for during registration or in the ad settings page for logged in users.

How Do I Get Paid?

You get paid whenever someone on your site clicks on one of Google's AdSense ads.

Sharing Videos, What Does That Mean?

Flixya encourages you to share or upload your videos from other popular online video sharing sites. These include Daily Motion, Google Video, YouTube, Revver, as well as Livevideo, Bolt, and MetaCafe. I'm sure there will be more very soon. Flixya has just released a highly addictive addon for FireFox called "Flixya Video Publisher 2.0". You can also vote on videos you like or don't like by voting up or down. Popular photos and videos will appear on the homepage.

Share Your Photos For Free?

Flixya also allows you to share your photos with your family or friends and even offers unlimited free image hosting for posting your photos on Ebay and Craigslist.

Personal Profile

Flixya allows you to create your own personal profile where you can link to and share your personal interests, friends, videos, photos and blog posts.

And I can Blog?

Flixya now allows you to create your own blog. A blog- short for "weblog" is a type of online diary or personal chronological listing of your thoughts. These are usually updated daily and usually reflect the personality of the author. Flixya lets you create your own blog(s) where you can promote yourself or add content and collect 100% of the revenue from the ads appearing around your blogs. As you can see Flixya covers a lot of ground. Much more than I can write about here.

Do They Have Social Bookmarking?

Flixya has things pretty well covered. Alot more than I have room to write about here.

Flixya has alot more going on than I can cover here.

About the Author:

A Thought To Grow Your Reputation With Articles

By Rob Metras

Are you the sort of person who is in touch with a lot of people constantly? Are you always in the public eye? Maybe youare a politician , a novelist, a movie star, a musician or a popular local professional or service provider. Anything.

Most of us have to communicate with other people. Doing it well can have a positive impact on your life, both personal and professional. The trick is being able to communicate our point of view to a variety of different people. This gets your opinion or worldview out for others to hear.

Reaching your desired audience is going to require great speaking and writing skills. It is best to start with developing your writing skills, and the first thing you should focus on is writing articles. Get some reference books and familiarize yourself with grammar, punctuation, and rhetoric. Once youave developed these writing skills you will be able to transfer them to speechwriting. The ability to write a great speech is half the battle of being a good public speaker.

Think of all of the things you have read in the last month. How many new ideas or people were you exposed to? Now, imagine it is your article that people are reading. Every article published, no matter what medium it is published in, has the potential to eventually reach millions of people. This will let you Grow Your Reputation through the articles you write.

Something to keep in mind is that the public will not know you. All they will know of you is what is in your articles or presentations. So think about what you are revealing about your personality, deeds, actions, tendencies, biases, and judgments in your communications. This will be how people judge your character. You want the public to view you as resourceful and approachable, so make sure those are the parts of your character you reveal.

Everyone wants for their public profile to be positive. Niche marketing is fantastic way to do this. Marketing tutorials stress the importance of emphasizing positive aspects to the public to inspire confidence and good faith. You can use the articles you write to achieve this goal.

Fads often dictate marketing strategies. People have been reading for millenniums. It is safe to say that reading is no fad! Articles that Grow Your Reputation will allow you to articulate your point of view in a time tested manner.

A great reputation improves your future prospects and helps you realize your full potential. Writing effective articles to Grow Your Reputation, when coupled with a well planned media exposure program and continued success in your field, will all but guarantee you a stream of new customers and income.

About the Author: and AdWords which one is for me?

By Mike Shwimmer

In this article we will describe common differencies between and Google AdWords technologies:

1. Google Adwords is Pay Per Click advertisement technology where you pay when someone clicks on your ad link. In some cases it's good, but when you choose right keyword for you, you suddenly discover that you are only one of buyers of keyword and in order to get click to your link you should pay up to 70$ per click (for some keywords). With technology you only pay for owing keyword for full year and you, and only you will be shown as a result of search for your keyword.

2. In Google Adwords campaign you have to constantly compete with other companies and set higher price for your keywords than your competitors. Sometimes your ROI can be negative and you should be high professional to get positive results. With you just need to set url for keyword and get ready for getting traffic to your website.

3. Your advertisement budget can slightly vary in Google Adwords, depending on keywords and number of impressions that you choose. has fixed flat price for any keywords that you choose. Only traffic will vary, so only thing that you have to worry is to choose right keywords for your business.

4. When someone searches for your keyword, already displays your website in IFRAME so it means that people already can see your website, without clicking on ad link (not many people like clicking on ad links).

5. Finally, Google Adwords works only with Google Search Engine, when works on All Major Search Engines, plus hundreeds of other partner websites with search features!

So, after all comparisions you can decide which model is best for you.

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Unsuccessful in MLM Business? Need MLM Products or Marketing Tips

By Todd Schuyler

Are you Unsuccessful in Direct Matches Spider Web Monavie MLM Business? Blog Article. What is MLM anyways? Multi-level marketing or MLM, also known as '''Network Marketing''', is a business-distribution model that allows a parent company to market its products directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and direct selling.

Independent, unsalaried salespeople of multi-level marketing, referred to as distributors or associates, independent business owners, dealers, franchise owners, sales consultants, consultants, independent agents, etc., represent the parent company and are awarded a commission based upon the volume of product sold through each of their respective independent businesses organizations.

The MLM business can easily double or triple your cash. Provided that you do not fall first in either one of the common mistakes done by error-prone MLM business producers and MLM distributors. You need the right training, tools and mentors to help you succeed at multi level marketing. For more information and to get tips and products to help your MLM business succeed CLICK HERE.

Have a well-established commitment to work and duty. There is no better time to start moving than right now. Product distributors must attend to their respective assignments. One cannot make the MLM business grow by just simply looking at it.

Be committed to your work. Take the time to pinpoint your MLM business weaknesses so you can catch-up for any committed mistakes. Direct Matches and the Spider Web Marketing Systems are examples of good business opportunities. If you work at it and build relationships with your clients you can achieve residual income online.

You don't have to be Unsuccessful in your Direct Matches Spider Web Monavie or any MLM Business? If you want more information on these or other make money online systems or products CLICK HERE.

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Free Paying Surveys - Money Secrets

By Hailey Gates

Looking for a free paid survey list can be a little overwhelming! There is a lot of information available, and it can take a while to absorb. Learning to separate the wheat from the chaff is an important part of deciding which survey sites to sign up for.

There are plenty of ads that will direct you to sites that offer 'guarantees' and 'the best free paying surveys around'. Many of these offer to share their secrets with you for a 'nominal fee' of around $35. Don't be fooled!

Sites that claim to have special information or unrealistic results are simply trying to take you for a ride. You should never hand over money for the privilege of getting a job - the point of employment is for you to MAKE money, not to spend it! There are plenty of sites out there that have free paid survey lists.

It is nice to be able to find a free paid survey list prepared for you, but you shouldn't have to cough up cash for it! The middlemen from the survey sites are already getting a kickback from the research companies for providing survey takers. Don't let them double dip off of you!

The sites you are looking to sign up with should offer registration and free paid survey lists at no charge. A request for money up front, financial information, or for you to accept a 'trial period' are signs that a site is not exactly legit. Find the right sites, and they will actually be falling all over themselves to sign you up for free paying surveys!

A good free paid survey list will tell you what the companies pay, whether any 'offers' must be completed to qualify, and how you are to be paid. Each company listed should have a good link, and a contact us button on their site. Things like this show that the list has been kept up to date.

Double check the lists from the survey sites with your own research. Even the best site can mistakenly include a new free paying survey that turns out to be a scam! Make your own list of the most promising companies and check them out online to see what kind of experiences others have had with them.

