Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Secret Affiliate Code 2 Review

By Mike OBrien

I was searching the internet talking to friends looking for a way to improve my skills and income but kept coming up short and running out of funds.I couldn't take anymore so I just stopped!! I stopped buying anything and everything! ,I was tired of the crap loosing more money was just putting me in the poor house and I had just enough money to be a member of a forum that I thought was half decent so I continued on with that and nothing more, because I new that there was too much stuff that is just plainly a waste of money.

I definitely had to have bought most of the bad stuff out there and this is why I gave up on these things. Things that were draining my pockets and when I looked at my bill situation it was getting worse.

When the bills started to stack up I was considering all of my options .I didn't want to think about all the calls from the creditors and the problems that would arise from that kind of situation.

I new that I needed to learn more about my business if I were going to make it work and not give up on it.So the only thing I had if you remember was the forum that I Belonged to and I felt like there was something great about it and one reason was because there were some successful people in there that were already making a decent living.I started hearing about two guys that were doing alot of revenue and alot of people were watching them to grab pointers on how they were doing what they were doing.

I couldn't really see myself believing anymore hyped programs that were putting me in the poor house but the methods that were being tossed out by these guys were cutting edge and one of those guys, Craig Becta was throwing out some techniques that I believed deserved another look but I was still skeptical.

Craig was really good at explaining the details of what he was doing on the internet and made it easy for me and other people on the forum to figure out the details in the program.Most of it was really easy to follow anyway and I quickly realized that that these techniques were really good and could make money for the first time on the internet .I wasn't doing any good anyway so what could I loose by buying the program especially when I was confident in it. I quickly found out that the communication level was outstanding with phone calls and forum interaction!

I Secret Affiliate Code 2 is set to help people create the freedom that we as people want especially in the economy that we have right now.This business is not affected by the economic problems and never will be in my view. In SAC1 I was able to talk to Craig after going over his program and it basically changed my whole outlook on the internet. I quickly went from dumping $1,000 per Year on adwords to having a built up savings from $5,000 a month to $2,000 a week.

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