Friday, October 10, 2008

Popularize Your URL On A Search Engine!

By Dane Masters

Plenty of people are into creating their own websites now-a-days, mainly for the purpose of earning a little bit of extra income that way. Maybe you have created one of your own too. Now money will flow in only when some sort of traffic is generated to your website. And this is a little difficult considering that that there must be millions of websites over the World Web, and a few hundred more coming in each day! So expecting a visitor to just casually walk into your website is expecting a little too much!

Without the URL search engine, this would not be possible at all. The URL search engines have front-ends on them. When a specific keyword or keywords or questions are typed on them, the search engine searches the whole World Web to come up with hundreds of web pages that are related to our questions. So categorization of the web pages and the information displayed on them, becomes very easy. Thus, this simple program has made it all so easy for the online business owner.

Your URL has to be submitted to a search engine website and accepted by them. or Google is one such website. And the best part is that it gives free listings. Google has 80 search engines associated with it. One of them is AOL. So if your website is allowed to be submitted, then 80 search engines will display your websites should a keyword related to your website be typed in. Inktomi is another website that covers 125 search engines. It also includes websites like MSN, Yahoo and HotBot. But unlike Google, it does not offer its services for free--you have to pay to have your website displayed on search engine results. So it may not really be worth it.

Your website will not achieve success unless it is indexed by the search engine. Merely handing over your website for inclusion is not going to get the job done! Your website has to become known to visitors within a month to eight weeks of its inclusion, for it to be indexed. This is so with most search engines. In case you really cannot afford to wait that long, just aim for the pay-per-click option.

The pay-per-click becomes very useful if your aim is to generate as much of traffic as possible to your website, rather than conducting any type of transaction. In this case, your website comes up on the results page, should a visitor type in those keywords related to your URL. Each time he/she clicks on your website, you as the owner, will be charged. The amount that you shell out will be determined by how high your ranking is or want it to be and how common are the keywords that are typed in, leading to your website.

With other URL search engines, it is a little more complicated. You need to decide whether it is worth paying for the privilege of having your website listed there to substantiate the traffic that may result from your URL being present in the search results. At the end of the day, unless you can get visitors to your site, there is no point in having the site at all. And any expense you may incur as a result of trying to get your website featured on URL search engines, can very well be classified as a genuine marketing and publicity expense!

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