Finally you are ready to start taking free paying surveys! Once you've made your choices of companies to work for, get yourself registered and prepare to fill out profiles. The more time you spend on these now, the more money you can make later! Once you become established, you can be cashing out weekly just from taking surveys!

About the Author:

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Link Building Requires Little Attention Being Paid to Numbers

By Julie Johnson

It's easy to get bogged down in the numbers. There are a number of reasons that mass directory submissions perpetuate in the link building process, and one of them has to do with a very rational process in business - the need to focus on measurable, consistent metrics to gauge progress. Which sounds better to a manager or a client: 50 minor directory submissions or three sustainable, quality links?

Your client might be happy with the fifty small links at first, but once they realize the difference between those and the three good links, they will not be. Conducting business in this manner is irresponsible. The issue with this type of business conduct is that you are putting the focus on the number of links, regardless of quality, instead of gaining actual results with your links.

Free directories vary, with some having instant approval, some 3-6 months and some (evidently) never. Some directories will approve your listing, only for the directory to disappear several months later. Use good judgment when selecting free directories, and submit in a limited capacity to those that have proven in the past to accept links on a fairly timely basis. Make sure they have staying power - does the link still show up for other sites you registered there?

Most importantly, do not underestimate cultivating relationships on the internet, you will gain valuable links by doing so. Write emails to webmasters that are not spammy, and to sites that are relevant to your industry. Be creative when discovering new ways to submit information to directories, instead of copying and pasting the same thing over and over.

Work on links with blogs in your industry, which sometimes have a multiplying effect. Resist getting bogged down in the numbers, find a new approach to increase effectiveness, and your clients will thank you.

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Avoid Being A Marketing Scam Victim

By Tim May

For many looking to get some information about internet marketing, one of the more appealing possibilities is to utilize a program or other resource that is available online. Often, these programs are developed by a marketer that has impressive credentials or other characteristics that make them a renowned marketing person in the field. As a result, many people believe that these programs work well.

Unfortunately, very often people who try these online marketing programs are left aholding the baga. Often they are baffled as to exactly how they got taken. A lot of online marketing ploys have one goal - to get your money in exchange for little or nothing. This unfortunate set of circumstances causes trouble for legitimate online marketers who lose business because of the dishonest actions of others.

Despite being otherwise upstanding internet citizens, people who are left wondering exactly \"how I got scammed by an internet marketing guru.\" In reality, the main reason for the victimization is the trusting nature of many business people on the internet. Too many retailers and individuals looking to sell their wares and seeking marketing advice on how to grow their sales are all too commonly trusting of an operation even if it seems a bit shady.

It is always a good idea to know the background of anyone you do business with online or otherwise. Obvious scammers usually have bad reputations that are easy to uncover with a little internet research. Unhappy customers are not shy about airing their dissatisfaction. So the obvious ones are - well - obviious! But there are some that really do seem legitimate. It can be very difficult to discern exactly which are on the up-and-up and which are not.

Here are a few things to watch out for. First, anyone trying to sell you free information is suspicious. If you can find it out for yourself, you shouldnat have to pay for it or pay for any benefit you may get from it. Second, if the information seems sketchy or out-of-date, avoid it. Third, be certain that any information or advice you buy will really pertain to you and your target audience.

A lot of times the information peddled by fake gurus is not only outdated, it is downright illegal! Did the agurua acquire his expertise and success through honest means? If not, it is a safe bet that what he is selling is not honest. Consider the source when seeking advice for your success.

Look for reputable firms and individuals with good reputations. Can you check their background? How does it look? Can you verify the testimony of their happy, satisfied customers? If you canat find out where they came from or who they have helped, it is probably not a good idea to lay down your cash!

Avoid being scammed! Keep your eyes peeled! Verify information! When you find a good, honest company or individual that really helps you, let it be known. When you find a scam, let that be known, too! is a great place to visit to find out more about online scams.

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This Arizona Home Builder has a fresh new face

By Claudia Mackelprang

Each of us have seen the familiar sticker on many different products; sodas, crackers, candy, chips, cookies the sticker with the phrase; "new look same great taste." Recently you would be justified is slapping on a similar sticker to Trend Homes, one of Arizona's leading home builders; "new company, new owners same great homes!"
Now that Trend Homes has been purchased by the private equity firm Najafi Cos, Trend Homes is out to show it's a fresh new company completely void of any of its old issues!

As 2008 began, Trend Homes after undergoing much of the same dilemmas many Arizona home builders were being forced to undergo, was close to having to hang an out of business sign on their front door. The problem wasn't because Trend Homes was building inferior homes; in fact, the opposite is true; Trend Homes was ranked Highest in Quality by Phoenix, Arizona Home Builders in 2007. People simply were not buying homes.

Under the ownership of the private equity firm Najafi Cos, Trend Homes has increased its appeal beyond beautiful homes across the Phoenix Valley but now offers programs that other Arizona Home Builders do not, including Pre-Approved Bank Short Sales; Trend has teamed up with banks to Pre-approve short sales. With this pre-approval, home buyers can avoid the otherwise lengthy waiting process of getting approval.

Alongside the many incentives and programs Trend Homes now offers homebuyers, Trend Homes, now under the ownership umbrella of Najafi Cos offers some of the most competitive interest rates available today. In addition, Arizona home buyers will now save up to 40 percent on new homes by taking advantage of the Pre-Approved Short Sale.

The purchase of the names Trend Homes and Classic Communities as well as the debt by the two sister companies by the private equity firm Najafi Cos in January of 2008 allows this Arizona home builder the opportunity to start fresh. Additionally, with the fresh new start that Trend has been given, they are taking the opportunity to offer Arizona home buyers the opportunity to get a fresh start in a new home with new incentives, new savings, and new down payment opportunities.

Along with the many changes that have occurred at Trend Homes and Classic Communities since January of 2008 when they were purchased by Najafi Cos, you'll find the introduction of the Paint for Your Down program which allows Arizona home buyers to lower their down payment in exchange for spending some time with a paint roller painting their new Arizona home. This type of program is a first of its kind for Arizona home builders.

There are many things Arizona home buyers know they can expect from Trend Homes. And as a leading Arizona home builder, Trend Homes considers these expectations very important. Even with new owners, (Najafi Cos purchased Trend Homes in Jan. 2008) residents of Arizona can still expect the same from Trend Homes; beautiful homes, made with quality products by skilled craftsmen. As an applauded Arizona home builder, Trend is devoted to YOUR satisfaction.

Now under the ownership umbrella of the private equity firm Najafi Cos, Trend Homes now has the kind of credit that allows the company to have a new start which is both beneficial for Trend AND beneficial for Arizona home buyers as Trend Homes is able to offer certain programs and incentives other Arizona home builders cannot such as Pre-Approved Bank Short sales and very appealing prices on foreclosed homes in Arizona.

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Cold calling prospects, forget it I found a better way

By John Wallen

I have to first tell you. For almost five years I have been a network marketer, and I am no stranger to using many of those so called traffic generators. Trust me, if you start promoting that way, your inbox will fill up with nothing but other opportunities.

I was once a leadaholic. Purchasing leads from every where. On the phone everyday calling, and calling, then calling some more. Thinking in some insane way it would be different with each new list.

After a while, a little light went off in my head, and I thought to myself, this is doing nothing for my business. You don't think do ya! The same thing with those online traffic generators. Ten bucks here, ten bucks there. I just wanted something that worked.

A little while after that I was talking to my sponsor. He was telling me, he wasn't using paid leads anymore. You don't say! That was a very time consuming and frustrating path, but that was all he knew how to do at the time.

I wasn't surprised when he tells me these very things are not working. He told me he couldn't feel his ear anymore because of all those useless calls he was making. Costing way to much, talking to people that have no interest in being in a home business.

