Friday, October 3, 2008

The Six Important Things To Keep In Mind When Teleprospecting

By Terry Stanfield

Most businesses have staff on the phone with clients every day reviewing accounts and answering questions, and while they may have dedicated business to business telemarketing staff, every call can be used for teleprospecting. Teleprospecting is determining the interest a current or prospective client has in your company's products or services. While your staff is on the phone with clients giving them updates, reviewing their accounts, and answering questions, they could also be teleprospecting for your company.

Businesses who take the time to teleprospect can significantly increase their revenues. You should be able to determine the client's interest level by the end of your conversation and should have a follow up call, appointment, or commitment from them. There are a few important things to keep in mind when teleprospecting to achieve the greatest results.

Give your teleprospecting a personal touch and really connect with your clients. Teleprospecting is more effective when you know exactly what your client wants or needs and communicate with them in a way that is personal.

Plan your teleprospecting calls and have a plan for when clients call you by thinking about what you expect to hear from your client and what their needs are. Every conversation is an opportunity to teleprospect, but you will need non-pushy ways to bring the subject up whether you call your client or they call you about other matters.

Make sure your teleprospecting conversation is engaging; don't talk too much and make sure you appeal to your clients needs. Successful business to business telemarketing involves asking questions and giving your client time to talk to you about what they want and how you can fulfill their needs.

Make sure you answer all of your client's questions, and prepare yourself for the most common ones. Even if a client asks a question that you are not prepared for be sure to address it, and if you don't know the answer find out and get back to them.

Make your client or prospect aware of the benefits of your product or service. People want to know how a product or service will help them, so be sure to offer personalized ways in which your product or service will do just that.

When you teleprospect you will ultimately generate appointments, call backs, and other communication that you need to do to follow up with your original call. It is important to keep track of your calls so that your future communication commitments are not forgotten or overlooked.

Every call your business takes is a great opportunity to teleprospect. Even if you don't have a dedicated business to business telemarketing team your employees who speak with clients and prospects on the phone can still successfully teleprospect with these tips.

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