Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Getting the Most Online Leads Generated for Network Marketers

By Ray Freez

There are a plethora of different methods of online lead generation for network marketers. Leads, after all, are the backbone of any network marketing business. Without a constant stream of quality, pre-qualified prospects coming to your virtual door, you're never going to build your business. Lead generation strategies vary, and you may have to test out a few methods until you find the one(s) that work best for you. However, to get you started, here are some of the top methods of online lead generation for network marketers, as well as one particular method that you should NOT use.

One thing you might want to try is partnering with another network marketer to exchange leads, or to barter for access to the leads of the other marketer by providing that marketer with a service that's beneficial to his business. The beauty of the internet is that you can do all of this online over email or through instant messaging, so the person you trade with can be literally anywhere in the world. You can use network marketing forums to meet other marketers with whom you want to do business.

Today on the internet there are so many people wanting your email address that you must offer your visitors something valuable for them to sign up for your newletter. One of the best ways I have seen this done is to write a short ebook or a "special report", which can consist of 4-10 pages of information related to what the visitor came to your site for. You can even hire someone to write it for you if you have the budget to do it.

You can also partner with another network marketer to exchange leads, or to barter for access to the leads of the other marketer by providing that marketer with a service that's beneficial to his business. The beauty of the internet is that you can do all of this online over email or through instant messaging, so the person you trade with can be literally anywhere in the world.

If you have a full website advertising yourself, you can include your email address someone on the website, inviting interested persons to contact you for more information. You may not get as many leads this way, but they will be highly targeted leads, which are the most valuable. People who go to the trouble of sending you an email will already be interested in your business, so you won't have to try quite as hard to sell to them.

One method of online lead generation for network marketers you should absolutely avoid is buying leads. Leads that you purchase are often of very poor quality, and usually out of date. It may sound great to be able to buy hundreds of thousands of names for just a few dollars, but it's really not worth it in the end. You'll just end up wasting your time and your money on worthless leads.

When you purchase a lead list, whether it is recommended by your upline or you are desperate for names and numbers, you need to be aware of the drawbacks to using lead lists. One is that the leads are usually sold to other marketers so you will be competing with them from the start. To get exclusive leads you will have to pay a high premium price and my experience has been they are not worth it.

The Internet has made it possible for almost anyone to achieve success as a network marketer. It's not like the old days when you had to go approach strangers in the grocery store and annoy your family and friends with sales pitches. Today, you are able to find interested, qualified prospects anywhere in the world. Using the best techniques of online lead generation for network marketers, you can achieve success you may have never dreamed of.

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