Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Finally, Achieve The Goals You Set!

By Joanne Roibu

Sometimes, we just don't know enough about what we are trying to achieve. Stuart Wilde

The most common information my clients want to know is...

How can I be sure that, this time, I achieve the goals that I set?

And my answer is...First, get clear about what is that you want to achieve. You may think this is obvious but, more often than not though, I find that prospective clients who come to me thinking that they are clear about what they want, in fact, are not.

How can you make absolutely sure that you are clear?

Easy! Can you tell me in 2 to 3 sentences what it is that you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it? If you can, then congratulations, you are well on your way. But be careful here, make sure you are compelling to yourself when you say what you want and why you want it.

Start by asking yourself what it is that you want.
Let's say you want to be rich. Excellent. So, what does rich mean to you. Is it having a certain amount of money? A particular type of life? A particular possession?

Great, now that you know what you want, answer why you want it? If you do want a particular sum of money ask yourself what the money's exchange power means to you. What will you do with your new found fortunes? Will you attend more family gatherings, go to more plays, spend more time with your loved ones?

What's next... now that you know What you want and Why?

Once you determine exactly why you want to achieve your goal, establish how achieving this goal makes you feel. This part is always very enlightening. Ask yourself what your life will be like. Picture it if you are visual, feel it if you are sensory, or think it if you have a more cognitive nature. The point is get to the essence of why you want what you want.

What Do I mean by Essence?

Essence is the ultimate nature of something i.e. having $1,000,000 makes you feel secure, peaceful and confident. Really dig deep here - experience the essence.

It may just be the time to take a different approach to goal achievement...

Go ahead. Take this different approach and ask yourself:
1) What do I want?
2) Do I really want it? Why do I want it?
3) What is the unchangeable, unique element of how achieving this goal will make me feel?

You are reading this article, so I don't need to convince you that you are ready to have a different outcome.

Live with Passion!

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