Thursday, October 30, 2008

How To Effectively Build Strong Backlinks For SEO

By Chris Channing

Backlinks are a popular SEO method that is increasingly being used to promote a website and to attract traffic in the websites direction. Building backlinks can take a long time, but the results are well worth all of the hours of effort poured into developing those links.

Forum posting and submitting articles are two of the easiest ways to build backlinks. Having a simple link in a signature or within an article can direct plenty of attention to your website. If you or someone else uses your link in an irrelevant place, it probably wont do your website too much good. It is almost crucial for your link to be in relevant places, not just shoved somewhere.

Word of mouth also builds backlinks. If someone goes to your website and decides that its worth sharing, they will link back to your site, through messages to friends, or by many different means.

Never spam your link on the internet. Placing your backlinks on random forums, websites, in comments, and signatures, is distasteful. It looks like you are trying too hard and is often penalized by search engines and the owners of the places where you spam your link.

If you decide to use link exchanging as a method for building backlinks, then do so with caution. Doing too many exchanges, especially with irrelevant websites, can actually hinder your efforts. Choose a few good sources for backlink exchange, you want quality websites to exchange with, not crappy ones. If your website isn't quite quality yet, then don't expect backlink exchanges that are.

Social networking websites can also aide in your backlink building process. The more popular your page, the more backlinks are built, and the more traffic you get. It is a natural process that works by spreading of popularity, and it doesn't look overly suspicious or tacky. Another way to build backlinks for SEO is to have quality content. Interesting and informative articles or posts placed where others can see them, are a good way to get people to backlink to your site.

Closing Comments

Building backlinks for SEO is a fun, yet tedious project. It can take awhile for results to show, but it is important that you do not give up on it. The more backlinks, the better, as long as they are relevant backlinks, versus spammed links.

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