Thursday, October 30, 2008

Profit Online With A System That Beats The Reverse Funnel System.

By Eliza Mc Namara

People often ask me: "What's the best thing I can do to profit online ?"

I've never been one to beat around the bush so I say, "Do you really want to know or are you just asking!".

At this point they might say something like, "What's the secret?!". I tell them that there is no secret! I tell them that they need to provide value before they can expect people to give them money! It sounds like common sense but I'm still amazed at how much people will do without educating themselves first. They want results and they want them now. They don't want to learn they just want! I try and tell them "It doesn't work that way! You have to be willing to spend $100 on the odd course to add to your knowledge so you can have something to teach people that buy from you, you have to build your value so you can be attractive to your buyers.

Do you think that when I first started out anyone cared about who Eliza Mc Namara was? Of course they didn't! Why would they? People are focused on themselves, WIIFM short for What's In It For Me is the catchphrase of this century..... That's why you're better off promoting other peoples products when you're just starting out...

Now I'm certainly not suggesting you buy every Online Top Tips Secret Course tomorrow! But what I am saying is that it pays to invest in your education.

I would recommend spending about one hour a day, NO MORE THAN TWO! Learning how to market and then spend the rest of your time IMPLEMENTING!

So the topic I'm going to cover today is "How to Profit With Global Resorts Network in Five Steps".

1) First of all, you're going to choose a way to market yourself and your knowledge, even if you think you have none...

It sounds simple doesn't it? Unfortunately, this is where most people get lost in a flurry of endless useless activity.

They get lost in all of the information that is out there. They don't spend enough time implementing, but spend too much time choosing a method that's "perfect", then when it doesn't market itself they wonder why they haven't made any money! Then they'll say it didn't work!

IT doesn't work YOU work! YOU have to market it. You have to put in some kind of effort before you call something a scam and say that "It doesn't work!".

So when you're choosing a way to market, don't get caught up reading reviews from people that were too lazy to work. They call everything pointless because it will always be pointless for them. Some people say that google adwords is a scam! They get mad about that and instead of making an effort to actually promote something of value, like a blog telling people how to do something they've just mastered, they'll charge you $25 to read their special report on "What Your Upline Won't Tell You!" Ann Sieg fans beware!

At this point, I also feel that it is crucial to mention that promoting your own products is probably not a good idea if you're new to internet marketing, or if you haven't made any money from it yet!

Selling your own products takes a lot more time, energy and money and as a newbie you'll be hard pressed to create something that people will actually want to buy, so take note! It's not the same as producing a video on time management.

A lot of people get all emotional at this point and think that something's great because they created it!

Don't trust yourself until you have made some real money! You'll be thanking me later when your experience promoting others' products puts you in a position where you can sell an E-book and some Recordings for $97 and sell 100 to your list just by sending out one email. Your list will grow naturally if you follow the steps provided in this email. You'll also feel confident charging such a price because you'll know that the value you're providing is worth FAR more than $97!

Ideally you would pick two programs that you would feel comfortable talking about in depth. Companies that you can be passionately and genuinely enthusiastic about. This point is crucial because your job is going to involve you talking about them A LOT, so do your research and take your time until you find something that suits you personally. I found that Global Resorts Network was perfect for me because I LOVE travelling, I am living in Australia at the moment... Off to Vanuatu next year...

Don't be tempted to skip this point and just pick the first thing that catches your eye! If you get stuck, take some time out from your computer for a while, sit down with a pen and a piece of paper and write down what your main interests are so that you can look for a product that complements your true nature. Take some time because it will pay off handsomely later :-) Plus you want to make sure you come across as congruent.

I feel passionate about promoting Global Resorts Network and Lgn Revolution because I love travel and all the other fabulous re-sell rights I get with Lgn Revolution. I do well promoting these companies because people sense that I believe that what I'm promoting is valuable. If you believe that what you're promoting is valuable then the only thing that could possibly block you from achieving financial success online is laziness!

So after you've done some thinking and you've worked out what you'd like to promote, you need to ensure that you have at least two different price points. This is crucial because some people will want to be in a high ticket program ($1000 commissions) and others will have a negative attitude to making high ticket commissions because they don't have money and they can't imagine themselves or anyone else having any! This attitude turns them away from Global Resorts Network.

GRN has a joining fee of $1500 or $3000 if you want the product too, however, if you don't want the product you can just join as an affiliate for $100 and this caters to the lower end of the market whilst still giving them the opportunity to make $1000 commissions on their front and back line sales :-) I would still recommend having a lower priced product too for $200 or so, that way you're completely covered and you can cater for those who either cannot afford the high ticket programs, or are stuck with their negative thinking (as mentioned previously). After they join you in your lower priced program and get to know you they may get over their fear of promoting a higher priced product and join you in your high ticket program.

2) By now you should have your two different products to market and you can move on to the fun stuff which is "Branding Yourself" :-)

Branding is crucial in this industry and is becoming more and more important across the board in all industries as time goes by. It is about building relationships with others. Branding yourself makes people feel like they know you. When they feel like they know you, they trust you, and selling is all about building and keeping trust. You'll need to deliver valuable content to them consistently, beginning with a free email course that you can set up via your auto-responder. There is a lot of debating going on about how often you should mail your list and I would recommend no more than once a day, as less is more sometimes - especially if you find yourself doing it for the sake of doing it! Have a day off here and there to keep your messages and videos useful to your customers. My motto is: "If it doesn't give people value as soon as they read it, whether emotionally, spiritually, physically or financially, then DON'T send it! As long as you're delivering valuable content that they can put into practice immediately in some way, shape or form, then they'll always be happy to receive emails from you :-)

Then you can get started with your videos, articles and an E-book or free report that you have the rights to or have written so that you can offer it to people on your capture page. You can get one from clickbank if you're stuck. When they sign up to your auto-responder they get to download it. This helps build your value and their trust in you. That way, they will hopefully want to buy from you later, which is the whole point! So it's worth making an effort here my friends :-)

The very first thing you need to do is set up a capture page with your name as the url (ie: the website address), and get a good one that will let you set up lots of sub domains because you'll need lots of them!

