Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How To Get Your Local Business Website Ranked High In Google

By David McCammon

As you already know, you absolutely must have a website if you intend to in any way remain competitive in the fast moving marketplace we 're in. And further, you will likely agree that simply having a website isn 't the end of it. Your local business website will need to show up high on googles first page. If not then it is just a waste of time. The obvious question then is how do you get your website to rank high in google?

As you know there are many people in your area that are capable of building you a local business website. And if you go online you could probably find thousands more around the worldwho would happily put up a site for you. They will charge you anywhere from several hundred dollars to thousands of dollars to put up a site for you. But remember almost none of them will know ANYTHING about getting you listed at the top of page one with google.

See, web designers, especially the ones who aren't working for huge companies, have learned (or taught themselves) to make websites that look good. And many of them are very good at it, and they can build you an awesome looking website with all the latest bells and whistles. You'll be impressed, and when you show it to your friends, they'll be even more impressed. No doubt about it, you'll have one really, really cool website.

Problem is you still won't have any new business because you just won't be high enough in googles search results for it to matter. It's true. google doesn't really give a flying rats arse how many bells and whistles there are on your buisness website. They just don't care if you use flash or java or spinning jpegs or dancing elephants.

One reason local business website developers can get away with charging so much is that they add all of this unnescesary crapolla and then charge extra for it. Much of this junk actually makes it harder to get a first page let alone first spot ranking. You really don't want to go after today's customers with that kind of website.

What is google looking for then? Google just wants to find busines websites that are relevant to what the searcher is looking for. If you type in "Oakland barber shop" google wants to find you sites that are most useful. They will simply send you to sites that google thinks will satisfy you as best matches for "Oakland barber shop."

And there are ways of building a website that Google likes. Likes a lot. It's called "optimizing". When we build your website, we optimize both the underlying code, and the contents of the website to rank high in Google's search results. Very high. And guess what? The higher up your website is in Google's ranking, the easier it to stay there, because more people will be clicking on your site. And that will tell Google's "spiders" that your site is even more relevant. When we build you a Top Ranked Website, you go right to the top, and you stay there.

In case you're wondering about pricing for your own local business website there is good news. You are not required to spend thousands of dollars for a fancy site with all the newest web tricks and gadgets. For under a thousand you will be able to get an attractive site that brings in lots and lots of fresh new customers and leads daily for FREE.

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