Friday, October 17, 2008

Being Taken Advantage Of By A Guru

By Tim May

People get ripped off everyday by the internet marketing gurus. I am sure you know exactly what I am talking about. Nearly every internet marketing guru on the internet is talking about quitting your job and starting your very own online business right out of your home.

They often say something like, \"Tell your boss good buy, and make a six figure income every month,\" or \"Need extra cash?, buy this ebook and make thousands a month.\" So you decide, this sounds exactly like what I need. So you go to the site and find it littered with the same junk everyone elses is. It seems to go on forever, and their claims are ridiculous.

They tell you about their great secrets and that they are dying to share them with you on how they make their millions. You must first purchase their DVD or ebook, which only redirects you back to the site so that you can sign up for your soon to be new life. This is where the fun starts, unfortunately not for you but for them.

It is almost like a comedy, seeing how most internet marketing gurus are ripping off people. The people are so caught up in all these pictures of cars, boats, houses, and excessive income claims that they donat even stop to think.

In hopes of a new life they purchase the digital books offered to them. The digital books on the other hand often instruct the consumer to purchase another item so that they can better reach their goals. Sometimes they ask that you pay a monthly fee so that you can continue your much needed training and receive special tips. They then tell you to sell as much of their products as you possibly can so you can make up the difference.

There are a few things you may notice in a guru marketing scam. One is by getting you to pay monthly they are trapping you within their system. The second is tricking you into buying multiple items so that you have a better success rate.

Meanwhile, the marketer makes all the money while you struggle to achieve this dream they feed you. They know what they are doing. They are all getting rich off of their internet market guru scams. Itas how they made their money in the first place. Practically crooks when you look at the outcome in the end.

You can't win this game unless you start fooling people yourself. Is this what you want to do? I don't think so. You know deep inside that they will eventually pay the price for fooling other people somehow. They make millions off of people that are desperate and make them lose their last shirt. Do not end up as one of these people. Visit for more information.

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