The marketing system he was now implementing, he called the magnetic system, he was having great success with for a few months now. I got started taking a look at this as soon as we got off the phone. Well, I generated 896 leads in 2 months from people that were interested in networking a business or the one they were already in!

This one first step I started to use, paid for my advertising, brought all those leads to me, and I still made a profit of almost a thousand dollars. This has helped me sponsor the right people into my business and can for you too, but only if you let it!

About the Author:

Link Building 101: How to Evaluate the Power of Directories

By Amy Nutt

It's extremely important to be able to evaluate the power of a directory for link building. Especially when you consider that the power of a directory listing is much more complicated than just looking at the PR of the directory homepage.

Hence, the goal of this post is to train the average Toronto SEO enthusiast how to quickly and effectively evaluate the power of general directories through link analysis and evaluation. The post is going to focus on the power of general directories because they are much more prevalent than niche directories; which obviously are powerful if your in the same niche. At the end of the day, there are hundreds of directories (both paid and free) that you can submit too, so you need to know how to quickly evaluate the power of these directories in order to make the most out of your time and money. Efficiency is key!

Without much further ado, here's a list of the 7 most important criteria to look for when evaluating the power of general directories:

1.) Check the PR of the directory: Although PR isn't everything; this is hands-down the fastest and easiest way to judge the power of any directory. As a general rule of thumb, any directory at PR 5 or above has good authority, while anything below a PR 3 has low authority.

2.) Check whether domain ranks in Google: This important test identifies if the directory has been penalized by Google. Simply go to Google and type in the directory domain name (without spaces); they should appear #1 unless the domain is targeting highly competitive keywords (should still be on first page). If they don't appear at all and Google suggests a different search term, then they have been penalized by Google.

3.) Indexability and last time cached: This quick check-up is to determine how often the Google bots are indexing the sub-page's content. Just go to Google, and enter a cache query. For a directory sub-page, a good cache date would be within 1-2 weeks, but no longer than 1 month. A higher frequency of cache dates indicate that the site is more powerful and authoritative.

4.) Number (and quality) of inbound links: Is a fairly simple measure of the overall power and authority associated with the directory. The higher the better. Being listed in DMOZ wouldn't hurt either :)

5.) Number of outbound links and PR of sub-pages: When choosing a category to submit too, relevancy is the most important factor to consider. But oftentimes, a submission could go in several categories. In these cases, in order to choose the best sub-page or category to submit too, you need to look at the sub-page's PR and also the number of outbound links. One of the most telling signs of an authority directory is if they have PR sub-pages, because Google loves to take the second level PR away from directories.

So, if you find a directory sub-page of PR 3 or higher: the directory is carrying a good amount of power, authority and Google credibility. The second point to consider is the number of outbound links on the sub-page. In many cases there will be so many listings that you won't even get on the first sub-page of your selected category. You need to keep this in mind when deciding which category to submit too. You want to submit to the sub-page that has a low number of outbound links to ensure that your link gets the most link juice available.

6.) Does the directory have sitewide links in Google?: When you search for the directory's domain name do they have sitewide links under their listing? If yes, this signifies that the directory has high authority in Google's eyes.

7.) Check appearances at public events and industry conventions: The theory behind this test is simple; if the directory owners can afford to advertise in key industry events (SES and SMX for example) then they obviously have a long-term strategy and are an authority. Obviously this rule isn't set in stone, but being at these events is a pretty clear indication of a powerful directory.

There's also one more test, but it takes more time as it's a bit more advanced because it can be time intensive. The anchor text test is a great way to determine the power of a directory by measuring the link juice that the directory passes on to your anchor text. Here's how to execute the anchor text text:

- First you need to find a unique anchor text within a sub-category (that isn't mentioned on the site's homepage) - Next, check to see how that site ranks for that specific keyword(s) in the SERP's

This test doesn't take into consideration the other search engine optimization and link building efforts of the client, but it is an effective way to attempt to measure the link juice being sent from the directory to your site (or client's site). The hardest part is finding the unique anchor text, because most of these anchors would most likely be targeting their site's competitive keywords, which would be mentioned on the homepage. But this isn't always the case, hence why the anchor text test can be very useful when you are trying to gauge the power of a link within a directory.

Another thing to keep in mind with the power of directory submissions is the featured listing or premiere listing option that enables your listing to be placed at the top of your desired sub-category for some extra dough. Is it worth it? Personally, I don't see much value in these type of listings unless the sub-page has PR and a lot of outbound links. In this case, a regular submission wouldn't get you on the first page of the category, so it would be worth paying an extra $20 or so because without it, your link won't be getting the same "juice" as it would be if placed on that desired subpage with PR.

Remember to keep this quick checklist in mind when considering which directories to submit too, and also be sure to check out the last part of this series which will cover potential downfalls and other mistakes to avoid when making directory submissions.

About the Author:

Marketing Your Home Business

By Mike Schwartz

Once you have started your home business it's time to start marketing it to the public. There are many ways to market online as well as offline. One of the easiest ways to maket online is to write articles.

once your article has been accepted it goes live on the web and you start getting valuable back links to your website. Your popularity will grow the articles you write. And you will be more popular the more links you get.

Once you start getting more links the better your chance will be that somebody will see them and visite your site. If you are a new business owner it's a good stratagy that you can do for free. It will take a little time to see the results but will pay off in the long run.

Pay per click ads are very popular also. You just write an ad and then pay so much per visiter to your site. People will be able to go to your site right away so this is a big advantage.

You just research the keywords that you want to bid for and then you pay so much for each click. This can very tricky and takes a lot of knowledge and training to be profitable. You can loose a lot of money in a short period of time if you don't know what you are doing.

Another great way to get massive amounts of exposure is advertising Co-Ops. This is when you get a certain amount of people together and pay a large fee to advertise in a large area. For example, home business magazines.

You mght get about 50 in your group and pay 500 bucks or so to advertise your business in the best magazines in the nation. The subcribers are all people that want to start a business. So these are all very targeted leads.

This is a proven off line tactic that will bring many people to you door. Being involved in a Co-Op that goes in the top business magazines will give you a huge amount of credibility. It shows the world that even though you are new you are committed to your business 100%!

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Affiliate Prophet: Test and Track Software

By John Mayol

So what's all the hype about Affiliate Prophet? How is it different from all the other products and what is it capable of doing? And even more important, is it capable of delivering all that it promises?

Affiliate Prophet is designed by the popular internet marketer Peter Yoon. The program will contain many advanced tracking mechanisms to aid your marketing campaign and deliver favorable results in no time.

Many marketers of all description have used Conversion Prophet with a high success rate and so it is obvious that Affiliate prophet is receiving so much hype. Just the thought of a program offering more features and capabilities than Conversion Prophet is exciting. Much less when you consider Affiliate Prophet is an extended version of Conversion Prophet and both were designed by the same marketer.

After installation, Affiliate Prophet tracks all of the important contents of your landing page to evaluate the efficiency of them. Among those contents tracked are the keywords, ads, fonts and headlines and more. Also, your visitors browsing habits are also analyzed; Affiliate Prophet will show you all the features that your visitors are captured by and those that repel them or offer no stimulation of thought.

With so much testing and tracking against some of the major components of your landing page you will be sure to see all the loop holes in an easy format with the use of Affiliate Prophet. This way you can patch them up to ensure the best conversion possible. This really is amazing software for internet marketing.

Arguably one of the best features of Affiliate Prophet is its ability to find high quality keywords. Nevertheless, the program has an amazing ability to also provide high quality statistics to ensure sale conversions. With this program you are certain that your website will deliver the best results it is capable of delivering when compared to other programs and strategies.

