Monday, October 6, 2008

Better Search Engine Rankings - Improve Your Rankings

By Jennifer Ledbetter

Your search engine rankings are a large contributor to the success of your web site. If you want all that free organic search traffic from the search engines you will have to learn how to improve your search engine rankings. The main search engine you should really be focused on obtaining better rankings in is Google.

Why focus on Google? Stats show that Google currently enjoys a 77% share of the search engine market. Google handles over 300 MILLION search requests every single DAY. With over 8 billion pages in the Google index (with thousands of pages being added daily), you need to learn how to improve your search engine rankings or else you will get lost in the Google index. Without better search engine rankings, your web site will remain a virtual ghost town.

There are so many unproven theories out there pertaining to the process of ranking better in the search engines. Most of us already know that Google puts emphasis on the following factors of a web site - and ranks a site with these factors in mind:

Keywords in url

Keywords in content (and close to each other)

Link Popularity (links that point TO your site)

Keywords used to link to your site

The theme of the site or page

Oddly, Google doesn't mention optimizing meta tags, however,it is my experience that taking the time to optimize title tags and description tags can help... and certainly can't hurt.

Improve Search Engine Ranking - The Myths

No doubt, there is a lot of false information going around about how to boost your site in the search engines. Your first step in learning how to improve your rankings is to learn what is fact - and what is NOT.

These are some of the search engine ranking myths that you need to get out of your head:

Myth #1: Google Knows All and Sees All

Myth #2: Google Will Not Rank Duplicate Content

Myth #3: You Must Get Links From Related Subject Sites to Rank

Myth #4: Your Site Must Focus On One Subject To Rank

Myth #5: High PageRank Means Good Rankings in Search Engines

Myth #6: To Keep Good Rankings, You Must Add New Content

MYTH #7: THE BIGGEST MYTH: Ranking In Google Is Hard!

Improving your search engine rankings is not hard

Thankfully, improving your rankings in Google is not hard - if you know what you're doing. Think about Google, and what their goal is. Their goal is to provide their users with the fastest, most relevant search results possible. Heck, they are the only website that I can think of that has the goal of getting visitors OFF their site as quickly as possible!

If you practice high standards of search engine optimization - learn what Google wants - and take the time to de-program yourself of all the myths surrounding better search engine rankings, you will see better search engine rankings quickly.

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