Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Article Marketing; One Step to Triple Your Results

By Daniel Z. Kane

Article marketing has become a very popular tactic of website owners. It's no wonder why.

Online businesses require just two things to ensure success. The first is content...good content. An adequate number of website visitors is the second...and the more the better. There are any number of ways to advertise and promote a website, including "plugging" it on social media sites. But, all traffic is not equal, and organic search traffic is the best of all.

First of all, organic search traffic costs nothing. But that's not it's chief advantage over traffic that comes as a result of advertising. What makes visitors who reach your site via search engines so valuable is that they are far more likely to be buyers than are visitors who reach you in response to advertising.

Because people who come to you after a search were looking for what your site offers, they are your best visitors. They're the ones who will request more information, sign up for your newsletter, or buy your product or service on the spot.

That is why smart website owners spend significant time and money trying to earn high search engine ranking. And, since obtaining links is critical to achieving such rankings, they are all engaged in a link building campaign of one kind or another. Generally, article marketing is a part of their campaigns because few other activities can be counted on to generate as many links as quickly. In fact, a popular article can produce dozens of links almost immediately and hundreds of links within a few weeks.

Almost always, for fairly obvious reasons, people write articles about the same subjects which are the themes of their websites. It just makes good sense.

Unfortunately, most article writers compose articles only on things directly related to their websites. Big, big mistake!

Website owners who choose to write only on one or a narrow range of topics will miss out on lots of potential links. By branching out a bit, their writing and their links can be far more widely published. I'm an education writer who already has thousands of links on education-related websites. But not everybody is interested in higher education, so my articles have reached a limited audience and my links appear primarily on specialized websites. By writing on unrelated but popular topics, like this one, I can reach whole new audiences and earn links on countless more websites.

Do write about the subject(s) of your website(s). That's how you'll get links which will do the most to boost your search engine rankings for the keywords that can bring you the most targeted traffic. But, don't make mistake #1 of article writers...don't limit your range of topics. Every few weeks, choose a popular topic...one with mass appeal...and write on it. The new audiences such articles can help you reach, and the increase in links you will gain will give your website a big boost.

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