Thursday, October 30, 2008

Avoid Being A Marketing Scam Victim

By Tim May

For many looking to get some information about internet marketing, one of the more appealing possibilities is to utilize a program or other resource that is available online. Often, these programs are developed by a marketer that has impressive credentials or other characteristics that make them a renowned marketing person in the field. As a result, many people believe that these programs work well.

Unfortunately, very often people who try these online marketing programs are left aholding the baga. Often they are baffled as to exactly how they got taken. A lot of online marketing ploys have one goal - to get your money in exchange for little or nothing. This unfortunate set of circumstances causes trouble for legitimate online marketers who lose business because of the dishonest actions of others.

Despite being otherwise upstanding internet citizens, people who are left wondering exactly \"how I got scammed by an internet marketing guru.\" In reality, the main reason for the victimization is the trusting nature of many business people on the internet. Too many retailers and individuals looking to sell their wares and seeking marketing advice on how to grow their sales are all too commonly trusting of an operation even if it seems a bit shady.

It is always a good idea to know the background of anyone you do business with online or otherwise. Obvious scammers usually have bad reputations that are easy to uncover with a little internet research. Unhappy customers are not shy about airing their dissatisfaction. So the obvious ones are - well - obviious! But there are some that really do seem legitimate. It can be very difficult to discern exactly which are on the up-and-up and which are not.

Here are a few things to watch out for. First, anyone trying to sell you free information is suspicious. If you can find it out for yourself, you shouldnat have to pay for it or pay for any benefit you may get from it. Second, if the information seems sketchy or out-of-date, avoid it. Third, be certain that any information or advice you buy will really pertain to you and your target audience.

A lot of times the information peddled by fake gurus is not only outdated, it is downright illegal! Did the agurua acquire his expertise and success through honest means? If not, it is a safe bet that what he is selling is not honest. Consider the source when seeking advice for your success.

Look for reputable firms and individuals with good reputations. Can you check their background? How does it look? Can you verify the testimony of their happy, satisfied customers? If you canat find out where they came from or who they have helped, it is probably not a good idea to lay down your cash!

Avoid being scammed! Keep your eyes peeled! Verify information! When you find a good, honest company or individual that really helps you, let it be known. When you find a scam, let that be known, too! is a great place to visit to find out more about online scams.

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