A similar program to Affiliate prophet is Conversion Prophet; also designed by Peter Yoon. Affiliate Prophet however, offers more advanced features and is thought to be even more efficient. For those persons that used Conversion Prophet, you already know the possibilities and even more when you consider what Affiliate Prophet can do since it is an advanced version of Conversion Prophet.

Affiliate Prophet launches on November 6th and is gaining popularity as the time draws closer. If you want to get in on the best sales converting software ever developed then this is your chance. Affiliate Prophet will provide you with the most advanced tracking tools that you need to get started or to continue your affiliate quest. This is the tool that every internet marketer should have in their toolkit if they intend to build a sales converting machine.

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Profit Online With A System That Beats The Reverse Funnel System.

By Eliza Mc Namara

People often ask me: "What's the best thing I can do to profit online ?"

I've never been one to beat around the bush so I say, "Do you really want to know or are you just asking!".

At this point they might say something like, "What's the secret?!". I tell them that there is no secret! I tell them that they need to provide value before they can expect people to give them money! It sounds like common sense but I'm still amazed at how much people will do without educating themselves first. They want results and they want them now. They don't want to learn they just want! I try and tell them "It doesn't work that way! You have to be willing to spend $100 on the odd course to add to your knowledge so you can have something to teach people that buy from you, you have to build your value so you can be attractive to your buyers.

Do you think that when I first started out anyone cared about who Eliza Mc Namara was? Of course they didn't! Why would they? People are focused on themselves, WIIFM short for What's In It For Me is the catchphrase of this century..... That's why you're better off promoting other peoples products when you're just starting out...

Now I'm certainly not suggesting you buy every Online Top Tips Secret Course tomorrow! But what I am saying is that it pays to invest in your education.

I would recommend spending about one hour a day, NO MORE THAN TWO! Learning how to market and then spend the rest of your time IMPLEMENTING!

So the topic I'm going to cover today is "How to Profit With Global Resorts Network in Five Steps".

1) First of all, you're going to choose a way to market yourself and your knowledge, even if you think you have none...

It sounds simple doesn't it? Unfortunately, this is where most people get lost in a flurry of endless useless activity.

They get lost in all of the information that is out there. They don't spend enough time implementing, but spend too much time choosing a method that's "perfect", then when it doesn't market itself they wonder why they haven't made any money! Then they'll say it didn't work!

IT doesn't work YOU work! YOU have to market it. You have to put in some kind of effort before you call something a scam and say that "It doesn't work!".

So when you're choosing a way to market, don't get caught up reading reviews from people that were too lazy to work. They call everything pointless because it will always be pointless for them. Some people say that google adwords is a scam! They get mad about that and instead of making an effort to actually promote something of value, like a blog telling people how to do something they've just mastered, they'll charge you $25 to read their special report on "What Your Upline Won't Tell You!" Ann Sieg fans beware!

At this point, I also feel that it is crucial to mention that promoting your own products is probably not a good idea if you're new to internet marketing, or if you haven't made any money from it yet!

Selling your own products takes a lot more time, energy and money and as a newbie you'll be hard pressed to create something that people will actually want to buy, so take note! It's not the same as producing a video on time management.

A lot of people get all emotional at this point and think that something's great because they created it!

Don't trust yourself until you have made some real money! You'll be thanking me later when your experience promoting others' products puts you in a position where you can sell an E-book and some Recordings for $97 and sell 100 to your list just by sending out one email. Your list will grow naturally if you follow the steps provided in this email. You'll also feel confident charging such a price because you'll know that the value you're providing is worth FAR more than $97!

Ideally you would pick two programs that you would feel comfortable talking about in depth. Companies that you can be passionately and genuinely enthusiastic about. This point is crucial because your job is going to involve you talking about them A LOT, so do your research and take your time until you find something that suits you personally. I found that Global Resorts Network was perfect for me because I LOVE travelling, I am living in Australia at the moment... Off to Vanuatu next year...

Don't be tempted to skip this point and just pick the first thing that catches your eye! If you get stuck, take some time out from your computer for a while, sit down with a pen and a piece of paper and write down what your main interests are so that you can look for a product that complements your true nature. Take some time because it will pay off handsomely later :-) Plus you want to make sure you come across as congruent.

I feel passionate about promoting Global Resorts Network and Lgn Revolution because I love travel and all the other fabulous re-sell rights I get with Lgn Revolution. I do well promoting these companies because people sense that I believe that what I'm promoting is valuable. If you believe that what you're promoting is valuable then the only thing that could possibly block you from achieving financial success online is laziness!

So after you've done some thinking and you've worked out what you'd like to promote, you need to ensure that you have at least two different price points. This is crucial because some people will want to be in a high ticket program ($1000 commissions) and others will have a negative attitude to making high ticket commissions because they don't have money and they can't imagine themselves or anyone else having any! This attitude turns them away from Global Resorts Network.

GRN has a joining fee of $1500 or $3000 if you want the product too, however, if you don't want the product you can just join as an affiliate for $100 and this caters to the lower end of the market whilst still giving them the opportunity to make $1000 commissions on their front and back line sales :-) I would still recommend having a lower priced product too for $200 or so, that way you're completely covered and you can cater for those who either cannot afford the high ticket programs, or are stuck with their negative thinking (as mentioned previously). After they join you in your lower priced program and get to know you they may get over their fear of promoting a higher priced product and join you in your high ticket program.

2) By now you should have your two different products to market and you can move on to the fun stuff which is "Branding Yourself" :-)

Branding is crucial in this industry and is becoming more and more important across the board in all industries as time goes by. It is about building relationships with others. Branding yourself makes people feel like they know you. When they feel like they know you, they trust you, and selling is all about building and keeping trust. You'll need to deliver valuable content to them consistently, beginning with a free email course that you can set up via your auto-responder. There is a lot of debating going on about how often you should mail your list and I would recommend no more than once a day, as less is more sometimes - especially if you find yourself doing it for the sake of doing it! Have a day off here and there to keep your messages and videos useful to your customers. My motto is: "If it doesn't give people value as soon as they read it, whether emotionally, spiritually, physically or financially, then DON'T send it! As long as you're delivering valuable content that they can put into practice immediately in some way, shape or form, then they'll always be happy to receive emails from you :-)

Then you can get started with your videos, articles and an E-book or free report that you have the rights to or have written so that you can offer it to people on your capture page. You can get one from clickbank if you're stuck. When they sign up to your auto-responder they get to download it. This helps build your value and their trust in you. That way, they will hopefully want to buy from you later, which is the whole point! So it's worth making an effort here my friends :-)

The very first thing you need to do is set up a capture page with your name as the url (ie: the website address), and get a good one that will let you set up lots of sub domains because you'll need lots of them!

I personally LOVE Host Monster. Their customer service is just out of this world! When I was a newbie they spent hours on the phone helping me out. Here is the link: For my autoresponder, I use Get Response. Here is the link for that: There are other autoresponders you can use, however, Get Response and Aweber are right up there as being the best. Here is the link for you to sign up with Aweber.

So, just to give you an example, if your name is "Jane Doe" you would set up www.JaneDoe.Com if it was available, to use as your main capture page. You would have a little blurb on there about yourself and what you have to offer people should they join you in your business. You can include a video of yourself here too.

Just be yourself in your videos and let your true personality shine through :-) At the end of the video you'll be telling them about what training you have to offer with what programs and why signing up with your team will benefit them more than any other team within the companies you're promoting. Really emphasize what you feel YOUR unique selling point is.

