Sunday, October 26, 2008

I wasted money and time on garbage leads and generators

By John Wallen

I don't know how much time I wasted, but more and more of my money was being wasted on leads. Than when you talk to these people, they shouldn't even be in a business in the first place. These leads were suppose to be warm market leads, it was the dead zone!

Making follow up calls can be a real trip. Objections are one thing, but when a prospect starts taunting you like a first grader, my business is better than yours crap, it makes you want a good strong cocktail. I know I want these kinds of people representing my business!

Continuing on in this direction of buying more dead end leads everyday, and jumping on board with every new useless traffic generating gimmick, is what the real pros don't do, their past all that insanity. They climbed out of those network marketing garbage dumps along time ago.

Do you realize that 99% of the people in a home business never achieve full time income level? So do you really want to spend your precious time duplicating what their doing?

No you don't, unless your that hard wired and to stubborn to see the light of things that don't work. Do you really want to spend possibly many more years watching your business creep along? When I finally realized this was crazy, everything in my business changed for me.

I found a way to put the law of attraction in my business, and people were pursuing me instead of the other way around. You can do this for your business too if you choose. Think about yourself as a magnet drawing prospects to your business. That's exactly what started happening for me, and it can for you too!

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