Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How I started attracting unlimited prospects

By John Wallen

There was a time I realized I had to make some choices if I wanted to succeed doing business on the internet. The things I was doing were not producing good results, and I was feeling a little burned out about the whole thing.

The home business was one of the best internet opportunities I've seen and I have looked at many. So the business and the products I new were second to none.

I never thought it was a big deal going through all my marketing chores everyday. The people visiting my website was minimal and were not really interested in creating wealth on the internet, something I'll never understand.

I was never lazy when it comes to doing what it takes to be successful. But when you don't get the results from what your doing, you become uninspired and have that urge to give up.

I knew if I kept using the same old system I was using, the one I was taught from my sponsor, my business was doomed. Look up the definition of insanity, and you'll know what I mean.

It was more than a few months of being persistent, doing what my up line was recommending. Something was definitely not working, I was doing everything I could, and there was no progress, that was it I had come to the end of my rope.

Lets not waste anymore of your time, because I came across exactly how those network marketers making huge sums of money were doing, and very much by accident. I started doing the exact same thing and bingo, It was working in no time , and there is absolutely no reason you can't be doing the same thing in what ever business you are promoting!

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