I personally LOVE Host Monster. Their customer service is just out of this world! When I was a newbie they spent hours on the phone helping me out. Here is the link: For my autoresponder, I use Get Response. Here is the link for that: There are other autoresponders you can use, however, Get Response and Aweber are right up there as being the best. Here is the link for you to sign up with Aweber.

So, just to give you an example, if your name is "Jane Doe" you would set up www.JaneDoe.Com if it was available, to use as your main capture page. You would have a little blurb on there about yourself and what you have to offer people should they join you in your business. You can include a video of yourself here too.

Just be yourself in your videos and let your true personality shine through :-) At the end of the video you'll be telling them about what training you have to offer with what programs and why signing up with your team will benefit them more than any other team within the companies you're promoting. Really emphasize what you feel YOUR unique selling point is.

3) Once you've done that, you want to make sure that you provide training that you hold personally AT LEAST once a week at vereconference or wherever you can for FREE, in addition to any training your group provides. This helps to brand you as a leader and even if you don't feel like talking on your own for an hour, people will type questions into the box where they can communicate with the lead speaker by typing and that will give you a constant stream of relevant topics to discuss if your mind isn't full of them already! Which it should be by now if you're learning from all the successful marketers that are out there! If you think that you don't know enough people or have enough people in your downline to do this DONT WORRY! Just do it and THEY WILL COME! It may take some time but eventually word will travel and you will be packed! Have an open mic to make it easier if there are less people.

4) Now you've done that, you need to start recording videos, you might think, "Oh no I'm not attractive enough or some other rubbish! But the truth of the matter is, no one cares if you're 55, 75, or 19! It makes no difference. All they care about is what you have to offer them and how you're going to help them get what they want - money! That is what's on their mind! Not the spot on your chin! Or the bags under your eyes! So you need to record as many videos as you can that provide value for people and help them with an immediate problem they're having (eg: posting blogs or how to set up a auto-responder... you get the idea!).

If you feel as passionate about self improvement, as I do, that attracts a huge targeted market because most of them love online marketing! Upload the videos to or traffic geyser because it does it quicker and blasts your videos out to different networking sites for you! This saves you the time it would take you to upload your videos to each site manually - and time is money!

Traffic Geyser gets me a lot of traffic and gets me to the top of google within a mere few hours! You can get a FREE 30 day trial by going to this link

Once you have decided on the products to sell, set up your capture page, started your free training and recorded your first set of videos and have them on lots of different networking sites, you're going to need to start writing articles and blogs.

When writing articles you have to be very careful not to advertise unless it happens naturally, because you should be seen to be promoting your knowledge not the product you market! It sounds contradictory but you're building awareness of your value as a person who can help people to get what they want. Writing articles takes time, but like videos, they will last for years if not forever! Make sure people feel like they know you and want to be associated with you. Every video article and blog should be seen by you as a vehicle that gets you closer and closer to making money and helping others to do the same. The more people get from you, the more you will get and the more you will want to give. Give and you shall receive they say! It's SO true :-) So if you want to write a good article that gets you results, cover a topic that will help people to make money or feel better in some way and make it interesting and informative so that it spreads across the web like wildfire.... Over the coming days, weeks....months as your online presence g-r-o-w-s...:-)

5) Now we're going to get you blogging! Blogging is a lot of fun! You can express your views and impart your knowledge and get free exposure for yourself and the products you market for free so pay attention!

First and foremost you have to remember to link. Link to other resources and blogs that you like to read and that are related to your topic. I've noticed that if you become a regular on someone's blog they tend to become a regular on yours!

Also remember the power of keywords and phrases. Take some time to think about which search terms will point people to your products and services. Use tools like Wordtracker at to explore which search terms your potential customers might use to find you. Then you'll want to write a blog with one of those terms as the title. As you write, think of how you can impart value to the reader. Use the same techniques that you use when gathering information for a video or article. Read other popular blogs to get an idea, or maybe watch a few popular videos on the topic you want to write about, and tie your content into theirs. If you can, find a very popular video or article that has over 1000 views and then expand on what they had to say, almost as if you're finishing a soap after the frustrating "To Be Continued" sign comes up at the end! lol That often gets you a lot of traffic because you're filling in the gaps for people :-) They really appreciate that!

For more ideas on how to blog you, can run off to and pick up a copy of Blogwild by Andy Wibbels.

6) Last but not least, we're going to get your pay per click campaign set up.

Now there are three ways of doing this...

You can use a pay per click agency - just go and type that into Google, or you can do it yourself. A lot of pay per click agencies won't charge you more than a couple of hundred dollars to join up initially so it's worth using one if you want to. If you need help finding one then I can point you in the right direction :-)

Otherwise, read something like Google Adwords by Perry Marshall or pick up a copy of Adwords Cpm scanner from here:

A word of warning though! Be careful with google adwords if you don't know what you're doing it will eat you alive, and empty your purse in the meantime instead of filling it up...

We now have a system that does your google adwords campaign for you, it's better than the Reverse Funnel System and cheaper too. For more details on how to get it all set up you can contact me anytime on skype: Elizaelizaelizaeliza

Whatever you do, TAKE ACTION! Because nothing happens until something moves!

About the Author:

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