Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Car Auction. To buy or not. Or is that even the Question?

By Trevor

So here is where it started ...

I went to a car auction yesterday. I walked past the auctioneer and he made a funny joke about wouldn't wanna make the big guy upset with me or anything. My head spun around looking for that big guy that the auctioneer was discussing publicly on his mic.

I did a double take as I realized, hey its me.

About two hours later, a 2004 Chevy Impala came up for auction and I heard from across the massive auction arena that it was going for 1600. I shouldered my way thru several lanes of cars to see it.

When I finally got there, a few hordes of people had already descended on it and the bid started moving briskly upward from eighteen hundred dollars.

I walked around it quickly and before I had done that, the price was 2000.

I looked at the odometer reading and the price popped to 2,100 dollars.

Pausing 2 seconds in indecision allowed the price to move smoothly to 2200. I put up my hand and it - the price went to 2300.

Finally I was noticed and the high energy auctioneer set the price at 2350. Then an odd thing happened, everyone looked at me and the bidding simply stopped.

The talkative auctioneer tried for the next 30 seconds but no one would place another bid on the car. Finally, he made some joke about big arms and frightened competition and the bidding was stopped.

So, I got this nice 2004 Chevy, worth about 5-6,000 for a mere 2350.

So size does matter sometimes.

And how is this related to Internet marketing

I was laughingly discussing this with a friend of mine and he said that would not have happened if the auction took place online. He sure was right. As an online marketer, seller or buyer, you can do nearly anything in your pajamas. Online you can't be intimidated by someone's physical presence, their bad perfume, aggressive stance or any of those other aspects.

You have the freedom of choice and that choice is yours. To succeed or not is entirely up to you. Picking up a niche market that you believe in, doing some research on it, getting a domain name and using a cms like joomla or wordpress to quickly put up a site ( No html skills required ) then actively marketing that in similar discussion boards and other blogs is -- in one runaway sentence **all you need to do**

In truth, if you hit godaddy with all of their multiple upsells ( don't get me started... ) you would, in truth, have everything you need for the infrastructure.

If you are running a successful online business, to get out of bed or not is entirely your choice. Working with your computer on your lap, snuggled up nice and warm under your blankets while others are fighting snow drifts trying to get to work... well, that's the life.

And this is my favorite - Get yourself out on a comfortable beach chair somewhere warm, bring your business laptop and try not to let your Attention Deficit Syndrome get the better as the barely clad bodies get between you and your uhmmm, errhh computer screen.

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