3) Once you've done that, you want to make sure that you provide training that you hold personally AT LEAST once a week at vereconference or wherever you can for FREE, in addition to any training your group provides. This helps to brand you as a leader and even if you don't feel like talking on your own for an hour, people will type questions into the box where they can communicate with the lead speaker by typing and that will give you a constant stream of relevant topics to discuss if your mind isn't full of them already! Which it should be by now if you're learning from all the successful marketers that are out there! If you think that you don't know enough people or have enough people in your downline to do this DONT WORRY! Just do it and THEY WILL COME! It may take some time but eventually word will travel and you will be packed! Have an open mic to make it easier if there are less people.

4) Now you've done that, you need to start recording videos, you might think, "Oh no I'm not attractive enough or some other rubbish! But the truth of the matter is, no one cares if you're 55, 75, or 19! It makes no difference. All they care about is what you have to offer them and how you're going to help them get what they want - money! That is what's on their mind! Not the spot on your chin! Or the bags under your eyes! So you need to record as many videos as you can that provide value for people and help them with an immediate problem they're having (eg: posting blogs or how to set up a auto-responder... you get the idea!).

If you feel as passionate about self improvement, as I do, that attracts a huge targeted market because most of them love online marketing! Upload the videos to or traffic geyser because it does it quicker and blasts your videos out to different networking sites for you! This saves you the time it would take you to upload your videos to each site manually - and time is money!

Traffic Geyser gets me a lot of traffic and gets me to the top of google within a mere few hours! You can get a FREE 30 day trial by going to this link

Once you have decided on the products to sell, set up your capture page, started your free training and recorded your first set of videos and have them on lots of different networking sites, you're going to need to start writing articles and blogs.

When writing articles you have to be very careful not to advertise unless it happens naturally, because you should be seen to be promoting your knowledge not the product you market! It sounds contradictory but you're building awareness of your value as a person who can help people to get what they want. Writing articles takes time, but like videos, they will last for years if not forever! Make sure people feel like they know you and want to be associated with you. Every video article and blog should be seen by you as a vehicle that gets you closer and closer to making money and helping others to do the same. The more people get from you, the more you will get and the more you will want to give. Give and you shall receive they say! It's SO true :-) So if you want to write a good article that gets you results, cover a topic that will help people to make money or feel better in some way and make it interesting and informative so that it spreads across the web like wildfire.... Over the coming days, weeks....months as your online presence g-r-o-w-s...:-)

5) Now we're going to get you blogging! Blogging is a lot of fun! You can express your views and impart your knowledge and get free exposure for yourself and the products you market for free so pay attention!

First and foremost you have to remember to link. Link to other resources and blogs that you like to read and that are related to your topic. I've noticed that if you become a regular on someone's blog they tend to become a regular on yours!

Also remember the power of keywords and phrases. Take some time to think about which search terms will point people to your products and services. Use tools like Wordtracker at to explore which search terms your potential customers might use to find you. Then you'll want to write a blog with one of those terms as the title. As you write, think of how you can impart value to the reader. Use the same techniques that you use when gathering information for a video or article. Read other popular blogs to get an idea, or maybe watch a few popular videos on the topic you want to write about, and tie your content into theirs. If you can, find a very popular video or article that has over 1000 views and then expand on what they had to say, almost as if you're finishing a soap after the frustrating "To Be Continued" sign comes up at the end! lol That often gets you a lot of traffic because you're filling in the gaps for people :-) They really appreciate that!

For more ideas on how to blog you, can run off to and pick up a copy of Blogwild by Andy Wibbels.

6) Last but not least, we're going to get your pay per click campaign set up.

Now there are three ways of doing this...

You can use a pay per click agency - just go and type that into Google, or you can do it yourself. A lot of pay per click agencies won't charge you more than a couple of hundred dollars to join up initially so it's worth using one if you want to. If you need help finding one then I can point you in the right direction :-)

Otherwise, read something like Google Adwords by Perry Marshall or pick up a copy of Adwords Cpm scanner from here:

A word of warning though! Be careful with google adwords if you don't know what you're doing it will eat you alive, and empty your purse in the meantime instead of filling it up...

We now have a system that does your google adwords campaign for you, it's better than the Reverse Funnel System and cheaper too. For more details on how to get it all set up you can contact me anytime on skype: Elizaelizaelizaeliza

Whatever you do, TAKE ACTION! Because nothing happens until something moves!

About the Author:

Costume Finishing Touches Accessories

By Shields Beasley

Do you have a catalog?
We no longer have a print catalog. Go to the website. There are over 5,000 items up and the site is updated almost everyday.No, artwork of costume jewelry received by fax cannot provide the quality needed for film making. We need to draw the artwork of costume jewelry again. In this case, the artwork of the costume jewelry will not be exactly the same as your original label design.

Shall I pay the sample charge if the costume jewelry sample is not satisfactory?
It is a point where disputes often arose in the sampling of costume jewelry. If the costume jewelry sample come out does not follow the design layout of the costume jewelry which is mutually agreed and signed, then you should not pay the sample charge of the costume jewelry. On the other hand, if the costume jewelry is made as per the design layout and description but the final outcome does not have the expected effect of the costume jewelry designer.We accept very small order for the costume jewelry as long as it is feasible.

Is the costume jewelry non-irritating to skin?
Most of the costume jewelries are non-irritating to skin. Some costume jewelry is made of natural materials such as nut, shell of fruit and animal bone which is non-allergic to skin. The problem laid on the metal costume jewelries, if the metal costume jewelries are nickel free plated, then they should be non-irritating to skin. If the costume jewelries are not nickel free plated, then it will be allergic to skin.You need not pay a mould charge or sample charge when you reorder the costume jewelry except some very exceptional cases such as the polyresin costume jewelry which require very complicate preparation procedures.Most of the costume jewelries are non-irritating to skin.

Shall I pay the sample charge if the costume jewelry sample is not satisfactory?
It is a point where disputes often arose in the sampling of costume jewelry. If the costume jewelry sample come out does not follow the design layout of the costume jewelry which is mutually agreed and signed, then you should not pay the sample charge of the costume jewelry. On the other hand, if the costume jewelry is made as per the design layout and description but the final outcome does not have the expected effect of the costume jewelry designer.It is a point where disputes often arose in the sampling of costume jewelry. If the costume jewelry sample come out does not follow the design layout of the costume jewelry which is mutually agreed and signed, then you should not pay the sample charge of the costume jewelry.

Can I have the costume jewelry of the same design in different colour combinations?
Yes, we will follow your instruction to make a number of colour combinations for your choice in the sampling process of your costume jewelry. You can also do the same thing in your bulk production order of your costume jewelry.Yes, it is our responsibility to do so. But it is a fact the tooling of the costume jewelry will deteriorate with the passage of time even though we will try our best to keep it in the most suitable condition.We accept very small order for the costume jewelry as long as it is feasible.

Can I go straight to production and skip the process of sample approval for the costume jewelry?
We strongly recommend you to inspect the costume jewelry sample before you pass the order for the costume jewelry. It will be very risky if you do not do it this way. In the sampling process of costume jewelry, mistakes or some technical problems often happen and make the costume jewelry sample come out significantly different from the design of the costume jewelry.Our costume jewelry factory is located in the Mainland China, while some of the materials for the costume jewelry are imported, all the production processes of the costume jewelry take place in China.N&N is always looking to purchase vintage costume pieces, similar to the items already on site. Email us with pictures and prices if you'd like to sell pieces to us.

About the Author:

Global Resorts Network - Is MOR Vacations Now Better?

By Mike Pereira

Better is in the eye of the beholder. There are only so many resorts and so many timeshare properties to pull inventory from, MOR or Less they are very close in offering. They both offer 5000 plus resorts to their members. There are some real differentiators though.

