Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Podcasting Basics

By Theo McLanahan

Just as blogging swept the internet in the last few years, podcasting has become the new internet trend. You can find podcasts on all types of subjects, ranging from audio blogs, how-to information, interviews with experts, and more.

The term "podcast" comes from the MP3 player created by Apple, the iPod. A podcast is an audio file that has been made with the intention of communicating information to the public.

A large percentage of business podcasts are designed to be similar to a radio show. The podcaster may interview guests that have knowledge on their particular website topic, or the podcaster might go solo and do all the talking themselves.

What are some other reasons for having a podcast on your site? Importantly, it is a really good way to increase your website's visitor traffic. People search podcast directories for new podcasts to listen to. Hopefully they will find yours and if they enjoy your podcast, will visit your website.

You can also use your podcast to promote products and affiliate links. For example, if you have an information product about dog breeding, you can talk about it on your podcast. If you are an affiliate for a dog biscuit manufacturer, you can provide a review of the product and tell your audience that if they want more information they can to a page on your site that will redirect them to your affiliate link with the company.

Podcasts will also help you develop relationships with your customer and prospective customers. Your customers will listen to your show, and will feel as though they can get to know you. As they continue to listen to your information, they will start to think of you as an expert in your particular field. You will become that person that they will go to for more information in that subject.

A great way to make more money from your podcast is to accept advertising or sponsorships. If you play an advertisement (this would be similar to your local radio station's ads), you charge. Or you can charge a fee to interview someone if they would like to promote their business on your podcast.

If you're interested in trying out podcasting, a very easy way to start is to use Audio Acrobat. Audio Acrobat is a monthly fee-based service; you record your message with a computer microphone or with your telephone. Through the audio service, you then create streaming audio players that you post to your website, as well as links for others to download your podcast to their computer or MP3 player.

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