Sunday, October 5, 2008

Many Deceptions With Internet Marketing

By Tim May

What causes marketing on the internet to be consumed with so many fraudulent scammers? It's anonymity. All you need is a connection to the internet and it can be done. The one thing preventing people from doing it more often is the fear of being discovered. Once online, the fact that nobody knows you, allows users to act in horrible ways.

For instance, a polite, well-mannered man that would return money to an old lady if she dropped it on the street would not hesitate to steal all her money online with a simple fraudulent web page. It is common for the scammers to somehow find fault in the scammee's stupidity as a fallback to keep from getting in trouble.

Also, the ease of creating a scam makes the internet world cluttered with scam artists. It doesn't take much knowledge to create a scam. In fact, English doesn't even need to be known to effectively scam someone. All it takes is something that looks official, like an email adress, to take money from an unknowing recipient.

A lot of scams use a simple editing technique of copying and pasting. The scammer will receive a real email from a legitimate company, copy it, change some codes and use some tricks, and then send it to many people. Since it looks real, people will respond and the scammer will get what he wants.

Furthermore, marketing on the internet is extremely cheap! It is so easy to find a site that offers free email addresses in which nothing is verified to determine the identity of the user. Also, it only costs a couple dollars to create your own website and once again it is not hard to replicate a real website to trick people into giving their money or bank information.

Legitimate marketers will use cost-benefit analysis to determine if it is worth it to use mass internet marketing to sell a product. This is another thing that scammers don't have to worry about, since the email address they obtained is absolutely free. Furthermore, mass emails can be sent using cheap downloadable programs found online. This would also save time.

There are such an abundance of emails sent out to the public, that it only takes one percent of people to reply in order for the scammer to make lots of money. Once the public has caught on to the scammers email messages, it comes back to hurt the legitimate companies because nobody actually reads the legitimate emails anymore.

Marketing scams have cluttered the whole genre of internet marketing making it very difficult to determine whats verifiable. Some time and an internet connection can be enough for scammers to get want they want because the act of scamming requires not much money, not much talent, and no real knowledge. To protect yourself in the future, find information at

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