The hotweeks , Global Resorts Network travel service, was originally founded in Asia, thus they offer a lot more hotweeks in Asian areas such as Malaysia and Singapore, yes they have a small US office but that was really just created for the Global Resorts Network opportunity. The original membership is overseas based. If you live in Malaysia and Singapore then Global Resorts Network is your answer. If you live just about anywhere else then you have better options. MOR Vacations travel service partner is a US based company always has been and still is so they offer a LOT more hotweeks in the US that US based members can actually drive too. Additionally Global Resorts Network hotweeks begin at $298, MOR Vacations hotweeks begin at $149 - $149 is obviously cheaper than $298. So people in Asia or who have interest in traveling to Asia often are better off with Global Resorts Network, US based customers are better off with MOR Vacations. For the rest of the world it's fairly similar, but again $149 beats $298 so edge to MOR Vacations.

The price, for many years Global Resorts Network has sold their lifetime membership for $3,000 which I think is a great price. But if you didn't have $3,000 and wanted alternative options such as financing you couldn't get it. That is where MOR Vacations differentiates itself. MOR vacations offers many financing options so that people are able to get purchase the membership they desire. And if you do have the full price you can get in for cheaper than what Global Resorts Network would cost you. Really the majority of people that buy timeshares and vacation memberships etc do so through financing so this was a large piece of the pie that Global Resorts Network has always left on the table. Once MOR vacations threw their hat in the arena and announced financing Global Resorts Network quickly announced their own financing option of $998 down and monthly payments off of the $3000. Good for Global Resorts Network for finally stepping up and offering something that many have been asking for for a long time. MOR Vacations still offers more financing options so people can get in for even cheaper than what they could at Global Resorts Network. I give the edge to MOR Vacations due to the fact that they offer MOR options, plus Global Resorts Network ignored the requests from their affiliates until competition finally arrived, so points get deducted for that. Another option Global Resorts Network offers is a 3 year Gold Membership for $1500, MOR vacations offers a 5 year Emerald membership for $1298 - this one is obvious MOR Vacations wins hands down.

The home business opportunity, the compelling home based business opportunity being offered by Global Resorts Network has made many people lots of money courtesy of the perpetual leverage pay plan. The true power of perpetual leverage is that people at the bottom can and do make more money than people at the top. Some of the complaints that were voiced about the compensation plan were geared towards the fact that people just getting into the business were not able to earn commissions on their first sale and someone coming in as a free affiliate would not earn for their first sales. The nature of the business is that many people make 1 or 2 sales and then can't afford to stay in business because they haven't earned any money coming in to fund their future advertising. Unfortunately this has been the case for many people with limited funds, they spend what little they have to line the pockets of their sponsor before they cant afford to stay in business. Now many conscientious sponsors would share their commissions to help their fund their downline, but many of the greedier sponsors out there would not. MOR Vacations utilizes perpetual leverage as well, but has made a few tweaks to assist newer members and has renamed their compensation plan true perpetual leverage. MOR Vacations has alleviated the issue of new affiliate commissions by making sure that every affiliate will make 50% commissions on their first sale and full commissions every sale beyond that. At the time of my writing this Global Resorts Network announced a change to their policy to do the same thing, but again it took a serious competitor to step in to make them finally listen to the requests of their affiliates. Another difference between the two is that MOR Vacations does not charge its affiliates a fee to be an affiliate, whereas Global resorts Network charges $100 a year. The edge here is glaringly apparent MOR Vacations again wins hands down.

About the Author:

Home Based Business and Delegation

By Pavel Becker

Delegation has always been a problem for a lot of entrepreneurs. In a many cases there isn't even a question about it: it's my business and therefore I must be as involved as I possibly can! It feels normal - I'm my own boss and because of it I don't have anybody to help me, I'm only as successful as how hard I work.

The problem they face is a tough one. When the business becomes their baby, who can they trust to run it but themselves?

Having been involved with several businesses, I've come to believe that we willingly choose to ignore the forest for the trees. The concept becomes overshadowed by the daily details and the nitty-gritty details involved in actual production of the product.

We feel that we have to know every aspect of our business, inside and out, and that nobody else could ever understand it as well as we do. We feel that everything has to have our personal stamp of approval or the business will fail!

That's completely backward!

A lot of the time, it's this attitude and idea that drive most small businesses right into the ground.

In order to see why it happens let's go back a little bit and ask ourselves: what is a business? Is it an opportunity to provide your customers with fresh bread and cleaning services or an opportunity to make money for an entrepreneur?

The money, right? It's okay, be a little selfish. If you're a business owner, you've worked hard enough to deserve it!

So when we consider a new opportunity we have to calculate ahead of time: are we going to make money on it or we just know how to bake bread and clean floors and we assume that if we own the entire business it will automatically make money for us.

Ultimately, your task as an entrepreneur is to invest available recourses at a rate of return that exceeds your cost.

That's the hard part! Just look at all of the articles that go into your business's overhead! Do you even know what they all are? Really?

Everything has a price and those prices just keep rising. If you don't learn that, you'll never survive! There are no free rides.

You know exactly where I'm going with this! That's right! Your own time!

Inability to put a price on their own time runs a lot of small business owners out of business! They think that if they do something themselves, they are getting it for free! This kind of entrepreneurs end up doing everything without any help hoping to "cut costs" and they don't realize that the problem would never happen if they budgeted for every component and every position in their business.

Haven't you met business-owners who never has time available or money available because "You know, we run our own business, things are tough?"

Things are not supposed to be tough unless you make them this way!

Budgeting correctly can save you so much hassle and frustration. Set aside funds for accountants, a receptionist, loading dock workers, even a janitor. Do it or you'll find yourself "doing it" and trying to figure out just how doing it yourself makes it "free."

Everything has a price! That means your time too!

You started your business hoping to make an average income. Do you even know what that is? John Assaroff says it should be around high six- low seven- figures per year--on average $1,000,000.00 per year. That figures out to $420.00 per hour!

So, every time you do anything for your business other than making a decision, you should ask yourself: "Can I buy it for less then $420.00 per hour?" and if you can - you should!

Another problem is - what if you can't? Then you have to be honest with yourself - your business idea does not have enough upside to support itself and you should immediately abandon it! And by "immediately" I mean IMMEDIATELY!

The whole reason for starting your own business is to free ourselves from being an employee; free ourselves from confining financial situations; being stuck in the same place; doing the same things; lack of time for our families.

If you start your own business and still don't get any of those benefits, what's the point?

Robert Kiyosaki explains the difference between a business and a job this way: if you can leave it for a year and find it still running and even grown when you come back - it's a business, if it dies the next day you leave - it's a job!

So when we are talking about home based business we should be open to the idea of delegating most of the activities to outsourcers: article and press-release writing and submission, link building, social media communications, message boards and forums postings, content development and distribution, etc.

You may think that delegation entails losing some aspect of control, but in reality it's about gaining control.

Do what you are the best at - business development and strategizing - and let somebody else handle all the technical details.

Back when I was flipping houses (buying cheap real estate and fixing it up while trying to sell it at a profit) I felt I had to do everything on my own. I just knew that if I trusted somebody else to do something it would get messed up and I would have to do twice as much work to fix it. I thought that nobody could hang drywall like I could, that nobody could install toilets the unique way I do it!

It would take me forever to finish one property and after having spent so much time and effort on it you get really frustrated when a prospective buyer refuses to see how special that house is. All they see is one more three bedroom house among the other three bedroom houses on the market!

And at some point I partnered up with a group of people who had been flipping houses for quite a while as well and, seeing how attached I get to the house we were renovating, they shared with me their approach: they would actually make an effort not to be at the property during the renovation process, they actually hired a project manager to supervise the process and to avoid the need for them to be at the property. They were subbing out everything, focusing only on acquisition and selling aspects of the business. This approach allowed them to avoid falling in love with each property and to become the biggest company on the market within literally a few months!

