Monday, October 20, 2008

SEO Techniques to Leave Your Competition In The Dust!

By Tony Buel

When you think of Search Engine Optimization what do you think of?

Web 2.0 perhaps and everything that goes with that?

Squidoo, Hubpages, Propeller, and other free sites may come to mind. Some marketers prefer this way of communicating with potential buyers. These are also great ways to get back links to your site.

Others have implemented strategies involving PDF distribution, software distribution, or even video distribution.

For many other marketers, submitting articles to article directories has worked well. If you can spill out words fast and get your ideas out clearly, this might be the most effective method for you.

Wordpress blogs have been in favor with marketers for a while because this technique flat out gets results. It's a good way of staying in touch with your customers as well as keeping them updated as to what is current in your business.

These techniques work individually and depending on our strengths we tend to implement one over the other. We may dabble in one or the other but when we see results in a particlar one we tend to stick with it -after all, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

But is that really where we want to end our efforts - with what worked last? Of course we must continue to do what works, but we should also experiment.

Doing a few of these at a time tends to have a multiplying effect. One area will supplement or even magnify the results of another area. The end result could be something you would be very pleased with!

If you have been focusing your SEO efforts on Hubpages, Squidoo, Propeller, etc, you may find a great benefit in article marketing and linking these pages together for a one-two punch - each of these pages then providing a link to your money page. You could pass up your competition as a result and leave them miles behind!

Or if you have never tried videos and youtube, now may be the time to try that. In your line of business you may be able to expand your market and even cut into your competition's market.

And if you have never tried blogging, now may be the time to do it. Search engines love unique and updated content, which is what blogging provides.

The bottom line is that any one single technique will work - up to a point. But a good overall strategy which implements multiple of these techniques is a good business strategy and worth pursuing.

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