Friday, October 17, 2008

Homes in Arizona for Less

By Clyde Mackelprang

Pull out your rollers, grab a brush, dawn your painter's pants and get ready to move into your new Arizona home with a significantly reduced down payment! With an unprecedented offer Trend Homes of Arizona invites you to Paint for your down payment! That's right, grab the husband, grab the wife, put the kids in an old dress shirt, place a roller in each of their hands and paint your future Arizona home to drastically reduce your down payment. It's that simple, paint for your down!

A leading Arizona home builder, Trend Homes has made it possible to lower your down payment to as little as 1.5% of the homes actual sale price. The Paint for Your Down program is really very simple. Just choose the Trend Home that best suits your wants and needs, then spend some time with roller in hand and paint on clothes painting your new Arizona home. In general, the home buyers are asked to log about three to five shifts painting the interior and exterior of their new home as a way to reduce their down payment.

The Trend Homes Paint for Your Down Payment program benefits home buyers in many ways. Not only are Arizona home buyers offered the opportunity drastically lower the down payment on their home by helping with the painting of it, but they are also given a chance to personalize their new Arizona home to their own individual tastes.

By painting your own Arizona home as a way to lessen the down payment on your new Arizona home, you are offered the chance to add your very own personal touch to your future home and feel as if you are a part of your home. In addition, the down payment reduction is a nice perk in itself!

When Trend Homes introduced the Paint for Your Down Payment program allowing home buyers to assist in the painting process of their future homes, many people asked; why hasn't an Arizona home builder done this before? The answer is simple; prior to October 1, 2008 home builders were able to reduce or even do away with down payments on Arizona homes with seller-funded down payment assistance programs on Federal Housing Administration loans. So when the government announced that these programs were going to be banned, Trend Homes developed the Paint for Your Down Payment program as a way to assist home buyers with down payments.

Unlike seller-funded down payment assistance programs the Trend Homes Paint for Your Down Payment program will not completely remove the down payment for the buyer, but it will reduce it considerably. Home buyers will enjoy a down payment reduced to as much as 1.5 percent of their home's sale price when they spend 3 to 5 shifts assisting with the painting to their future home.

Over the years Trend Homes has distinguished itself as one of the most respected Arizona home builders. Trend has received many awards including being ranked Highest in Quality by Arizona Home Builders in 2007. Now with the introduction of the Paint for Your Down Payment program, Trend is better able to accommodate Arizona home buyers, by not just building quality homes but by also making it easier to buy a new Arizona home.

All across the Phoenix valley, Trend Homes has built and is selling beautiful homes. If you're looking for a home in the city or an home outside of town, Trend has what you need. And now for a short time you can save on your new Arizona home with the Paint for Your Down Payment program.

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