I have another great example for you.

Back home, in Russia, we have this belief that has been around for decades: you have to grow your own potatoes, because if you do it yourself - it's free. I'm not joking!

I remember how every year we all had to participate in this weird activity: no matter how wealthy you are, no matter who you are, everybody was getting really involved in planting and growing potatoes. We would plant it manually and harvest it in the fall by manually digging it out of the ground! It was a lot of work!

I kept asking my parents why don't we just buy potatoes at the store (they were obviously very inexpensive) and they would keep telling me that if we grow them ourselves they are free!

It frustrated me because, even without being in college yet, I could see that the potatoes weren't free. All of the effort that was going into growing them was worth a fortune. Yet everybody was still doing it.

I remember eventually, when I was already in college, when the time came again to harvest potatoes, I said to my family: "Hey, guys, I can handle it myself, you don't have to go with me. I'm a strong guy and I will take care of it without your help!" They said: "Are you sure? It feels really weird, because for years it's been an activity that the entire family must participate in! Everybody else does it this way!" I said: "No, you are fine. I got it!"

I remember I went down to this place where jobless men used to gather and offered them some hard cash for their labor. They had all of the potatoes harvested before the day was over.

I didn't tell my family what happened because they would consider it almost sacrilegious!

Plus, they were so proud of me!

And, eventually, in college, I learned that I was right, when I read in the book the words that I remember by heart: "A world of individual self-sufficiency would be a world with extremely low living standards. Trade allows people to specialize in activities they can do well and to buy from others goods and services they can not easily produce. Specialization and trade go hand in hand because there is no motivation to achieve gains from specialization without being able to trade goods and services produced for goods and services desired. That's why economists use the term "gains from trade" to embrace the results of both."

So I was right!

It sounds like poetry to me!

Once again: you don't have to do everything in your business and you don't have to be good at everything in your business!

As John Assaroff told me: "Hire people who play at what you have to work."

The faster you learn how to delegate, the faster you will get to develop your business to the point where you can finally move to Costa Rica, learn how to surf and get to spend day after day on the beach with your family relaxing and drinking those fruity drinks with little umbrellas!

You are a business owner! That's what you do: you own your business!

Let somebody else handle the technical aspects and that's when you will experience the freedom you started your business for in the first place!

About the Author:

How To Effectively Build Strong Backlinks For SEO

By Chris Channing

Backlinks are a popular SEO method that is increasingly being used to promote a website and to attract traffic in the websites direction. Building backlinks can take a long time, but the results are well worth all of the hours of effort poured into developing those links.

Forum posting and submitting articles are two of the easiest ways to build backlinks. Having a simple link in a signature or within an article can direct plenty of attention to your website. If you or someone else uses your link in an irrelevant place, it probably wont do your website too much good. It is almost crucial for your link to be in relevant places, not just shoved somewhere.

Word of mouth also builds backlinks. If someone goes to your website and decides that its worth sharing, they will link back to your site, through messages to friends, or by many different means.

Never spam your link on the internet. Placing your backlinks on random forums, websites, in comments, and signatures, is distasteful. It looks like you are trying too hard and is often penalized by search engines and the owners of the places where you spam your link.

If you decide to use link exchanging as a method for building backlinks, then do so with caution. Doing too many exchanges, especially with irrelevant websites, can actually hinder your efforts. Choose a few good sources for backlink exchange, you want quality websites to exchange with, not crappy ones. If your website isn't quite quality yet, then don't expect backlink exchanges that are.

Social networking websites can also aide in your backlink building process. The more popular your page, the more backlinks are built, and the more traffic you get. It is a natural process that works by spreading of popularity, and it doesn't look overly suspicious or tacky. Another way to build backlinks for SEO is to have quality content. Interesting and informative articles or posts placed where others can see them, are a good way to get people to backlink to your site.

Closing Comments

Building backlinks for SEO is a fun, yet tedious project. It can take awhile for results to show, but it is important that you do not give up on it. The more backlinks, the better, as long as they are relevant backlinks, versus spammed links.

Methods to Incorporate Fresh Content Into Your Site Regularly

By Calvin Preston

Everyone knows that Google values content. This can be frustrating to some folks, because it can be difficult to create natural content that is relevant to the user as well. Obviously it is valuable in some cases, but things can get redundant easily. FOr a site to rank, content needs to be continually refreshed. The following are some guidelines on gaining refreshing content on your website.

1. Blogs- A blog is not necessary for every site, but if you can incorporate a blog into your format, why not? Linking the blog from your homepage as well as spotlighting the most current articles on the homepage is key. Do not be intimidated about blogging, you would be surprised at the ideas you can come up with.

2. A collections of articles can be utilized as resources to your website. Be sure to keep them updated continually, as well as categorize them by your keywords.

3. User generated content: customer reviews of products (offer a coupon if they fill one out), customer testimonials, customer suggestions, customer top 5 lists.

4. Related companies, with a blurb about them, using affiliate links potentially to generate some other revenue.

Using any of these ideas will certainly increase your effectiveness as an online business. You will also be gaining value in relation to search engines. Creating a more user friendly website will only increase your revenue.

About the Author:

How to choose to buy Digital Camera Bag

By Jude robert

All this has borne fruit. After months of saving money, you have now in the hands of a digital camera like in your dreams. Together with your digital camera, you can also obtain good quality camera.

Camera bag is a container with different camera equipment. So, what is your digital camera bag? Some of the components can be found in a camera bag are:

Digital Cameras

Camera bag loses its vital essence, without the camera itself. There are various types and formats of digital cameras, so it is important to take into account the type and size of the camera in front of the camera.

Memory for use

it is possible to store images in the memory card. Choose the camera will ensure not only their memory, but the owner of the store photos, too.

An area for the memory card is crucial because it is still very small, is an important addition to the camera. Make sure you get a camera bag has a memory holder.


Give life to your digital camera. Make sure to take them different parts of the batteries. Most camera bags have more storage space for the specified batteries.


Be prepared saves a lot of problems. This means that the battery charger in the camera bag will be most useful especially when your battery is empty of life. Choose your bag, which may hold the battery charger.


most tripods are suitable for medium to large sized camera bags. Most people prefer to be with them with a tripod to ensure steady pictures. Some on the other hand, leads a tripod in the bag each time they intend to set up self-timer on their cameras.

Maybe you'll see the lens and a number of filters bags behind closed doors. Others decide to external storage evacuated. Things that are stored in the camera bag varies.

Depending on the user. Camera bag users can start photography in the profession that can have many beginners, the camera equipment. On the other hand, the user can have a pro. Some benefits such that the camera equipment in the bag only what is necessary for a particular project.

Size matters in terms of finding answers to what is inside your camera bag. Whereas the camera bags come in different sizes of the equipment should be stored depends on the size of your bag. With a small camera bag you can essentials - camera, batteries, and to some extent the battery charger. However, a large camera bag that can be placed in the most from your camera accessories, whether small or large. There are individuals who are comfortable in the administration of various sizes, from a camera in a photo-trip, so that all supplements are useful in the right place.

What is your digital camera bag business? Items in the bag will help with a good picture. If not keep a spare battery in your bag and then your pictures will most likely appear blurred, to some extent can not shoot. He is also a good opinion of the memory card in your camera bag you not be limited to standard digital camera memory.

Grab your camera bag and ensure that the accessories must be able to comfortably say "cheese".

About the Author:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mascots Make an Impact on Sales

By Amy Nutt

Have you ever wondered why companies use mascots to promote their products? What about schools or sports teams that have prominent mascots to bring awareness and inspire fans? Mascots are an important part of our culture and a very effective sales tool. Read on to learn more!

What are Mascots?

Mascots are characters used to bring good luck or popular exposure to a team, organization, or school. They are used to help advertise products, promote school spirit, raise awareness about issues, and for many other purposes. You might have seen a mascot in any of the following situations:

- Representing military units - Drawing attention to a product or service - Supporting a school or professional sports team - Acting as a goodwill ambassador for a cause

Mascots can take a variety of forms, including inanimate objects, logos, people, and live animals. Most people are very familiar with costumed characters as mascots.

History of Mascots

Before the term was popularized in the late nineteenth century, "mascot" was used to describe any kind of good-luck item or person. The term is little changed today, but it is more specific to an item or person representing a particular cause, company, or organization.

In the middle of the twentieth century, sports teams began to choose animals or characters to represent their team spirit. Costumes were created, and these characters began to inspire fans and promote the team.

Today, mascots are used to represent businesses as well as schools and sports teams. Some great examples of companies using mascots are the characters used to promote breakfast cereals. Characters like the rabbit used to sell General Mills' Trix breakfast cereal seem to stick in the minds of children and adults alike.

The Public Face of Your Company

Finding the right mascot can have a dramatic effect on your company's ability to sell to consumers. Your product or service is much harder to forget if it represented by a dramatic and memorable character.

Finding the right mascot for your company isn't always easy. It should be directly related to your business in some way. Do you manufacture ice cream? A cow would make a great mascot. Give some thought to these considerations in choosing the public face of your company:

- What kind of image do you want to present to your customers? If you want to present a fun-loving attitude, a playful mascot would work best. If you're more interested in presenting an image of powerful excellence, you might be better off with a fierce animal mascot.

- Who exactly are your target customers? If your target audience is young children, you might want to stay away from scary mascots. On the other hand, if you are targeting adults, something too silly might alienate some potential customers.

- How will you be using your mascot? Do you plan to have your mascot meet people and represent your business at trade shows or other industry events? What about in a mall or parking lot? Make sure the mascot you choose is suited for the situation you need.

Should You Choose Stock or Custom Mascots?

There is one final consideration in choosing the best mascot to represent your company or organization and increase sales and exposure. Don't forget to think about whether you need a custom mascot. Stock mascots are perfectly suited to many situations. With so many choices, it's unlikely that you'll run into someone with the same mascot.

However, if you know you will be getting a lot of exposure from your mascot, you might be better off with a custom mascot. Knowing the representative of your business is as unique as the company itself can buy you peace of mind during large conventions and trade shows.

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Internet businesses: work from home

By Larry Miller

These days, it seems like everyone is in search of a good high potential home based work opportunity. A good home based business opportunity might become a potent secondary source of income, or a new business that can change your life. Let's take a look at a few of the businesses that could be the home based opportunity you're looking for.

Some of the more outstanding work from home opportunities that you can try are internet based endeavors. An online job has a lot of benefits when sized up to various other kinds of home based businesses. With a web based opportunity, there are some nice features that you won't get in different industries.

I think the most outstanding advantage of a correctly established online business is that it will work for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This advantage, on it's own, leads to making an online company a great alternative when looking for a home based career. Just think about how nice it would be working an operation that provides cash as you're out of the office.

We will mention a selection of different operations that some ambitious person can pick from to make money with an online business. Let's divide this list of opportunities apart into just two distinct categories. The two categories are 1, being hired by someone, and 2, being self employed.

The initial category will refer to any type of occupation where you get a job, and are paid by, someone else. You will come across many categories of online, home based, job offers out there. A short list most certainly would include, virtual assistant, virtual secretary, and ghost writing.

There is very little that you need to get work doing any of these work at home jobs Definitely, you should be trained, or prepared to learn, to do the work the job requires. You certainly will need some type of phone service for nearly all of these types of internet jobs.

The next tool all workers absolutely need is access to a computer. If you do good work, nearly all employers love having a work from home arrangement. Your employer is helped not only from your work, and your equipment, but also doesn't need to give up work area.

The second category is of careers that are only for the people who choose to have their own personal careers. The various opportunities you will find include, website development, developing e-products, and marketing. This list is but a few of the various opportunities that exist.

Choosing any of these businesses, you will be on your own. It will be up to you to plan how much effort you put into this, and you will be wearing all the hats in your new business. The potential for profits are there, but so are the obligations needed to succeed, when operating your online business.

In our opinion, it is advisable to set out on this untested business as a part time job. The effect of this will be to ease the pressure as you initiate your new business. After a while, if you are successful, you will decide if you want to shift over to your new career as a full time career.

Home based business opportunities seem to have become the way to go. Do the work, and check out all of the possibilities that are out there. If you work hard, you could retire young and wealthy.

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How to Win the Social Marketing War

By P. Kulenek

How important traffic is to the life of your website?

How about I share with you some of the best ways to get traffic coming into your site using "social marketing" sites that are so popular?


People call it social marketing and web 2.0 but the fact of the matter is this - you need to be using the social marketing websites to your advantage because there's tons of FREE TRAFFIC to be had from them.

The big names like MySpace and Facebook are not only dominating the internet but they are starting to play a really big part in driving traffic to marketers sales pages.

Social sites don't like marketers! So you have to be careful when using them. The key is to stick with the "5 H's" approach;



Have fun

Help people

As long as you can inject a little piece of HUMOR into your social profile or even just a unique trait of who you really are then you will start attracting lots of friends and widening your network.

Be honest. No point uploading photos to your profile of Prince William or Victoria Beckham. People want to get to know you so be honest.

Have some fun! That's one of the great things about social marketing. Having fun, meeting new people, learning new things and making money from the traffic that you get all at the same time.

Also remember to HELP people. You have to give to get. So add useful links and recommendations to your profiles. Give good advice when answering any questions people may post.


About the Author: can select optimal keywords for your business

By Mike Shwimmer

When you are looking for help promoting your site for top keywords, using different research tools for effective keyword bidding is essential in advertiser programs such as Google AdSense and Yahoo tools. As you have probably heard over and over, keyword marketing is very importaint step in success of online business. When you search a software tool to find the most popular keywords for your website you have to know exactly what is behind the high frequency of a specific search phrase.

If you are just throwing up websites without incorporating professional niche keyword research into your site planning, content development and search engine optimization, you are truly taking a shot in the dark. Once your site structure is done it is time to create the content for the site, which is the crucial part and where the keyword optimization and keyword density comes into play.

Never forget that keyword marketing research is the factor that determines the success or failure of your niche site. While doing keyword optimization it is always recommended to do a thorough market research and competitive analysis to find top keywords used by search engine visitors to find products and services online and what search terms are targeted by your competitors who are doing well in online marketing.

Don't forget that keyword ranking will help you to be on top of your competitors, because through it, you'll know what the public wants, what people are actually looking for, thus giving you ample time to come up with services and goods that these people want. At its simplest level, keyword research is about studying the phrases that work for your search engine audience.

There are tools like which help you identify search terms suitable for your business and you should use them to assist you in keyword research. It has set of unique technologies which allows you to see all needed information about keyword that you want to bid on. Plus, it has unique top placing technology which helps you to get on top of Google, Yahoo, MSN, plus dozens of search engines across the world. It's business model differs from pay per click technologies and allows advertisers to get unique niche for their websites with unique ownership of keywords. If you're a brick and mortar business that sells power tools, proper keyword research can be a tremendous help-even before you set up your online business.

In summary, a keyword ranking research is the heart of any search engine optimization and search marketing task. An effective website relies on good set of keywords, and using the right tools to manipulate those terms.

Doing proper keyword optimization needs both time and skill, and the service doesn't come cheap. In common, keyword marketing and ranking undoubtedly is a very important and also fascinating field of Internet marketing that unravels the magnitude of the Internet.

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